
What and how to "Cortexin" plant: instruction

It happens that during the treatment it is required not only the taking of oral medicines, but the injection. Often, drugs are produced in a ready-made liquid form. You just need to type them in a syringe, then make an injection. But what if the drug is in the form of a powder? It must first be dissolved? For this, special substances are used: sodium chloride, novocaine, procaine, lidocaine, water for injections and so on. Today's article will tell you about how to breed Cortexin. You will learn the basic information from the instruction and you will be able to get acquainted with the method of injection.

Cortexin: indications for use

Before you breed Cortexin, you need to know the important information about this drug. It is known that the medicine belongs to the group of nootropics. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use it yourself. Such a medicine should be prescribed by a doctor. Doctors say that the drug improves cerebral circulation, improves memory, increases efficiency. It includes an extract of the brain of cattle. According to the instructions, prescribe the medicine according to the following indications:

  • Encephalopathy of different origin (including in newborns);
  • Circulatory disturbance in the brain;
  • Encephalomyelitis is chronic or acute;
  • Epileptic conditions;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Trauma of the brain and its membranes;
  • Neuroinfection caused by viruses or bacteria;
  • Cerebral palsy, delay in speech and motor development in children;
  • Memory impairment, inability to learn.

The drug is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and if there is an individual intolerance to its composition. Before using nootropics, it is important to ask the doctor how to properly dilute Cortexin. If you do not have experience in carrying out inefficiencies, then it is better to entrust this manipulation to a specialist. Particular care should be taken when it comes to treating young children.

Method of preparation preparation

You already know that the medicine is in the form of a powder. The lyophilizate is placed in ampoules of clear glass. On top there is a metal ring protecting the inlet. For convenience, it has a special bending zone. Open it.

Before "Cortexin" is diluted, be sure to wash your hands. The palms should be sterile to avoid infection. Open the syringe and dial into it the chosen solvent. You will learn more about them from the article. Then insert the needle into the rubber cap and gradually pour in the liquid. Take care that no foam develops. The amount of solvent should be at least 1, but not more than 2 milliliters. Wait until the formation of a homogeneous substance, after it, draw the liquid back into the syringe. Consider how to grow "Cortexin" with water for injection, novocaine and other solvents in more detail.

Procaine: how to dilute the powder?

So, you prescribed the drug "Cortexin." How to dilute 5 mg of active ingredient? To do this, you can use a solvent with the trade name "Prokain". Just note that it is recommended infrequently. This medicine has a moderate anesthetic effect. The drug after intramuscular administration undergoes systemic absorption in full. A solution of "Procain" is used for the preparation of various means in anesthesiology. It is not recommended to dilute "Cortexin" with this solvent for people with cardiac, renal and hepatic insufficiency. Also, the medication is not assigned to children (it is replaced with another solvent).

Before the "Cortexin" is diluted, open the ampoule of procaine. To prepare this medication you will need a solvent at a concentration of 5 mg per ml. Mix the ingredients as described above.

Novocaine solution

The most popular analogue of the previous drug is a solution of novocaine. This medication also has a mild anesthetic effect. It is used in various fields of medicine, including neurology. Sometimes this solvent is recommended for babies (if there are no contraindications). How to breed Cortexin with novocaine? Children are prescribed one milliliter of liquid. Mix the solvent with the powder, then draw the medicine into the syringe.

It is known that a solution of novocaine accumulates in nerve fibers. This reduces the pain impulse. The drug is not used for intramuscular injection for more than 10 consecutive days. "Cortexin" is prescribed usually for such a period. If you are assigned nootropics for a longer time, it is advisable to choose another solvent for its preparation.

Can "Cortexin" be diluted with sodium chloride?

One milliliter of this solvent contains 9 milligrams of sodium chloride, and additional substances are also present. The medicine is issued in different forms. Often, consumers purchase large amounts of the drug for nasal washing or inhalation. In this form, it is better not to use the agent, since there is a possibility of getting infections into it. How is "Cortexin" planted in such a situation?

Get in the pharmacy ampoules for the preparation of injections. Often a solution of sodium chloride is called saline solution. It is permissible for an adult to use 5 to 300 milliliters of medication per day. Of course, you do not need that much for Cortexin. If you are going to inject an adult, use 2 milliliters of sodium chloride. Can "Cortexin" be diluted with saline for a child? It is possible, but for babies it is better to apply 1 milliliter of sodium chloride. With prolonged use of such a drug, you need to monitor the amount of electrolytes in the blood and urine of the patient.

