The profession of the watchman appeared in ancient times. There were always people who made good and those who wanted to kidnap him. The people always understood that it was bad to steal, but could not deny themselves the pleasure of appropriating the result of someone else's work. The watchman from the Stone Age was supposed to "keep good". This work seems simple only at first glance. The watchman must have strong nerves and a stable psyche, so that one day he will not have to covet the orphan wealth. After all, for the time of duty, everything is in his power, and he is obliged to strictly monitor the order and not allow to host outsiders.
Structure of duties
Today, the guard is an employee who performs physical security of the facility (premises) and ensures its safety. The job descriptions of the guard are different depending on the type of facility: production plant, institution and others. This work does not require any special knowledge and preliminary training. It can be practiced by any healthy and efficient person. The guardian's job descriptions are developed at each enterprise, proceeding from the features of production and operating mode. This document, as is customary, includes four separate sections. Each of them, in turn, carries its own meaning. The first is called "General Provisions" and contains information about the category, conditions of admission and subordination of the employee. It also lists everything that he needs to know and what is to be guided in his work. Here we mean the rules of the BAT, the organization's charter, orders and orders of direct management, as well as instructions on the use of technical means available in the workplace. The guard's job descriptions are also included in this list. The second section is called "Job Responsibilities" and is a list of all that a worker should be engaged in during the service period. This includes the timely arrival at work and periodic inspection of the territory for verification for the absence of strangers. In case of sudden detection of unknown persons or traces of burglary, the watchdog must immediately inform the relevant authorities and his immediate management. If a fire is detected during the inspection, the fire department must be called immediately and also notified by the authorities. The third section is called "Rights". It ensures the employee's right to work clothes, communications equipment and an isolated room for service. In the fourth section, entitled "Responsibility", everything is collected, for which the watchman is responsible during his duty. The job descriptions of the guard at various enterprises are almost identical.
What distinguishes guards from watchmen
The guard's job descriptions are very similar to the guard's instructions. But there are several significant differences that allow you to accurately determine a particular profession:
1. Purpose. The guard practically protects the object, and the watchman is obliged to inform the necessary persons in a timely manner of the danger.
2. Preparation. Guards can only be persons who have received special training.
3. Requirements for a specialist. The watchdog for recruitment should simply be interviewed, and the guard must have a document confirming his qualifications.
4. Additional authority. During the duty in emergency situations, the guard has the right to use service weapons.
5. The possibility of inspection. If the watchman suspected someone of embezzlement, then for the inspection he must invite a law enforcement officer. The guard has the full right to carry out the inspection independently.
In other respects, there is practically no difference.
Design rules
The job description of the guard is developed at a specific enterprise and approved by its manager. The text of the document must necessarily be agreed with the head of the legal service in order to avoid possible inaccuracies of a legal nature. At the very end is a certificate of familiarization with the signature of the employee and the date. The employee, assuming the duties of a watchman, should carefully read and carefully study all that is written in the manual. Possible violations or rejections may entail criminal or administrative liability.