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Unique Sewage Treatment Facilities

Unique sewage treatment facilities.

At present, the construction of sewage treatment plants in populated areas is expensive, since the technologies traditionally used provide for their location outside of cities due to the presence of devices such as agitators, blowers and settlers emitting a huge amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. All this requires the construction of supply pipelines with pumping stations on them, roads, power lines and other engineering infrastructure. In addition, at negative temperatures, biochemical cleaning processes in structures are slowed down or completely stopped.

The average estimated cost of construction of these facilities is 60-100 thousand rubles / cubic meter of sewage, and the consumption of electricity for the treatment of effluents in such facilities reaches 0.4-0.5 kW per 1 m3 of effluent.

However, there are modern technologies that allow to build unique treatment facilities with a capacity of 3000 to 50000 cubic meters per day, which are located within the city blocks.

These technologies are based on original approaches, patented in the US, Russia, fundamentally differ from those traditionally used.

There are no sedimentation tanks, mixing and aerating facilities, which allows to reduce the site for construction 3 times, only low-pressure pumps are used.

For example, purification facilities with a capacity of 3 thousand m3 / day are located on a site measuring 54x54 meters, and the entire cleaning process is housed in a housing measuring 35x30 meters with accommodation in it of domestic facilities, laboratories and support services.

The technology of placing the bioreactor over the aeration tank and blocking the aeration tanks with sedimentation tanks made it possible to place all the dirty processes in a closed case, the treatment of the used air ensured the elimination of the release of microorganisms, mercaptans, ammonia into the atmosphere and allowed to reduce the dimensions of the sanitary protection zone to 150 meters.

The heating of the enclosure made it possible to stabilize the technological process during the cold period.

In addition, compared to traditional, the described treatment facilities have a number of other advantages:

- The average estimated cost of construction is reduced to 45 thousand rubles per 1 cubic meter of drains;

- automation of the process reduces staff by 50%;

- reduction of energy costs up to 0.18-0.25 kW per cubic meter of treated wastewater;

- the inclusion in the purification scheme of devices for dephosphatization and denitrification is achieved by the maximum permissible concentrations of fish farming reservoirs;

- the possibility of a "breakthrough" of the raw (untreated) wastewater is eliminated;

- the execution of sewerage treatment facilities in block form provides for the disconnection of the necessary section for repair without turning them off.

According to these schemes sewage treatment facilities were built in the village of Kuschevskaya, Krasnodar Region, the city of Volsk in the Saratov Region, the productivity of facilities from 5000 to 20,000 m3 / day in the city of Kineshma, Ivanovo Region, was built and built in the village of Tymovskoye in the Sakhalin Region and in the city of Turkestan in Kazakhstan.

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