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Types of maintenance. Maintenance and repair of equipment

Maintenance - the types of work performed in the interval between planned and unscheduled repair of production equipment. The goal is to guarantee reliable and uninterrupted work. Timely maintenance and competent operation significantly reduce the cost of repairs and forced downtime.

Maintenance tasks

It can be stated with certainty that maintenance is the defining preventive action that is extremely necessary to ensure the continuous operation of production equipment and mechanisms in the intervals between planned repair manipulations. It involves the departure and exercise of control over the operation of machinery, their maintenance in good working order, scheduled inspection, cleaning, washing, adjustment, purging and other equipment repairs.

Individual types of maintenance can be carried out directly on the running equipment using breaks and days off. In the presence of appropriate permits in the operating instructions for machinery and equipment, they can be briefly disconnected from mains to a complete stop. In such cases, some simple, but not to interrupt the production and technological processes.

Regulatory documents

GOSTs, regulating the use of maintenance systems and equipment repair, are 18322-78 "Maintenance and repair of machinery." Terms and definitions "and 28.001-83" System of technical maintenance and repair of machinery. "Basic provisions." It is these standards that determine the classification and types of maintenance of electrical equipment.

Classification of maintenance types

In the operational phases, repairs and maintenance are divided into:

  • THEN when stored.
  • TO when moving.
  • Maintenance.
  • THEN while waiting.

By frequency:

  • Periodic maintenance.
  • Seasonal maintenance.

According to the operating conditions:

  • THAT in special conditions.

According to the regulation of implementation:

  • Regulated service.
  • Periodic control.
  • Constant control.
  • Stream maintenance.
  • Centralized service.
  • Decentralized service.

On organization of implementation:

  • The maintenance personnel.
  • The specialized personnel.
  • The operating organization.
  • A specialized organization.
  • THEN by the manufacturer.

For maintenance methods:

  • Flow method of maintenance.
  • The centralized method of maintenance.
  • Decentralized TO.

By the executive organization:

  • Operational personnel,
  • Specialized personnel,
  • Operating organization,
  • Specialized organization,
  • Manufacturer.

Separation of the concepts of "current" and "planned" service

To avoid the problem for the mechanics of the enterprises of the question of who exactly should carry out the maintenance of industrial machines and mechanisms, it is customary to divide the concepts of "current" and "planned" maintenance. To some extent, it includes constant monitoring of equipment, with or without a brief stop. And on the other hand, various types of maintenance are included in the repair system of maintenance and preventive maintenance of PPR as an element of the plan or as an intermediate activity.

Routine Maintenance

Various types of routine maintenance are carried out by the site's own production personnel or workshop and include hourly and shift control of equipment operation, inspection, lubrication, etc. In terms of the number of staff units, this is reasonable and rational, since it does not require an increase in the number of workers in the repair service. On the other hand, this method allows existing operators to expand their knowledge of the principles of operation and the technical arrangement of industrial equipment.

As a rule, the current maintenance of the equipment is not regulated and it presupposes:

  • Clear execution of all operating rules, which are stipulated by technical documentation of the manufacturer;
  • Regulation of a certain operating mode of the equipment and prevention of overloads;
  • Adherence to the temperature regime;
  • Strict lubrication intervals in places where technical documentation requires it ;
  • Monitoring of the deterioration state of mechanisms and components during visual inspection;
  • Instantaneous disconnection of electrical equipment in case of an emergency.

Scheduled maintenance

Scheduled maintenance and the necessary repairs are carried out by qualified, specially trained personnel of the repair team. As a rule, planned works are more voluminous than current maintenance, and may include dismantling of entire machine units and mechanisms. That's why competent specialists-mechanics are required.

Scheduled repairs and maintenance are a regulated type of work. To it carry:

  • Checking the performance of equipment;
  • Adjustment and regulation of key characteristics;
  • Cleaning of clogged working parts of equipment and mechanisms;
  • Replacement of filters and oil;
  • Detection of violations and malfunctioning of equipment.

Data on changes in the operation of the serviced mechanisms during maintenance are fixed: in inspection cards, repair logs, in a computer database, etc.

Technological maintenance cards, lubricant changes, material consumption specifications are very well proven when routine or routine maintenance is performed. With their help, repair specialists easily assimilate information on the periodicity and the list of necessary works.

Since these or those types of maintenance and repair do not have a standard manual, the main documents are developed within a separate system. Moreover, for a certain type of industrial equipment requires its own list of works. For maximum convenience, the equipment of an enterprise is divided into groups to facilitate the development of maintenance methods for them.

