
Vera Voloshin is a feat of a "girl with a paddle". Hero of the Russian Federation Vera Voloshina

What did Vera Voloshin do? Who is she? These and other issues we will consider in the article. Vera was a Red Army man of reconnaissance and sabotage connection, which belonged to the headquarters of the Western Front. This girl was thrown into the German rear in 1941, and she is the Hero of the Russian Federation (1944).


The feat of Belief Voloshin is known to many. The girl was born in 1919, on September 30, in the village of Shcheglovsk (now - megapolis Kemerovo) of Verkho-Tomsk volost of Kuznetsky district of Tomsk province in Russia, in the family of a teacher and a miner. When she began to study at school, she also went in for sports: athletics and gymnastics. In the senior classes she became the winner of the championship in high jump.

Yury Dvuzhilny was her close friend and classmate. When Vera graduated from the 10th grade, she moved to Moscow. In 1936 the girl entered the Central State Institute of Physical Education. Simultaneously, she enrolled in a Moscow flying club, where she began to learn how to jump with a parachute and mastered the piloting of the I-153 "Chaika" aircraft. She also got carried away by drawing, shooting and poetry. In 1936, she wrote a statement in which she expressed her desire to take part in the civil war that began in Spain. She was denied.

The artist and sculptor ID Shadr in 1935 acquired state order for the production of a series of sculptures for the Gorky Park of Rest and Culture, which was being built in Moscow at that time. He went to the pool of the sports institute, where he liked the student Voloshin. A group of twenty students, including Vera, was in the sculptor's workshop.

In the surroundings of the fountains at the main entrance of the Central Park of Culture and Culture was installed a statue of "Girl with a Paddle" - an exact copy of the Faith. Numerous similarities of this work of art were subsequently established in the parks of the whole Union. According to other information, this is a legend. Actually Shadr created the first version of the statue in 1934-1935, when Vera was 15-16 years old, and she could not be a student who graduated from school.

In addition, the second version of the statue was made after criticism from another model, and the work of another sculptor was multiplied. Why was the statue criticized? Because she absolutely did not have clothes, which was badly associated with the already established Puritan norms.

In the first year, Vera Voloshina among other students went to a winter sports camp, located near Serpukhov. There the girl was ill with a flu, because of which her legs began to hurt. She had to be treated for a long time, but as a result she still had to leave her studies at a sports university.

Nevertheless, having gathered with forces, Vera returned to Moscow, and along with her friends from her native megapolis she entered the Moscow University of Cooperative Soviet Trade.

In 1941, in the summer, Vera Voloshina, after completing the third year, passed the exams and left for Zagorsk near Moscow, where she began to practice. Together with classmates, she decided on June 22 to go on an excursion to the museum of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. On the way, the girls in the department store bought Vera a silk white dress. After all, next year, she planned to marry Yuri Two-Fray. Yuri had already offered her, and the lovers decided on the date of the wedding. On the same day, Vera learned that the war had begun.

It is known that Voloshina died in 1941, on November 29, in the village of Golovkovo (Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region).

The first task

Until now, people remember the feat of Vera Voloshina. It is known that when the Great Patriotic War came, the girl was mobilized to dig anti-tank ditches and trenches in the area of approaches to Moscow. In October, she joined the ranks of the Red Army of her own free will. She was enrolled in military unit No. 9903, which belonged to the reconnaissance department of the headquarters of the Western Front Line, to carry out assignments in the rear of the enemy.

For the first time to carry out combat missions, Vera left in 1941, on October 21, in the district of the Zavidovo suburb near Moscow. After that she six times successfully visited the rear of the Germans.


In the military unit No. 9903 in 1941, in November, reinforcements arrived. Among the arrivals was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who had just graduated from school. Zoya in the team first kept a little apart, but soon Vera found her approach, and the girls became girlfriends. On the last task of setting fire to (liquidate) the heating and resting points of the enemy (in that autumn it was very cold) they left together.

Completing the task

In 1941, on November 21, two detachments left the enemy's rear. The first was led by Krainov Boris. The second was appointed by Voloshin, and the commander - Provorov Pavel. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was in the second detachment. When the scouts crossed the front, they had to create two groups, each of which had its own task.

