Food and drinkCooking tips

We make mastic. And then the figures of mastic

In cooking, mastic as a material for confectionery is very popular. Cooked cakes and cakes look very tasty, and there is an indispensable desire to eat them. Therefore, figurines made of mastic, made by hand - this is a culinary art.

How to decorate cake with mastic

The product is made in such a way that it can be used to sculpt all kinds of jewelry: animal figurines, locks, flower baskets, etc. In this article, using the example of a swan, we will look at how to create similar figures from mastic step by step. To begin with, you need to decide on the ingredients. Here is one of the recipes for gelatin mastic.

10 g of gelatin, 50-60 g of water, a pound of powdered sugar, 2 small spoons of lemon juice, food colorings.

Gelatin in a saucepan is poured cold water for a quarter of an hour before swelling. Then you need to put it on medium heat and bring it to a liquid state. Then separately sift the powdered sugar, make a small hole in it and pour melted gelatin. Knead the resulting mass to a plastic and soft state. Mastic is ready.

Add a little lemon juice to avoid crumbling or sticking the mastic to your hands. The resulting product can be painted with food colors.

How to paint mastic

For coloring we take part of the mastic and make a hole in it. Now you need to pour a little paint into it and sprinkle with powder. It remains to knead the product on a flat surface. Similarly should be done with the rest of the mastic.

Next, the material for the figures must be tightly closed with a cellophane bag, carefully lowering the air.


Mastic should not be exposed to air, otherwise it will become too hard. To sculpt the figures from the mastic, take it in small pieces from the package, which you must immediately tie. Remember, the product should not dry up. Especially it concerns the work with the cake.

We sculpt from the mastic the figure of a swan

We make a swan neck. To do this, roll the mastic into the tube, make the necessary bends (the picture can be taken from the Internet) and allow to dry.

Now concentrate on the wings. Under the wings you need a template. That is, we first draw them on paper according to the drawing, then cut out along the contour. The resulting workpiece should be slightly pressed into the rolled mastic and neatly trimmed with a knife. The final stage of modeling wings - making bends and fixing on the rolling pin. Other details of the figure are also collected according to the pattern.

Mastic from marshmallow

It is based on marshmallow candies and powdered powdered sugar. Do not use a large whole-crystal powder, so that the mastic does not tear in the hands.

Manufacturing is as follows. Marshmallow needs to melt to a liquid state and pour the powder into the resulting mass. The mastic that you make should not be sticky and dense. In order for the product to correspond to these parameters, and the figures from the mastic were sculpted well, observe the ingredient ratio. Sweets need to be melted until an easy swelling of a homogeneous mass.

Rolling mastic

For rolling, a smooth, oiled surface should be used. It is better to use polyethylene sheets. When decorating the cake, remove the top polyethylene layer, and the bottom gently flip onto the surface of the cake to cover it. Then you can remove the inverted layer. Roll out the mastic to a thickness of about 2-3 mm. Less does not make sense, otherwise, most likely, it will break through. If you make figured jewelry, the thickness of the rolling is recommended to increase.

How to make the mastic shiny

Giving her shine can be as follows. Brush of soft nap should be slightly dipped in a honey-vodka solution. Proportion to observe 1: 1. As the alcohol evaporates after a while, the taste of the product will not be disturbed.

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