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Details about the dress of meat

Lady Gaga could always defeat her fans. After some of her regular tricks, you start to think that she can not "throw out" anything more shocking, but her next crazy act proves the opposite. What was worth only her dress of meat.

The singer gained popularity not for some of her unpretentious songs with deep meaning. Every now and then, in her clips, she shocked the audience with her unusual outfits. She repeatedly managed to head all sorts of fashion charts, and in different hypostases. She was both the best singer and queen of style, and also managed to get the award in the category "the worst dressed star".

But the recent outfit Lady Gaga - a dress of meat - completely "blew the brain" not only to all of her fans, but to most of the colleagues in the shop. Indeed, the shocking appearance of the singer before the people caused great excitement. On this crazy Saturday she was invited to MTV Video Music Evords.

The singer appeared in front of the public in three different outfits. One dress reflected some Byzantine motifs. It was made for the last collection of the late Alexander McQueen, whom the actress adored and loved very much. She often said that she was very sad and regretted that a man and a friend, dear to her, had passed away.

The next black dress, which was made by the legendary Armani, replaced the first one. Well, after that, Lady Gaga appeared in a dress of meat. It was sewn specially for the star scandalous designer Frank Fernandes. It was an application made of pieces of meat, connected together. The spectacle is not for the faint-hearted. This outfit can easily be called ugly-bewitching. On the head of the artist was the author's hat, which was made of pieces of tenderloin. Her shoes were shoes that were rolled up with rather large pieces of meat. In all likelihood, they were cut from the femoral part. And, of course, a dress of meat.

Everyone had questions: "Is not it disgusting for it to smell disgusting, how can it be in it?", "For the body it is uniquely cold, how does it endure it?" Such and similar questions kept sounding to each other in the audience. And it is fair to say that this dress of meat is most likely very uncomfortable for the singer. At least looking at it, comfort is not felt, to put it mildly. Although Gaga and changed all three time outfits, but sit in this room until she was awarded a reward, it took a lot of time. And it is more than obvious that organizations that protect animals, as well as the interests of vegetarians, will still make their claims to it more than once.

It will be fair to note that the star's efforts were not in vain. After all, she was awarded eight awards for MTV, one of which was "For the best video." And her Lady Gage personally handed the singer Cher, which you will not envy. After all, besides the fact that she hugged the actress in a dress of meat, she still had to hold the same meat bag.

It should be noted that this is not the first phenomenon of the singer in such a dress. She already had the experience of posing in a meat bikini for the cover of the Japanese magazine "Vog".

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