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What are jokes? Sweets and jokes. People's jokes

It is incredibly difficult to overestimate the artistic value of Russian oral folk art . Potreshes and jokes researchers refer to the poetry of nurturing. Lullaby also belongs to it. In this article we will talk about the forms of oral folk art that are used for the development of the child. Because poteshki and jokes were created by adults for kids.

Small genres of folklore

Everyone knows that the word has great magical power. Many peoples respected it. The roots of folklore works lie in the pagan past. Most of the tales, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes were originally ritualistic. Playing with the child, my mother tried to protect him from the impact of various negative forces, such as illnesses, death.

Gradually folklore works lost their ritual significance and began to be used for the development of children. There is nothing surprising. The light style of narration narration, an entertaining plot and a small volume make small genres of folklore very accessible for children's perception. Depending on the age group of the child, different works are used. Flavors and joke appointments have different. The very first works with which the child is acquainted are jokes. In their content they are more complex than nursery rhymes.

What are jokes? These are short in volume works intended for children. If the nursery rhymes are of practical importance, then the jokes have nothing to do with the game. They have a small story, which in its content resembles a fairy tale in a poetic form. In the center of the narrative is an event. Rapid development of the storyline attracts the attention of the baby. In addition, a special rhythm of this genre contains paired rhymes, as well as repetitions of phrases and elements of onomatopoeia.

Use of jokes is very useful for young children. They make it possible to develop a phonemic hearing, which is very important for proper speech development. In addition, they expand imagination, imagination and give the first ideas about the world around them.

Pribautki as a small genre of folklore

Despite the fact that all the children's sayings in verses are very similar in content, they can be divided into several forms. For example, tales-shifters. Unlike other types of folklore, which are designed to entertain young children, these are poems in song form. The plot of such works differs from jokes in that it reflects events from real life.

It should be noted that small forms of folklore had a great impact on the formation of children's literature. However, folklorists have their own point of view in questions about what jokes are and what their role is. This is due to the fact that they were used not only for the development of children. People's jokes were also created for weighty holidays.

Modern pedagogy makes extensive use of children's folklore. In jokes and poteshki very great potential for the development of the child. It's no secret that even in infancy, the kid at the subconscious level learns the language norms. If parents, communicating with him, use poteshki and jokes, they involuntarily contribute to the development of speech.

The use of small genres of folklore in primary school helps to increase interest in reading in the child. In junior classes, teachers use purposeful jokes. 2 class on the educational program studies these genres, getting acquainted with the literature in an entertaining form.

Use of jokes in the literature

Far from all the jokes we know today have a folklore background. Many of them came to our everyday life from works of literature. Very interesting in this respect are those written for children by Leo Tolstoy. Most of the jokes he uses in fairy tales and stories belong to him. But the plot and form of the exposition is borrowed from folklore. What is the catch in Tolstoy's fairy-tales? These are suggestions that are used as an introduction to the main narrative of a fairy tale. Unlike the classical joke there is a narrative form. Very often it is not connected with the story line of the tale.

In the literature jokes-jokes are also used. The main characters of such humorous verses are not only people, but also animals and birds.

Pribautki on holidays

As already mentioned, this genre is not just for children. Very often it can be found in some rituals, which are held at various festivals. For example, at a wedding or Shrovetide. What are jokes on such events? This is a great way to amuse the gathered people with various amusing poems. In the plot of the joke there must be such a bright detail that will attract everyone's attention and cause a smile. Similar festive rhymes are taught by children in school. During various events they use these jokes. 2nd grade and older children can surprise their parents with such knowledge in folklore during their school performances.


This genre has similar features with jokes. But it is more playful. Therefore, nursery rhymes, as a rule, are used for children as entertainment, as well as jokes-jokes. They are used by both mothers at home and teachers during various classes in the kindergarten and junior classes. They attract the attention of children, amuse them and at the same time train and develop. They also play the role of a distraction when a child eats and swims, especially when adults pronounce them expressively and with artistry.

Use of nursery rhymes in junior classes

Genres of small folklore are often used in school classes in the Russian language, literature and culture. In the junior classes, teachers actively apply in the lessons of nursery rhymes and jokes. 2nd grade and more adult students learn about these genres of folklore from the beginning of schooling thanks to the educational program. Children memorize popular nursery rhymes and jokes, thereby train memory, enrich their speech with new expressions, become more erudite.

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