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Types of puzzles, their use

The fact of the existence of such a genre as a riddle was known in ancient times. He did not lose his relevance in the modern life of people. What is so attractive about this form of folk and author's poetry? Why is the genre so actively developing? Types of puzzles that exist today, are extremely diverse.

What is a riddle

There are several definitions of this concept. The meaning of many of them boils down to the fact that in the riddle a description of some object or phenomenon of reality in an allegorical form is given. In addition, very often the text contains a question, the answer to which becomes the answer.

Given that the types of riddles are of great variety, variations in the definition of a concept are permissible. The general can be called an indication that the text is always well thought out and clearly formulated.

Allegory and metaphor

Types of puzzles that contain a metaphor or allegory in the text are considered the most ancient. In them objects of everyday life, phenomena occurring in the life of animate and inanimate nature, are likened to the actions of man himself. For example:

  • Feed them - live, give to drink - die. Fire.

The most complex type of puzzles contains a special characteristic of the phenomenon or object in question. In their description words are used, rarely used together with the name of the object. An example can serve as riddles:

  • White lambs run around the candle. Verba.
  • In the middle of the field there is a mirror: the glass is blue and the frame is green. Pond.

From the history of the development of society it is known that people valued not only those who could solve riddles. On a special account were people who could speak with riddles. Among their congeners, they wore the title of wise men, possessing extraordinary clarity of mind, wit, fiction. Sometimes they were attributed supernatural abilities.

Sound image in the text

Some types of riddles are based not on the semantic image, but on the sound. To find the answer, you need to listen to every word in the text. A certain combination of sounds in them pushes on the word-guess.

It is also necessary to show wit and ingenuity. Human erudition is also important when guessing such riddles:

  • Tsap-scratches: pick up arms! Rake.

It should be taken into account, there are ancient riddles of this kind, and also created by writers only recently. It is noticed that for the modern person the works that appeared several centuries ago are the most difficult to solve. And this is quite understandable. The search for the word-guess makes a person better know the life of their ancestors, the history of this or that people.

Using a small genre in working with children

All kinds of puzzles for children are divided into certain topics. This facilitates the work of the teacher or parents at the stage of preparation for the lesson. Thematic groups can be:

  • Alphabet, letters, alphabet;
  • Life of a person;
  • Time, seasons;
  • Riddles about sports;
  • Musical instrument and instruments;
  • garden;
  • Modern and ancient means of transportation;
  • Educational supplies;
  • natural phenomena.

This is just a small list of topics that can be studied with children through the use of puzzles. They successfully fit into any school subject, as well as an extra-curricular event, a holiday, a contest, an excursion. Riddles enliven the learning process, making it more vivid and memorable.

The role of puzzles in the development of the horizons of children, their speech, curiosity, and observation is very important. Using this genre, you can arrange daily training for the memory and attention of the child. Given the fact that children are very fond of puzzles, such pursuits will not seem intrusive and boring.

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