Nevertheless, when the front of the fighters crossed the enemy fired, and they formed a hastily formed squad, random in composition. So the paths of Vera and Zoya parted ways. The Kosmodemyanskaya group headed towards the village of Petryshchevo. Vera also continued the assignment with her comrades. But between the villages of Golovkovo and Yakshino, her detachment again fell under bombardment, pouring into an ambush of the Germans. Vera was wounded and captured by the fascists.

Two of her detachment were looking for the Faith or her corpse, but they could not find it. For a long time, the Red Army soldier Vera Voloshina was on the list of missing persons. Only in 1957, thanks to the search work of journalist and writer GN Frolov, it was possible to find out how Vera died and find her grave.


The execution of Vera Voloshina is a terrible event. Local residents said that the Germans hung the Faith in 1941, on November 29, at the Golovkovo state farm. The witness of the death of the girl reported that the Germans had brought Vera to the place of execution by car. They built from a roadside willow gallows, around which a large number of fascists had gathered. They also brought captive Russian soldiers working behind the bridge here.

At first Voloshin was not seen, but when the side walls of the car were lowered, people gasped. The girl was lying in her underwear, which was all torn and smeared with blood. Two Germans climbed into the car and wanted to help climb Vera. But she pushed them away, and, clutching the cab with one hand, rose to her feet. Her second hand hung like a whip - apparently, was interrupted.

And then Vera started to talk. First she said a few phrases in German and, then, she continued her speech in Russian. She stated that she was not afraid of death, because she was sure that her comrades would take revenge for her. She said that the Russians would still defeat the Germans. The last words of Vera Voloshina forever crashed into the memory of the inhabitants of the state farm Golovkovo.

And then the girl began to sing. She sang the "Internationale", which, under the Soviet regime, always sang at meetings and was broadcast on the radio in the morning and in the evening. The Germans listened silently to the singing of Vera. The officer in charge of the execution, shouted something to the soldiers. They threw a loop around Vera's neck and jumped off the car.

The officer approached the chauffeur and ordered him to touch. And he does not move, he's all white. Apparently, he was not used to hang people yet. The officer then took a revolver out of his holster and shouted something to the chauffeur. Apparently, he was very abusive. He seemed to wake up, and the car drove off. Vera had time to shout, so loudly that the villagers froze in their veins: "Good-bye, comrades!" When the witness opened her eyes, she saw that Vera was already hanging.


People will never forget the feat of Vera Voloshina's faith. Only in mid-December the enemy retreated, and the inhabitants of Golovkovo could remove the body of the Faith from the willow. They buried her with honors here. Her remains were later transferred to a mass grave in Kryukov.

After a while in the German archives were found a photo of a hanged girl. Many experts are sure that the execution of Voloshin is imprinted on them.

Irreplaceable loss

The village Petrishchevo was located ten kilometers from Golovkovo. On the day of the execution of Vera, Kosmodemyanskaya Zoya was hanged in her center.

Hero of the Soviet Union Yury, the beloved of Vera, also did not survive the war. He died in battle, taking part in the Mogilev operation.


It is known that Vera Voloshina is a Hero of the Russian Federation. This title was given to her in 1994, on May 6. In 1966, on January 27, the Pravda newspaper published an essay by Frolov Georgy Nikolayevich entitled The Order of the Daughter.

In September, festive events dedicated to the Battle of Moscow were held. And it was at this moment that MP Georgadze (Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR) presented the Mother of Faith with the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.


Agree, Vera Voloshina's biography is amazing. In honor of her the following museums were created:

  • The Voloshina Vera Museum and the Two-Core Yuri Museum (Kemerovo, School No. 12).
  • Part of the exhibition, located in the historical museum of local lore (the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region).
  • Club "Memory" (the former museum of Voloshina Vera in the village of Kryukovo, Naro-Fominsk district).


