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Unexplained facts. Amazing and unexplained facts of the world: top-10

Our world is full of wonders. They surround either of us from the first minutes of our birth. If you think more deeply, the very fact of our life with you is already an incredible and supreme miracle. Scientists have calculated that the appearance of a person to the light is one chance out of the billions of billions that fell on the share of ever living, living and still not emerging people. But if the appearance of man to the light has been explained biologically long ago, snowmen, UFO, brownies, crop circles, Chupacabra, Nessi, the Bermuda Triangle are still inexplicable facts! About them and tell.

Place 10. Crop Circles

Crop circles are geometrically correct geometric circles, having a diameter from 1 to several tens of meters. It's incredible, but true! As a rule, they are formed by ears growing in the fields involuntarily laid on the ground in one single direction. Especially it should be noted that the ears do not break, but just cuddle, continuing their natural growth. Circles in the fields - the phenomenon is massive, usually they are from 3 to 70 in one part of the field.

Incredible stories of farmers associated with the emergence of crop circles, as well as various observations have repeatedly led UFO scientists to question the natural origin of this phenomenon. After all, no man, with all his diligence and desire can not so accurately lay the ears and not damage their stems. Certainly, crop circles are a mysterious and still unexplained phenomenon, whether Mother Nature, or external forces.

Ufologist scientists put forward several versions, somehow explaining these inexplicable facts. Some say that this is the result of an overdose of fertilizers or a peculiar effect on them of a fungal infection. Others suggest that the circles are formed in the fields because of the influence of air vortices on the field vegetation. Some farmers generally say that these are traces of mating games arranged by field urchins and badgers.

At present, the military has joined this problem. They are considering a version with a test on the margins of some new type of secret weapon. In general, the phenomenon of the appearance of circles in the fields is still the mystery of mankind. It is worth noting that in 1980, a record was set for the number of circles that appeared on the field: in the UK then more than 500 laps were recorded!

Place 9. Bermuda Triangle

Once a Spanish navigator named Bermudez discovered in the Atlantic islands, surrounded on all sides by reefs and shoals that are dangerous for ships. He was lucky: he safely passed them, calling the Devil's Islands. Already later they were called Bermuda. Currently, this place is notorious: it is a dangerous area for navigation and air travel. Yes, and its borders were considerably moved apart.

At present, a dangerous area is the whole region located in the Atlantic Ocean between these very islands: Puerto Rico, the Florida peninsula and Bermuda. This zone received its name - the Bermuda Triangle. It is here that inexplicable phenomena occur , related to the disappearance of ships, aircraft and people. It is noted that in the Bermuda Triangle area the conditions of sea and air navigation bring people a significant difficulty.

Let us repeat, this place was spotted its sad glory because of the mysterious disappearances of aircraft, ships and inexplicable loss of life. For example, in December 1945, a whole chain of US Air Force patrol aircraft got into this zone at once. The commander of this link only managed to convey on the radio the following: "All the instruments on board refused! Our planes are off course! Lord, the ocean looks somehow strange! "After that, the connection with the crews of all these planes was cut off.

The investigation did not clarify anything at all. The Bermuda Triangle remained the eternal mystery of mankind. In the future, more and more cases of the disappearance of ships and aircraft that fell into the zone of the mysterious triangle. In the second half of the 20th century, this natural phenomenon began to be taken seriously. Unexplained things happening in the Atlantic between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico, are forcing scientists to come up with new hypotheses.

However, a sign of mystery still lies on this place. And this is due either to a lack of facts, or to a deliberate distortion of certain testimonies. Whatever it was, and scientists do not exclude manifestations in this zone of unexplored natural anomalies. Some experts believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a giant pathogenic and uncomfortable zone in which hurricanes are born, and unusual atmospheric phenomena that generate electrical interactions of water and air occur.

Place 8. The riddle of the Egyptian pyramids

The pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs who once came to the throne. The richer and mightier the ruler, the greater was his tomb. Unexplained facts of history, first of all, are connected with the mysterious construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. According to historians, their construction continued from 2700 to 1800 BC. But the mystery is not at all in this! Scientists say that ordinary mortals in those days could not have built such serious and practical structures.

The total weight of the stone blocks, specially processed under the pyramid and laid in it, was calculated. This weight is 6.5 million tons! While some scientists believe that the construction of one such tomb was conducted for 20 years with the participation of 100,000 people, others generally refuse to believe it. According to the second, even such a huge army of builders without special equipment could not cope with such a task for two decades.

