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What can not be bought for money? The question is, of course, philosophical ...

The saying that it is better to be healthy, rich and happy than poor, sick and unhappy, will seem ridiculous to someone. It's clear to everyone without exception! However, the question: "What can not be bought for money?" Is firmly connected with this folk wisdom ...

Money can not buy happiness?

Let's say a person faces the task of choosing one thing: health, happiness or money. On what to stop, what to elect? To be healthy, but poor and unhappy - can this be a dream, a goal? Or, is it possible to be happy, upholstered in a garbage dump, when the head is crammed with the search for a piece of bread, when the legs twist the gout, and the lungs tear apart the cough?

But money is a lot of money! - is unlikely to bring joy, if in a distant room a child dies, to whom, alas, you can not help anything. Money will not help, either, if your loved one is unhappy in a marriage with an unworthy person, but does not want to change his way of life. Useless when they feel that life has been spent in vain, and the sunset is close. And it's insulting to realize that here everything seems to be, and suddenly a difficult moment will come-and there is not a single person who can understand, sympathize, help.

Thus, in response to a question about what can not be bought for money, one can call love, friendship, memories, time, health, happiness - one's own and others.

Health and money

They say that health can not be bought for money. But in some cases they are the decisive factor, whether this or that individual will be healthy. And if there is not the necessary amount, even to wrest a sick tooth, can we talk about happiness?

No disinterested love and the most faithful friendship can not get rid of debilitating pain. But a small amount paid to a dentist, dramatically changes life. So, when answering the question "what can not be bought for money", it is impossible to clearly indicate health, because often the lack of finance leads to its loss.

Love and lack of money

Tell someone from contemporaries that you can not buy love for money. You will laugh in the face! And immediately, as an example, statements that love is a monster constantly demanding food. This should be understood as confirmation of how this feeling is changeable and unstable. You will be told that even the most sincere love can pass, if the chosen one or the chosen one ceases to prove their feelings in practice. And to do noble deeds without a penny in your pocket - the occupation is rather tedious. Well, maybe, and so ... But someone will say, they say, with a nice paradise and in a hut! Alas, as practice shows, all these are just words, but in fact ... "When need breaks into the door, love disappears through the window!" Who does not know the given folk wisdom? The constant struggle for survival almost always leads to the extinction of love, however pure and tender it may be at the very beginning.

Buying feelings - is not this crazy?

Answering a question about what can not be bought for money, many mention love and friendship. But with this you can argue. "It's hard to love or respect a homeless person," the majority believes. Although in the very beginning, the lack of money can cause close and tender relationships. But very soon in love with the "benefactor" tired of constantly funding the inept, supporting a loser, keep a stupid and confused personality.

Of course, it is possible to help a not very successful person to rise to a fairly high level in both spiritual and physical and material terms. But, again, money will help in this very much. By the way, even a person who is sufficiently well-off can be inspired with tender feelings, using not only emotional, but also material costs. For example, to study his inner world, his requests and create around him the very paradise he dreams about. And then you can change yourself, even externally. After all, cosmetic operations can easily be done for money.

Money and happiness

So does wealth in the modern world solve everything? Why is it said that happiness can not be bought for money? But such a story, similar to which there are often, will help to doubt this statement.

In one family a boy was born, to whom God singled out everything in its entirety: he gave him beauty, intelligence, talent, health, a pure and sublime soul. But he did not give money to his family.

In another family, rich enough, a lame, untalented son, suffering from migraines, appeared. Parents invested a lot of money in plastic surgery, cured his headaches abroad, from childhood hired tutors and talented teachers. As a result, the young man became quite attractive, educated, interesting person, he found a good girl, his favorite work, became successful and happy.

The boy from the poor family was less fortunate: from early childhood he had to work hard. Unbearable work took away his beauty and health, the talent and could not open, lack of money turned him into an angry and withdrawn person. And then his fate is easy to draw: the same evil wife, sick children, despair and poverty.

And who was lucky? Of course, if a gifted person had become poor in adulthood, and a sick and ugly person had the opportunity of cure and development, having already formed, history would have had another ending.

So, money does not solve everything, but much. The only important thing is their number and time when they appear in the individual. And the conclusion is this: that a person grows up happy, he must receive everything necessary from his childhood. Do not swim in excess and luxury, but also not suffer from want and despair. Poverty has not made anyone happy, but immense wealth is not a criterion of happiness.

Honor and money

It is very important to find the right application for money. Even respect can be "bought" if you support, for example, your income in an orphanage or shelter for homeless animals, publish books of talented authors, build churches and free kindergartens. True, there may be a question about the way in which such capital is acquired ... There will be no recognition and respect for someone who, with the help of good deeds, tries to save his sins by creating many unseemly acts.

No wonder the people say: "Take care of the dress again, and honor - in youth." Honor can not be bought for any money.

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