
What is Duphaston for? "Dyufaston" is a hormonal drug. Duphaston tablets

The human body is so thin and at the same time a complex device that the slightest disturbances can lead to serious consequences, especially if they concern the hormonal balance. Unfortunately, such changes can lead to a number of diseases, as well as to such a terrible diagnosis as infertility, which more and more women have recently heard in their address. And if some 30 years ago, in violation of the hormonal background, this verdict was heard in his address by a huge number of women without hope for recovery, but now doctors using Dufaston are trying to influence the condition of the body, and as statistics show, many such treatment helps. The action of this drug is aimed at combating progesterone insufficiency. This is a fairly common cause of reproductive harm, which is faced by a huge number of girls who want to become a mother. This is a serious, but solvable problem, about which a lot of discussions are now taking place both among doctors and among patients.

How to apply and why "Dufaston"

In our time, virtually every woman who is faced with the problem of the absence of pregnancy, is prescribed hormone therapy. As a rule, progesterone containing preparations are used for this purpose. Why Duphaston, if the cycle is not broken and it seems that everything is in order? This is the question most often asked doctors a huge number of girls to whom he is appointed. The fact is that the regularity of the cycle can not be a guarantee of pregnancy. For its onset, it is also necessary to ovulate, which without a certain amount of the female hormone progesterone in the body is simply impossible. In addition, thanks to this drug, a favorable environment is formed in the uterus to fix a fertilized egg.

Also often asked the question "What is Dufaston?" For women suffering from various gynecological diseases. The answer to it can be found in the cause of these ailments. As a rule, this is the same imbalance of the hormonal background with a pronounced deficiency of progesterone.

Reception "Dufaston" can appoint only a doctor after a certain number of laboratory tests. The dose in each individual case is different, but the manufacturers of this medication in the instruction indicated the recommended intake regimens:

  • With endometriosis should be used for 10 mg of the drug from the fifth to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle 2-3 times a day;
  • To reduce premenstrual syndrome, the drug is prescribed at 10 mg twice a day from the eleventh to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle;
  • To stop bleeding tablets "Dufaston" are taken together with estrogens for 10 mg for 5-7 days;
  • When dysmenorrhea is recommended to use 10 mg of the drug from the fifth to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle;
  • For the elimination of amenorrhea complex hormone therapy is prescribed, which includes 10 mg of progesterone;
  • When infertility medicine "Dyufaston" to get pregnant, apply 10 mg from the fourteenth to the twenty-fifth day of the menstrual cycle for 3-6 months, and when pregnancy begins to 20 weeks to exclude self-abortion.
  • With the threat of spontaneous abortion, the drug is administered 40 mg once, and then 10 mg every 8 hours, strictly observing the time interval between use to maintain a constant level of progesterone in the body;
  • For the normalization of menstruation drug "Dyufaston" is also prescribed for 10 mg in the period from 11 to 25 day cycle.

Composition of the drug Dufaston

The drug is a film-coated tablet containing 10 mg of active ingredient dydrogesterone, which is an analogue of this female hormone progesterone. As auxiliary components used such substances: lactose, starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate and talc. This composition of the medical preparation is very effective, when applied inward, it ensures the proper development of the endometrium and neutralizes the effect of the male estrogen hormone, the excess of which negatively affects the female body. With proper application, the drug eliminates the deficiency of female sex hormones and thereby normalizes the sexual system of the female body, including reproductive function.

The drug "Dyufaston" - side effects and warnings

Duphaston tablets, like any other chemical, have a number of warnings and contraindications that are clearly indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions to the medication. One of the first places there is intolerance of components. If ignored, taking the medication can trigger allergic reactions, ranging from a simple hives rash and ending with a heavier form, such as anaphylactic shock. Also, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug with people with Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor syndrome.

Along with the prohibitions, instructions also describe caution when receiving. For example, bleeding can occur during therapy, which is eliminated by increasing the dose of the drug. Particular attention should be paid to the medical research of the patient before the appointment of treatment, this is due to the fact that Dufaston is a hormonal drug, and its excess can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

In special instructions it is said that this medicine can be used during pregnancy, but when using lactation it is highly undesirable, as the hormone penetrates into the mother's milk, and the child does not need it at all.