Scientists-skeptics assure that such a task would be beyond their ability, saying that all this is simply incredible facts. In addition, it is assumed that the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids was not carried out all year round, but only at those intervals when the Nile River was flooded, suspending the work of construction people related to agriculture. Today, many hypotheses have been put forward, but none of them can withstand criticism and verification for strength.

Place 7. The Snowman

Many incredible stories, stirring the imagination of the townsfolk, are associated with their meetings with the so-called yeti, or a snowman. This is certainly one of the most amazing mysteries of cryptozoology - the science of unusual animals and humans ever seen on our planet. At the present time, a great many different testimonies have been gathered about people's encounters with these huge and shaggy humanoid creatures.

Collected a lot and indirect evidence of the existence of the Yeti, all possible fingerprints allegedly his paws on the snow and soft ground. Some witnesses generally brought pieces of wool, torn out allegedly from a snowman. Scientists have already created a whole base, based on the classification of some or other evidence (not evidence!) Of the existence of a snowman. Many of them are so picturesque that scientists have almost no doubt about their authenticity.

But, strangely enough, the more reports of meetings with the Yeti appear, so scientists are increasingly doubting its existence: some seemingly inexplicable materials of the meeting with the yeti - it turns out to be fakes! Molds from the tracks of these creatures turn out to be artificial, and photo and video shooting is made by mounting and special effects. Even pieces of wool allegedly belonging to the yeti, after appropriate laboratory tests and analyzes are recognized as crude counterfeits. Therefore, the sensation has not happened yet.

Place 6. Nessie

"Incredible, but true!" - so cryptozoologists say about the legend associated with the existence of a monster from prehistoric times in one of the Scottish lakes. This lake is called Loch Ness, and it is located in the north-west of Scotland among many mountain ranges. Lake Loch Ness appeared about 300 000 000 years ago. Its maximum depth is 300 meters. According to the urban legend, in its depths a strange creature of enormous dimensions settled. Scientists have dubbed this monster very nice name - Nessie.

This problem was attended not only by cryptozoologists, but also paleontologists, because Loch Ness monster is not a monster from fairy tales, but only a plesiosaur, somehow miraculously surviving to our times. Reports of meetings with Nessie were accumulating at a tremendous speed: someone was watching the monster escape to the shore, someone saw his head sticking out of the neck with water. There are also eyewitnesses who allegedly saw Nessie with a whole brood of pups. The enigma of Lake Loch Ness attracted and continues to attract tourists from all over the world.

Unexplained cases of meeting people with Nessie and today fuel the professional interest of scientists in this legendary lake. Until now, paleontologists and cryptozoologists are arriving there, they take samples of soil and water, trying to catch at least some connection with Nessie. At present, scientific expeditions are conducting serious research, fixing the underwater world of the lake on video cameras and with the help of sonar. Video shooting, produced in one day, showed only a thickness of water with indefinite moving objects, which in most cases turn out to be schools of fish.

For the sake of justice, we note that sometimes objects that are remotely resembling fins attached to some huge carcass fall into the camera lens. On the shore, too, from time to time there are traces similar to those that can leave behind a massive animal, supported by fins. The lake surface is monitored 24 hours a day, the data is collated, reports are compiled. But all this can not be called irrefutable facts, therefore, until now the mystery of Loch Ness has not been solved.

Place 5. Chupacabra

The unexplained creatures inhabiting our planet are not limited to a snowman and a Loch Ness monster. A vivid example is the Chupacabra. The first part of this word is translated as "sucking", and the second - "goat", literally - "goat vampire". About this mysterious animal already legends all over the world go: this creature kills domestic animals (sheep and goats), sucking blood from them.

At present Chupacabra became the heroine of books, various feature films, serials and cartoons. Outwardly this animal resembles either a dog or a jackal. Often the evidence proving the existence of the Chupacabra turns out to be photographs of any mutated animals: wolves, foxes, dogs. There is no reliable information about the existence of this unexplained animal at the present time.

Place 4. The evil spirit

Not everyone of us, of course, came across this, but all of us have heard more than once that sometimes inexplicable things can happen in the house: spoons fall from the tables, dishes that stand exactly on the table are broken, there are some sounds and t . It is generally believed that all this is the trick of a house-girl. As he looks, of course, no one knows for sure, but his image firmly entered Russian folklore, which made him such a sweet and charming "old man".