Water for Injection: Instruction

Can Cortexin be diluted with water for injection? Yes, such practice is also available. Water for injection is produced in individual glass or plastic containers of 1, 2 and 5 milliliters. The medication is intended for subcutaneous, intravenous and intramuscular administration. But from the instruction it is known, that "Cortexin" is entered exclusively in a muscular zone.

The abstract says that it is necessary to dilute Cortexin with water for injection under sterile conditions. Contraindications to the use of this solvent is not. It is often prescribed to children and adults. It is forbidden to dilute powders for injections with the described substance only in those cases when the instruction provides for the use of another substance.

Is it possible to use ordinary water?

Often consumers ask questions: "How to" Cortexin "to breed and whether it is possible to use ordinary water for this?" After all, the instructions on such restrictions do not say a single word. Does this mean that such actions are allowed? What do doctors think about this?

The medicine "Cortexin" is strictly forbidden to mix with ordinary water. Even if you pre-filtered and boiled the liquid. Despite all the cleaning procedures performed at home, you can not get a sterile solution. Bacteria in the water may die, but will remain there than provoke intoxication. If you use such a solvent to prepare a nootropic drug, the consequences can be the most unexpected. Remember: it is forbidden to breed "Cortexin" with drinking water, it's dangerous!

Lidocaine: Pros and Cons

Can Cortexin be diluted with lidocaine solution? After all, this drug also refers to solvents. In addition, lidocaine is a strong anesthetic. Often it is used for injections for the purpose of anesthesia. We will make a reservation at once, that nootropia "Cortexin" is not characterized by a painful introduction. Therefore, there is no acute need for lidocaine.

If you listen to doctors, you can find out that they do not recommend mixing "Cortexin" with "Lidocaine". Why? The fact is that the powder contains amino acids. They under the action of "Lidocaine" begin to break down. This combination will result in the treatment being ineffective. Do not breed "Cortexin" "Lidocaine"!

"Cortexin": the better to breed?

You learned that there are several solvents for preparing the medicine. Which of them should you prefer? After all, I want the treatment to be right and effective. It is forbidden to use "Lidocaine" and usual sterile water for the preparation of injections. Also, the powder is not diluted with oil additives. Doctors do not even consider such a probability.

If you are assigned "Cortexin", the better the breeder will tell the doctor. For young children, water (for injections) is usually used. It is safe and does not cause negative reactions. "Novocaine" and "Procain" can also be used, but it is worth remembering that these drugs can cause allergies. Reviews say that the use of water for injection makes the injection painful enough. If your child does not have allergies to the components of Novokain, then you can safely apply it. This solvent is ideal for the preparation of an injection. When the allergy is there, give preference to a solution of sodium chloride or water for injection. Be sure to discuss this issue with a doctor who prescribes nootropics.

Instructions for the use of "Cortexin"

The drug is always administered only in a diluted form. Surely you have already chosen a suitable solvent together with the doctor. Now you should pay attention to the dosage. It is chosen individually for each patient.

  • Newborn babies and young children are prescribed one injection per day. Ampoule dosage of 5 milligrams should be diluted in one milliliter of a suitable solvent.
  • Children whose body weight is less than 20 kilograms, the drug is calculated separately. For each kilogram of weight should be 0.5 mg of active ingredient. For example, if a child weighs 15 kilograms, then he is prescribed 7.5 milligrams of "Cortexin". This amount is present in 1.5 ampoules.
  • Adult patients and children, whose body weight exceeds 20 kilograms, the drug is prescribed at 10 milligrams per day. This is the volume of two ampoules. If each diluted with 2 milliliters of water, then you get 4 ml of the drug.

Before injection, the skin must be disinfected. Wipe the area of the injection with an alcoholic napkin. Introduce the medicine slowly, pre-releasing all the air from the syringe. The duration of treatment is usually 10 days. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course in the same period of time. A specialist can prescribe periodical repetitions for several months. Everything depends on the indications and general condition of the patient.


From the article you learned how to grow "Cortexin" with water for injections and other solvents. Also for you the instruction is described in detail: indications and contraindications, the method of application of the drug. Remember that "Cortexin" refers to nootropics. Use it only if prescribed by a doctor. Do not forget to clarify with the doctor what and in what dose to dilute the powder. All the best to you, do not be ill!

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