Therapy with Dufaston does not affect the ability to drive a car or work in a production with an increased level of danger.

Among the side effects are the following states:

  • From the side of the circulatory system, hemolytic anemia was observed in single cases;
  • Hypersensitivity with severe skin rashes, and in rare cases, angioedema;
  • Migraines and headaches;
  • Sensitivity of the mammary glands and rare bleeding, eliminated by increasing the dose;
  • Minor violations in the work of the liver, jaundice and abdominal pain.

However, such manifestations occur in isolated cases and often the drug "Dyufaston", the side effects of which depend on the state of the organism as a whole, are well tolerated.

Duphaston and pregnancy

A rather frequent cause of infertility and termination of pregnancy in early terms in girls is the lack of a female hormone in the body. That's why doctors prescribe a synthetic female hormone, which is included in the drug "Dyufaston", when planning pregnancy. The active substance of this drug in the structure is very close to natural hormone and, getting into the female body, completely replaces it. But why Duphaston and how is it related to the onset of pregnancy? To answer these questions, you need to understand a little about how the female's sexual system works and what role progesterone plays in it. This female hormone is produced by the ovaries and together with an equally important estrogen, it forms the mucosa in the uterus, during which, during the entire monthly cycle, certain changes occur. In the initial period of the cycle, when menstruation is going on, progesterone in the blood is not as pronounced as estrogen, because of which reproduction and growth of the lining of the uterus takes place. On a certain day, ovulation occurs, as a result of which the egg leaves its ovary, in which it develops, and in the place of its follicle the so-called yellow body is formed. It is this that produces such an important progesterone. Rapid changes in the concentration of this hormone affects the uterine mucosa, making it loose. In this case, the growth of cells decreases, and the mass of blood vessels appears in the structure of the internal cavity. Such changes are very important so that in the case of fertilization, the egg can consolidate and subsequently receive the necessary nutrition.

Knowing what changes occur in the female body in each particular interval of the monthly cycle, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of the level of progesterone concentration in the blood. And if its growth does not occur naturally, for this use the drug "Dyufaston", pregnancy with the reception of which occurs much faster.

Assign this drug not only when planning pregnancy. It is also used to preserve it. This is due to the fact that progesterone creates a favorable environment in the uterus for the life of the embryo, and the dose at this stage of therapy often increases. For those who take this medication during pregnancy, you need to know not only about changes in the uterine mucosa. It should be noted that the drug acts on the musculature of the uterus, relaxing it and removing the tone, and prepares the breast for lactation.

It should be noted that the drug "Dyufaston" is used not only when using it, pregnancy has come. It is prescribed for those women who, being healthy, become pregnant on their own, but for some reason have a threat of miscarriage in the early stages.

Reception of the drug "Dyufaston" with hormonal disorders

It is often enough that hormonal therapy is needed by those women whose sexual system has failed for one reason or another. The consequences of such violations can be very different. The most common problem is an irregular cycle with partial or complete absence of menstruation or such a neoplasm in the ovary as a cyst. "Dyufaston" as a hormonal surge in this case is simply necessary.

Often, the cyst is formed in the yellow body and resolves itself independently with a natural increase in the level of the female hormone, however, if the desired concentration of progesterone is not achieved, it continues to increase. In this case, drug therapy is not only desirable but necessary.

Quite often this drug is prescribed and with delays that are not a sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is prescribed together with a course of so-called female vitamins, among which vitamin E in oil and folic acid. If you go to the doctor in time and start taking Dufastone tablets, the delay will not be long and the next one will come on time.

Do you need Duphaston

Each woman for herself decides whether to apply synthetic hormones or hope that the process of increasing progesterone in the blood will recover itself. The cause of such failures can be hidden not only in some abnormalities of the reproductive system, but also in the transferred stressful situations or nervous and emotional strains. Such violations, as a rule, pass by themselves, as soon as the psychoemotional state is restored. To normalize the hormonal background in these cases prescribe sedatives and a course of vitamins.

