
What is iTunes and how to use it

With the active dissemination of Apple products, more and more consumers are getting acquainted with additional software from this company. For this reason, there may be a question about what iTunes is. Just note that this is a free program from Apple, which is an intermediary for file sharing. This application was not introduced by chance. So, developers protect their users from pirated products. However, most of the content is subject to payment. But if you do not know what the iTunes Store is, you should check out this service. Here you will find also free applications that can also be downloaded, and their choice is unusually great. Of course, for users paid programs - this is a significant disadvantage. But on the other hand, developers have the incentive to release new applications, which means that higher-quality games and programs are released.

What is iTunes for?

So, we looked at what iTunes is, and now you should specify the purpose of its work. First of all, the program is required to organize media files, view video and listen to audio files. With the help of the application, the user can synchronize content with any device, but this is required when there is no Internet on this equipment. As you know, on any iPad or iPhone there is a possibility of connecting the wireless Internet, and in the standard package initially there is iTunes. If this program is already installed on your tablet or phone, the process of downloading and installing the content is simplified at times. You just need to open the program, go to the Store and find the section you are interested in. Then you start downloading, after which the application is automatically installed.

If iTunes is installed on your PC, you will first need to download the game or program of interest, and then synchronize the tablet with the program. The rest of the actions are performed automatically. Of course, in order to work with iTunes, you need to not only install the program, but also to register.

How to get started?

You already know what iTunes is, but it's not enough to work successfully. When installed, the program creates an empty media library, but for convenience, you can specify a different location for storing files. To move content to the library, when you start iTunes, hold down the Shift key. After that, a message with a choice of the library will be displayed. Remember that the program does not support all formats that simply do not appear in the list. And in the end all the files are sorted by categories: "Movies", "Music", "Books", "Photos". We looked at what the iTunes library is, now it's worth pointing out about the additional services that Apple has a lot of.

What are podcasts?

Simply put, a podcast is a separate program or series of programs that are regularly published on the web. In this video format is laid out in Flash, and audio - MP3. This is necessary in order for the download process to take place as quickly as possible. First, let's point out what podcasting is. This is the way to distribute various video or audio broadcasts. This service was organized in order for the user to be able to automate the process of downloading new issues. The files are downloaded to the computer, after which they can be viewed or played on the player.

Most operations in the iTunes program can be done only when you connect to the Internet network. Otherwise, you will have to install the application on your PC, download the files and then synchronize them with the device. In any case, you get access to the services, but in the absence of an Internet connection directly on the device, all the actions are slightly more complicated.

We described in detail what iTunes is in the iPhone and other Apple devices. Now it is necessary to specify a detailed description of some sections.


In this section, you can manage all musical compositions of the device, move them to a standard player, synchronize playlists, and so on. If you purchased any third-party applications for playing audio files, then in most cases music will appear in the new player.

As for the video, it should be transferred to a certain application, installed earlier. You have to do this yourself, because the function of automatic import of records is absent.


Here you can synchronize contacts with Windows Address Book.


This section also syncs and downloads movies from the iTunes video library to the iPad device.

The remaining tabs - "Books", "Photo", "TV show", "Podcasts" perform the same functions. With them, you easily move files of certain formats, sort them, move them to a standard application for viewing, and so on.

How do I move music to the iPad?

Many users ask a question about the word "aytyuns" - what is it? Translation iTunes can be interpreted as follows: literally, without the prefix "i", tunes means "melodies". That is, initially the program was created for carrying out various operations with media files. One of the main ones is the transfer of music from the computer to the tablet. For this purpose, create one or more playlists in the toolbar that is located on the right side. Click on the small plus sign on the toolbar and enter a title. After that, go to the created list and open the folder on your computer, where the compositions are located. Move them to the playlist window. But this is all preparation, and now all this needs to be downloaded directly to the device. To do this, go to the iPad section, then select the "Music" tab and click on the created playlist.

Of course, music can be placed in a common library, but if there are a lot of compositions, then there will be confusion.

ITunes Match

Apple provides a wide range of services for its users. Many additional applications are distributed on a fee basis. So, what is iTunes Match, and for what purpose is it used? This program opens for you access to the music library for listening to audio files in any part of the world. Of course, you need to connect to the Internet. A special value is presented for those music lovers who are not limited to thousands of songs. If you do not know what is the sound of iTunes, then you should listen to at least a few songs. The program reproduces audio files qualitatively, without distorting them and without reducing quality.

This function is similar to the iCloud application, only songs are not sent to devices, but are downloaded to the vault. All music files from PC, tablet or phone will be stored in one place, not on different sources.

How do I enable iTunes Match?

  • Open iTunes on your computer.
  • Click the iTunes Store tab.
  • Click the "Enable iTunes Match" tab.

How the program works

By subscribing to the service and running it, the program scans the library, comparing the content with the music base Store. When determining the matches, the service skips them and adds them to your cloud. Not found songs can be downloaded directly from the computer. By creating your own library, you will get access to it 24 hours a day, without occupying space on the disk.

So, we specified what iTunes Match is, and now we'll tell you what this application requires:

  • To free up space on your hard drive, mobile device, or tablet. At any time, the user is available hundreds of gigabytes of music, which could simply not fit on the above devices.
  • You do not need to permanently synchronize your tablet or phone with your computer to download new songs. One subscription to the program is enough, and all the songs added to the library are immediately added to the shared repository. Moreover, the tracks can be downloaded from the cloud for listening without access to the network.
  • On your account or bank card on the due date there should always be the required amount (about 800 rubles).

Under what conditions is it worth buying a subscription to iTunes Match?

  • You should have a large library, otherwise there is no sense of subscription. 400-500 files can be downloaded directly to the device. Cloud storage is advisable when downloading at least 25 thousand files.
  • The songs are downloaded in formats that are supported by iTunes: AAC, MP3, WAV.
  • The presence of unlimited Internet with a speed of at least 1 Mb / s.

Summing up

In this article, we looked at what iTunes is like, what services it provides, and what benefits the user receives from paid applications. In conclusion, it can be noted that, despite the large number of paid services, the users of the program do not become less. The amount of payment in most cases is small, and it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of applications. In addition, the article does not list all available services for the reason that there are incredibly many of them. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the program by evaluating all its advantages.

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