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What does the name Elizabeth mean? Origin of the name

Many sages believed that the name given to a man exerts a tremendous influence on his life. The same applies to the character, and the intellect, and the formation of personality. In this article we will talk about the name of Elizabeth. The origin of the name, its significance, influence on fate will also be specified.


The name Elizabeth, whose origin and significance will be described in our article, has Hebrew roots. For the first time, the girl was named that later became the wife of Aaron's high priest. In translation from Hebrew this word means "worshiping (worshiping) God," or "The Lord is my oath".

Interesting and Western European origin of the name of Elizabeth. So they called the girls from high society, in whose veins the royal blood flowed. Eliza, Louise, Veta - Western European short options - today are already independent names.

It is worth saying a few words about the daughter of the Russian prince Yaroslav I - Elizabeth, who married in 1045 for the King of Hungary Harold the Bold. The man had to long to try to win the heart of a Russian beauty. Harold performed many heroic deeds and composed 1.5 dozen lyric songs. Only after that, the heart of an unshakable Russian princess melted and she agreed to marry a brave king.

A lot of historically important people were named this fine name - Elizaveta Tudor, who ruled the English kingdom for 45 years; Elizaveta Petrovna (daughter of Peter I), who took a reckless decision to participate in the palace coup.

The nature of the name

Elizabeth (the origin of the name has historical significance) - a person quite capricious and arrogant. Such girls should not spoil the mood, otherwise it is possible to turn for them into a real enemy.

Elizabeth is categorical in making decisions. It is much easier to say "no" than to give a positive answer. Due to their leadership qualities, girls with this name go to their goal to the end. Stopping in the middle of the road is not their prerogative. That's why Elizabeth, as a rule, become leaders in all respects, that's why it's quite difficult to get on with them and find a common language.

These girls like it when there are a lot of fans around. Elizabeth (the origin of the name, its meaning and characteristics are described in detail in our article) is sometimes so surrounded by attention that it can not cope with its emotions. She often raises herself above people, not realizing that she is hurting others.

Deprived of human obedience, Elizabeth can completely change her life, work and even her character.

Little Elizabeth

The origin of the name Elizabeth speaks of her curiosity and openness. As a child, the girl is restless, cheerful and playful. He likes to listen to fairy tales and to view books with pictures.

Learning at school depends on whether Elizabeth's subject is interesting. If the teacher can not attract the attention of the girl, then there is no point in talking about tooth-grinding. Elizabeth will never waste her personal time on something that is not interesting to her.

Classmates are very fond of her for her sociability and cheerful mood. The origin of the name Elizabeth and its meaning suggests that the girl can get carried away with a lot of things, but none interests her for a long time.

It is worth saying that in the upper grades of Elizabeth, in most cases, they present themselves as famous actresses, famous doctors and travelers.

Character of an adult Elizabeth

The female name of Jewish origin (Elizabeth) says that the girl is impulsive and self-sufficient. She does not know how to restrain herself, she can easily give a nasty word to a person who does not like her. Girls with that name never go on about others. They prefer to stick to their opinion, regardless of whether it is right or not.

Often, Elizabeth can pretend to understand and sympathize, but in fact will not do what she is asked for.

It should be said that such girls retreat only when a worthy opponent meets on the way. In this case, they do not try to fight, but prefer to quietly leave.

Elizabeth (the origin of the name Hebrew) likes to observe. Imagination, as a rule, lags behind the intellect. Sometimes girls with this name give out other people's ideas for their own.

Elizabeth will never work if her work is not appreciated. A girl needs to be sure that her work will bring someone benefits.

Health of Elizabeth

The name Elizabeth, whose origin is described in detail in our article, says that in general the girl's health is strong. But sometimes you have to complain about problems with the thyroid gland, varicose veins, and also increase in blood pressure. Problems can be avoided if you lead a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid stressful situations.

Winter Elizabeth is more prone to rheumatism and heart disease. In childhood, there are often noises in the heart, an allergy to citrus fruits. Girls with this name are often exposed to viral and respiratory diseases.

Spring and autumn Elizabeth is often prone to depression, stress. Girls born in the summer suffer from respiratory system diseases.

Love and sex of Elizabeth

The history of the origin of the name Elizabeth proves that such girls are very passionate natures. They are not ashamed of their feelings, prefer to tidy up to the hands of shy and modest men, over which will be patronized. Girls with this name quickly read the psychology of the man they liked and also quickly conquer their hearts.

Sex for Elizabeth is a delight that brings real joy from life. The one who first gives her real pleasure, will be remembered for the rest of her life. She never hesitates to discuss frank scenes, always calls things by their own names.

Marriage of Elizabeth

As mentioned earlier, Elizabeth is always surrounded by fans. Girls with this name are charming and attractive. They quickly get acquainted with people and just as quickly enter into them in trust. Elizabeth easily gets the relationship, can get married on the second day after dating. In the second and subsequent marriages it is more legible and experienced.

In relationships and marriage, the main thing is understanding and common themes for conversation. If Elizabeth will be interesting with the chosen one, then the need to find a lover will disappear by itself.

In men he likes modesty, submission and the ability to raise his woman. The girl herself takes this for granted. In no case, Elizabeth can not be associated with a brutal and arrogant man who does not know how to do romantic things.

Elizabeth with pleasure takes on all the economic work. They are very fond of cooking and delighting their family with delicious kitchen masterpieces. Girls with this name are happy to receive guests.

Choice of profession

The nature of girls with this name allows them to successfully manifest themselves in all spheres of activity. But this is only if Elizabeth (the origin of the name speaks of her purpose) from childhood is accustomed to work and achieve results with the help of her own forces.

In a different situation, the girl will treat the construction of a career lightly, preferring to find someone who will finance her whole life.

If the work is interesting to Elizabeth, then she will never chase after material goods. Girls with this name like to analyze and distinguish from the small things the main thing.

Elizabeth's hobbies

The main hobbies of girls with this name - needlework, sewing and knitting. Elizabeth is very fond of studying with her children and is pleased to teach them everything that they themselves know how.

I like such girls and dance classes. Preference is most often given to the ballroom or sports. In this sphere Elizabeth achieve excellent results, because they have good plasticity and ability to grasp everything on the fly.

Psyche of Elizabeth

The meaning of the name Elizabeth (origin, compatibility described in this material) is enormous, especially for parents who have decided to call them their daughters. It is worth saying that girls with this name are temperamental, self-willed, balanced, but they do not take sentimentality. Elizabeth is very fond of paying attention to every detail and detail, which sometimes irritates others.

The main drawback of these girls is excessive straightforwardness. It is this quality that is the main vice on the background of multiple positive features.

It should not be too vague to explain to Elizabeth the situation that has developed. It's better to say about everything directly. It is very important that the owners of such a name are able to read the psychology of a person. Therefore, it will be difficult to deceive Elizabeth.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

What else can you tell us about the name of Elizabeth? The origin, compatibility of this name is quite interesting. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to what signs of the Zodiac it is most suitable for. Ideal compatibility with all signs will be for a girl born under the sign of Scorpio. Straightforward and fearless Elizabeth is true to her goals, deliberately makes decisions and never falls in the spirit.

Not bad compatibility with other signs will be for the girls who were born under the sign of Sagittarius. These Elizabeth are open, sociable, friendly, like to play sports and discover something new.

Name days of Elizabeth

On July 18, the birthday of Elizabeth Feodorovna, the princess and the great martyr; September 18 is the day of Elizabeth the Righteous - the mother of St. John Baptist; November 4 - Elisabeth of Adrianople, a great martyr.

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