How to stop taking Dufaston

Hormonal therapy should never be started without the appointment and supervision of the treating physician. Every woman must know this truth. After all, the independent use of such medicines adversely affects the health of any person. But not only the reception should begin with a doctor's recommendation, cancellation also can not be abrupt, especially if the drug "Dyufaston" has become pregnant. Stop taking these pills, under the supervision of a doctor according to a certain scheme, especially if the analysis revealed a lack of progesterone. As a rule, they act like this: every few days, the applied dose is reduced first by one-third, and then by half, gradually going to minimum and giving up the drug altogether. The harmless cancellation of "Dufaston" should last at least two weeks. Such actions are carried out both at the end of treatment of gynecological diseases, and at the end of taking the medication during pregnancy. Usually, for the preservation of the fetus, the drug "Duphaston" is taken up to 12 weeks, after which the dose is smoothly reduced. It is believed that at this time spontaneous abortion can happen only if there are several serious factors to which progesterone has no influence.

Reviews of doctors about the drug "Dyufaston"

Practically all gynecologists and midwives in their practice resort to the use of hormone therapy precisely with the drug "Dyufaston". Reviews about this drug are numerous and positive both from doctors with experience, and from beginners. The only thing experts note that the effectiveness of this therapy will depend not only on the individual characteristics of the body, but also on the correct diagnosis. To do this, each patient must undergo a complete examination, excluding all possible diseases caused by infection, hand over all possible smears and, of course, a blood test for hormones that will show the level of progesterone and identify possible problems associated with its concentration. It is worth considering that such an analysis is given on certain days of the cycle, when its growth is in the active phase.

It should also be noted that the scheme of taking these tablets is also important. How to drink "Dyufaston", can only tell the doctor who will not only decipher the results of the tests, but also examine the patient personally. Only after seeing the general picture, the specialist will be able to give recommendations that will give a positive result.

Patients' comments about the drug "Dyufaston"

A huge number of women recruiting this drug, note its effectiveness. Some note that the use of medication with delays of menstruation caused the necessary process within a week of admission. Others indicate that such therapy has had a positive effect on the diagnosis of "infertility." And almost every second pregnant woman says that in the first trimester the doctor prescribed this drug in case of a threat of miscarriage. Such patient reviews make a good advertisement for this remedy. And although the drug is a chemical compound, it perfectly replaces natural progesterone, virtually without causing any negative effects on the body. In addition, Dufaston, the price of which for most women, although not small, but available, is a new generation drug that does not add weight, does not increase hair growth and does not change the timbre of the voice, as with the use of gestagens of past years. And if earlier the word "hormone therapy" caused a stormy reaction connected with the consequences of such treatment, now most women who need such measures do not hesitate to agree to such treatment.

"Pros and cons"

First of all, in favor of taking this medicine says that the drug "Dyufaston", whose price fluctuates within 550 rubles, depending on the implementor, is a public means. It is very important for the majority of the population who is not able to lay out huge funds for artificial insemination with the diagnosis of "infertility." The effect of the drug is directed to the restoration of the hormonal background of the female body, and it copes well with its task, regardless of whether it is a disease or a self-abortion threat. Reviews about this drug are more positive, so you can consider it proven in the case. In addition, as the same practice shows, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause any physical changes and painful sensations. This is one of the few hormone-containing drugs that has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Disadvantages in such therapy are minimal, unless, of course, we do not consider that the drug is not natural, but chemical. However, often with a deficit of progesterone without such a tool can not do, because, as a rule, the pathologies that caused such a dysfunction of the reproductive system, do not themselves be eliminated. For treatment, hormone therapy is needed.

The most important "against" in this case lies in the fact that treatment with this drug does not give an absolute guarantee of recovery or pregnancy, but, as a variant of alternative treatment, along with a lot of other therapies, it is quite appropriate. Therefore, whatever the doctor recommends, the final decision on such treatment can be made only by a woman, having weighed for herself all the pros and cons, having read the reviews and full information about this drug and its effects on the body.

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