From the point of view of scientists, the house-spirit is a paranormal phenomenon, concentrated in an invisible clot of energy. Parapsychologists are sure that the house-spirit is a thinking being able to read the thoughts of the owners of the house in which it lives. One of the phenomena of the brownie is the inexplicable cases of his meetings with young children. Psychics say that in a house where there are children, this clot of energy can take the form of any big toy. Children often see him, but they can not explain anything to adults.

Place 3. Dreams and dreams

Unexplained puzzles lie not only in nature, but also in the mind of the person himself. These are, for example, our dreams. In the old days, people believed that his soul at night starts some sort of journey through the outside world. There she allegedly receives either a divine revelation, or a corresponding warning of danger. Today such dreams are called prophetic, or prophetic. Scientists still can not explain such a nature of dreams. Most likely, our brain is very intuitively developed, which allows him to "draw" warning dreams in our minds.

Often dreams have some chaotic character: a person who wakes up after that remembers only a certain episode or an excerpt from what he dreamed. In this regard, there is an inexplicable, but quite frequent phenomenon: often in a short instant between sleep and reality, we, not realizing what is happening, draw some phantasmagoric image to everyday problems, and vice versa. As a result, we get a real "vinaigrette" from reality and illusion.

Place 2. UFOs and aliens

Many inexplicable facts of the world have (and will never have) such popularity as UFOs, or unidentified flying objects. Someone jokingly remarked: "While the scientists of the whole world trace the evolutionary development of organisms, study meteorites and take samples of the lunar soil, ordinary people habitually observe the UFO." On the one hand, objects of extraterrestrial origin are fables, but on the other - where do their photographs from magazines, newspapers and the Internet come from?

According to the concept outlined in the popular television series: "NASA. Unexplained materials, "over the past decade, the world's researchers, together with ufologists, have done a tremendous job: they compiled a catalog of possible representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. This allowed them to divide all the space aliens into two groups:

  • Humanoids,
  • Nonhumanoids.

What is the difference between them? As the name implies, the representatives of the first group are similar to an earthly person. They are considered anthropomorphic and intelligent beings. Their growth ranges from 0.7 to 3.5 meters. Parts of the body do not always have a proportional shape: the head is large, the limbs are thin and long. They can be dressed in both ordinary and strange clothes and have a habit of imitating the person they liked.

According to the data presented in the same series "NASA. Unexplained materials, "to the representatives of the second group, the researchers include all other extraterrestrial beings. These newcomers can have a completely different appearance, and their body can take any form. It was these creatures that were the favorite characters of many famous Hollywood directors who shot such blockbusters as "Stranger", "Critters", etc.

Incredible facts about UFOs and aliens constantly excite the minds of not only UFO scientists, but also the inhabitants of the whole planet Earth. After all, it may be that our "neighbors" in the galaxy, and possibly the whole Universe, fly to us! But is it worth blindly believing numerous eyewitness accounts, more than half of which are empty fakes? We probably disappoint you, but for the time being there is no evidence for the existence of extraterrestrials of earth scientists.

Place 1. Life after death

The afterlife, or the life of the soul after the death of man, is a philosophical and religious idea of the continuing conscious life of people after their death. Unexplained facts and related situations are today, perhaps, the most important topic of man's spiritual being. In principle, people from century to century were interested in knowing what will happen after their physical death.

At present, this aspect of man's spiritual being is strictly prescribed in each of the existing religions. Curiosity associated with the afterlife does not cease to stir our minds and tickle our nerves. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all ideas about a new life are conditioned by man's belief in immortality and reincarnation (relocation) of his soul, in resurrection from the dead, in posthumous retribution. It is these unexplained facts that are reflected in religious and philosophical-religious worldviews.

With the immortality of the soul, the phenomenon of clinical death is closely related and not unknown to all of us. Scientists and doctors pay special attention to him. Many people who underwent the so-called clinical death, talk about those or other visions that visited them at that moment. That's what's important: for all of them, a light spot ahead and a feeling of flying / falling toward it are characteristic. The question of the origin of such near-death visions is still the subject of scientific disputes and discussions among scientists. There is an opinion that all these are the processes occurring at the time of clinical death directly in our brain. However, even this today is just a hypothesis.

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