Conditional separation of equipment

The first division is carried out in accordance with the general status of equipment as part of the basic equipment of the enterprise:

  • Technological;
  • Electrotechnical;
  • Hoisting and transport, etc.

Further, the numerous technological equipment of the enterprise is divided into subgroups, which is of the greatest interest for the repair team:

  • Metal cutting equipment;
  • Forge-and-press equipment;
  • Foundry equipment;
  • Woodworking equipment, etc.

Inside the listed types of equipment, it is much easier to allocate facilities for characterizing and performing repair work, as well as certain types of maintenance.

Composition of work by equipment groups

The list of works for machine tools includes:

  • Evaluation of wear of friction parts;
  • Fastening of fastening and tension elements;
  • Checking of safety devices and clamps;
  • Determination of noise and vibration;
  • Regulation of the supply of cooling liquids and oils, etc.

Some items are included in the maintenance list for forging, woodworking, foundry equipment, with the exception of specific features of operation and device.

Maintenance and repair system

The main task of automated systems for various types of maintenance is to reduce the costs of this item of the company's budget and significantly improve the reliability class of machines and mechanisms, which helps to reduce the cost of production and, consequently, revenue growth.

In the case of repair, the task is changing, as it is necessary to minimize not only the losses, but also the frequency of the work itself (regardless of the type and volume). The ideal scheme, to which enterprises strive, is a complete abandonment of emergency repairs, which inevitably lead to unscheduled stops of production.

In addition, operation and maintenance, in particular, carrying out repairs, are carried out under conditions of some uncertainty. Even carried out monitoring of wear and tear of industrial equipment and many years of experience can not determine the specific volume and specify the range of new spare parts for the equipment. But the conveyor system assumes the exact distribution of necessary parts, which may be required from the warehouse to a specific order.

What is the maintenance and repair system

The system of maintenance and repair is a complex of related specialists, technical devices, reporting and fixing the results of the documentation. All of them are necessary to maintain the proper state of industrial equipment, defined by GOST.

All enterprises of the country enjoy a unified concept of preserving working machines and mechanisms in a state of continuous operation, part of which is the application of a legally approved system of preventive maintenance (PPR).

This system is a full-fledged complex of organizational and technical actions, carried out in a planned mode, aimed at monitoring and ensuring the working condition of machines and mechanisms available on the balance sheet of the enterprise. Such a system is used during the entire life of the equipment, provided that the operating conditions and operating conditions specified by the manufacturer are observed. Accurate compliance with all requirements, recommendations and instructions for use is mandatory.

The system of preventive maintenance works is based on the implementation of planned periodic inspections, monitoring the condition of the main equipment and is a precautionary measure. Thus, a set of measures ensuring the maintenance of excellent performance of machines and mechanisms is performed according to the developed monthly and annual schedules. The latter are designed in order to prevent and prevent unexpected failure of industrial equipment, that is, in the calculation of reducing additional costs.

Maintenance of the maintenance system

The introduction of the preventative maintenance system into production is ensured by:

  • Sufficient material and technical base and maintenance of certain periodicity of repair work, deadlines for implementation;
  • Full volume of the executed list of maintenance operations, guaranteeing the continuous operation of machines and equipment;
  • As soon as possible the shortest period of stay of the out-of-service equipment in repair (especially capital repairs).

Implementation of works

Depending on the category and technological importance of the equipment, as well as the stability of the production processes and the safety of workers, these or other types of repair work can be carried out as repairs on a faulty technical condition, scheduled (planned) repair, repair by the worked-out date or a combination thereof.

Repair of industrial equipment is permissible to be carried out by the enterprises-owners who directly use it, as well as by specialized teams of manufacturing plants or repair enterprises. The priorities of these organizational schemes for each plant are set depending on the availability of own reserves, equipment, qualifications of repair personnel and financial solvency. But every industrial enterprise can, at its discretion, give preference to any method and form of PPR, which maximally corresponds to the main directions of production.

Terms of maintenance

Types and terms of maintenance are estimated in days or months, and this depends on the complexity and type of industrial equipment. So, for example, calculations for tractive rolling stock (diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, etc.) are made according to the average values of overhauls.

Periodicity, types and terms of maintenance are calculated on the basis of the calendar operating time and take into account the technical conditions of the manufacturing plants.

Thus, as a result of a small analysis of the nature, classification, types of maintenance of industrial, production and process equipment, it can be concluded that it is necessary, planned and mandatory strict control. It is the combination of these components that will allow enterprises to achieve uninterrupted operation of machines and mechanisms, which, in turn, helps to save the budget, increase labor productivity and generate additional profits.

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