HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies and abroad

Gastric cancer is considered to be the most common oncological diseases, it is in second place after lung cancer. Mostly the disease affects the male part of the population aged 45-50 years, much less often - girls and women. Most of the infected live in Russia and Latin America. To address the topic of "treatment of stomach cancer", it is worth considering the causes of the appearance of the disease and its symptoms.


At the moment, scientists have not yet documented the specific causes of the disease. Usually, gastric cancer treatment is required for people who do not watch their food at all. This is a complete lack of diet, excessive use of harmful, spicy food and fast food. In addition, the cancer can be formed due to exacerbation of gastritis and other diseases of the intestinal tract: Barrett's syndrome, ulcer. Among people who prefer the treatment of stomach cancer folk remedies are many who were diagnosed precisely because of their carelessness. The fact is that self-medication does not lead to anything good, as a result of which there may be an exacerbation. Therefore, before using any medications and applying traditional methods of treatment, it is worth consulting with a doctor.


Many people know that cancer often leads to death. This is due to the fact that at an early stage the disease is almost impossible to recognize because of the lack of bright specific symptoms. Often, many doctors can confuse the cancer with an acute form of gastritis. Despite this, we can not neglect the diagnosis. We can distinguish a number of typical symptoms: malaise, weakness, abdominal pain, discomfort, etc. It is important to start treatment of stomach cancer in time, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.

Most of the patients complain of fatigue, bad mood or depression, loss of appetite. Also it is necessary to distinguish paling skin and a sharp decrease in weight.

Treatment of stomach cancer should be comprehensive. Usually combine medicines and folk methods. The disease is dangerous metastases. The fact is that some cancer cells that have separated from the main tumor are quickly transferred to the organs. The following parts can be affected: lungs, liver, bones, lymph nodes, and also skin.

At the moment, cancer is very well diagnosed abroad. Good results in this area have been achieved in Germany and Israel.

Treatment of stomach cancer in Germany and Israel

First of all, treatment should be comprehensive: the use of radiation therapy, surgical intervention, as well as medications. In many ways, the choice of treatment depends on the form and stage of the cancer, it is also important for the doctor to know whether there are metastases and what the general condition of the patient is.

As a rule, doctors emphasize surgical intervention. If the main area of the tumor is at the exit from the stomach and has acceptable dimensions, then a subtotal resection is performed. If the tumor is large, an operation is performed to remove the stomach.

In the event that surgery does not take place, the patient undergoes chemotherapy and radiation. Often, chemical prophylaxis acts as an additional treatment.

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