In honor of the heroine the following monuments are established:

  • Monument to Vera Voloshina in Golovkovo (Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region).
  • Monument to Voloshina in the village of Kryukovo (Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region).
  • There are st. Vera Voloshina in the cities of Mytishchi, Kemerovo, Dagestan Ogni, Belovo (Kemerovo Region).
  • In 2017, her name was given to the prospect in the Horoshevsky District of the administrative northern Moscow District (formerly Projected Road No. 6084).
  • The house of children's folklore in the city of Naro-Fominsk also bears her name.
  • The city park in the metropolis of Kemerovo is named after her.
  • School number 12 in the city of Kemerovo bears her name.
  • The ship of the Azov shipping company was given the name of the heroine.
  • The name of Vera was given to the IAOU lyceum of the village of Golovkovo, where the heroine died.
  • A documentary film "Vera Voloshina: killed twice" was created (workshop "The Third Rome", 2007).
  • The name of the Faith is the small planet of 2009 Voloshina.
  • On the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow railway since 2003, there was a train called "Hero of Russia Voloshina Vera".


What is the famous sculpture "Girl with a Paddle"? Than she is good? "The Girl with the Paddle" is a common name for the sculptures made at different times by the sculptors Romuald Iodko and Ivan Shadr. It became a household name for the identical plaster sculptures ("socialist realism of gypsum"), which during the Soviet period were decorated with recreation and culture parks.

It is known that the restoration of the Moscow Gorky Park Gorky in 1934 engaged in the architect Alexander Vlasov. He decided in the pool with fountains to establish a kind of vertical idea in the form of a woman's figure. Since previously Vlasov had already appealed to Ivan Shadr about staging various sculptures in the park, the architect entrusted him to sculpt the main sculpture of the recreation area.

Shadr in the same year began working on the statue "Girl with a Paddle". Its height, along with the bronze base, was 12 meters. Why did the master make it so high? He proceeded from scale correspondences with the dimensions of the fountain and park avenues leading to it. The statue was installed in 1935 in the center of the spring on the main parkway.

According to legend, the sculptor chose Vera Voloshin as a model, as we discussed above. The statue depicted a female athlete with no clothes standing and holding an oar in her right hand. Her figure was different dynamics in the rotation of the head and torso, a powerful plasticity outlines. The hair was twisted in two "horns", the head was clearly outlined, the back of the head and forehead were completely open.

However, the admission committee criticized the work of Shadr, including for high altitude, and in the same year the statue was moved to the recreation park and culture of Lugansk. The Tretyakov Gallery conserves its minimized copy. At the insistence of his wife Shadra, his gypsum work in the late 1950s was made of bronze.

In the summer of 1936, Ivan Shadr made a new reduced eight-meter statue of toned concrete. This time the model for her was the gymnast Bedrinskaya Zoya. The statue was placed on a canneled column in the center of the fountain. Around her, streams of water were pouring, creating a peculiar veil. In 1941, during the bombing, the sculpture was destroyed.

Some believe that the Shadra statues served as prototypes for making gypsum cheap copies massively installed in parks practically throughout the Soviet Union. In fact, they were made in the manner of the work of the sculptor R. R. Iodko with the same name, which he created in 1936 for the park of the hydrophilic stadium "Dynamo". The statue was made of gypsum and had a height of 2.5 m. In contrast to Shadrov's "Girl", the statue of Iodko holds an oar in his left hand and is dressed in a swimsuit.

In 1935, Iodko Romuald made a statue of "Girl with a Paddle" for the fountain. First it was installed in Cherkizovo at the Moscow stadium "Electric". The statue depicted a woman standing on her left leg. She put her right foot on the stand, pushing forward the knee. Her left hand was lowered and touched the hip, and the woman's right hand leaned on the paddle. She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts. This statue also served as a prototype for making copies.

Present day

In 2011, in April, a copy of the statue was exhibited on the Crimean shaft in the Tretyakov Gallery. At the same time Sergey Kapkov (director of Gorky Park) said that the statue will be restored in the park.

In 2011, on September 3, the reconstructed statue was to be staged in the Central Park of Culture and Sports (within the boundaries of the international regatta Golden Boat). According to the message of the representative of the park, the statue was installed in 2011, September 1, and opened on September 3, on City Day.

Interesting Facts

It is known that about the girl with the oar wrote songs:

  • Valery Syutkin.
  • Dmitry Kimmelfeld.
  • "Underwood" (album "The Red Button").
  • The group "Aquarium" (album "Horse White").

In the song of the bayanist and composer of the ensemble "Birch" by V. Temnov, the song also mentions a famous sculpture.

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