Health, Medicine
What is dangerous hemorrhoids?
Despite the fact that hemorrhoids are, to put it mildly, unpleasant, there are a lot of anecdotes about this subject in the people. Behind the scenes, hemorrhoids are considered a very intimate and shameful disease, and therefore the victims of the disease hide it for a long time, which often leads to disastrous consequences.
The history of hemorrhoids is several thousand years old. Scientists agree that the disease was associated with the development of mankind and from time immemorial "attacked" our distant ancestors. Researchers say that it is our "uprightness" that is responsible for the formation of hemorrhoids. Mention of this disease is already in the works of Galen and Hippocrates, Rase and Avicenna. Ancient physicians described hemorrhages characteristic of hemorrhoids, pain in the lower part of the rectum at the time of bowel emptying. In addition, already in those days used laxatives, softening ointments, suppositories; And even surgical operations were carried out, during which hemorrhoids were bandaged and excised.
Since then, a lot of time has passed, the newest technologies allow quickly and as painlessly as possible to eliminate hemorrhoids, but patients with "shameful" disease still do not rush to visit a doctor. Only when it already becomes unbearable, they, having rejected false shame, go for help to the doctors, but, unfortunately, sometimes it happens too late.
Than the hemorrhoids are dangerous .
If the disease is not treated in the early stages, it has the property of transitioning to a chronic form (and the patient seems to have "gone by itself"). But this is not the worst, untreated hemorrhoids are dangerous consequences. And if you do not ask for help in time, you will have to treat not only hemorrhoids, but also its consequences, which does not always lead to the desired results.
Answering the question about what is dangerous hemorrhoids, it is worth mentioning about such a frequent consequence of the disease as a thrombosis of hemorrhoids. It, as a rule, arises after strong attempts at emptying of an intestine.
Concomitant problems with hemorrhoids are usually swelling and discharge of a semi-liquid consistency with an unpleasant odor. Very often, hemorrhoids occur against a background of chronic constipation. And in this neighborhood, both phenomena feed each other, causing unimaginable suffering to a person. So, ignoring the causes of constipation, a person faces an even more unpleasant phenomenon - hemorrhoids. But the process of defecation causes a lot of pain and to protect themselves from pain, a person at the subconscious level restrains the stool masses inside. Constipation occurs again, and so it is repeated again and again.
Another unpleasant (but very dangerous) consequence of hemorrhoids is paraproctitis, a purulent inflammation of the tissues in the rectal zone. If the disease is not stopped, the surface of the rectum may begin to break down.
Quite often untreated hemorrhoids lead to damage to the glands located in the anal gland, which is fraught with infection in the body. Inflammation under the skin or in the intestine leads to the formation of abscesses. The greatest danger, which in most cases leads to a fatal outcome, is the entry of purulent masses into the pelvic region.
Abundant hemorrhages that occur with hemorrhoids can lead to anemia. After bleeding, mucus is released, which irritatively affects the integument of the tissue, which can cause ulceration.
In addition, often the consequence of hemorrhoids are anal fissures, which become an excellent background for inflammatory processes and fever.
What is dangerous about hemorrhoids, besides the phenomena described? The most dangerous consequence of a hemorrhoids, it, perhaps, the risk of occurrence of a cancer of a rectum.
Summarizing what has been said about the consequences of hemorrhoids, I want to recall that there is nothing more important than health. It's amazing how much unnecessary pain a person can endure, fearing "what people will say". And when they find out what is dangerous about hemorrhoids, and what's worse - they learn about this from their own experience, they become ashamed of themselves. Sometimes a false morality, through which our society is soaked, prevents us from acting according to our own interests, and this leads to sad consequences.
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