HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to cure thrush or what is candidiasis.

Thrush often occurs in modern women. Statistics show that every third of the fair sex faces such a problem. This is a fungal disease of the mucous membrane of female genital organs. It occurs when the yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida multiply . This is why thrush is also called candidiasis.

Before you understand how to cure thrush, you need to know about the nature and symptoms of the disease. Candida microorganisms exist in the body of any normal person on the skin, in the gastrointestinal tract, in the oral cavity, in the genitourinary system. But when their balance is broken under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply excessively, and then women who suffer from this disease are concerned with only one question: "Is it possible to cure thrush?". After all, if you ignore the acute form, it can easily become chronic. And then you will become a victim of constant and numerous relapses arising from secondary infection. Such people usually suffer from gynecological infections or dysbiosis.

Quickly cure thrush is unlikely to succeed, it will be necessary to work hard. After all, this infection is known for its multifactoriality. The fungus sometimes penetrates into the cells of the multilayered epithelium and forms phagosomes there, in which the candidate can multiply and exist for a very long time and at the same time be protected even from the medicinal action.

To understand how to cure thrush, you need to know the symptoms of her manifestation. So, cheesy discharge, increasing the sensitivity of your mucous to urine and water, itching and burning in the genital area, unpleasant smell and painful sexual intercourse - all this means that you have candidiasis.

How to cure thrush should be decided by a specialist. There are several ways: first, you need to eliminate and weaken the influence of risk factors, secondly, undergo antimycotic therapy, and third, restore the normal vaginal flora.

You should be aware that antifungal agents are produced by pharmacological companies in various dosage forms, both for internal and external use. The first row - polyene - levorin, natamycin, nystatin, the second - triazole - intraconazole, fluconazole, and the third - imidazole - clotrimazole, ketoconazole. Unfortunately, antimycotic drugs are generally available, and often people, without consulting with a doctor, use them uncontrollably and haphazardly. This only increases the resistance of these yeast fungi to treatment. Only a specialist can tell you for sure how to cure thrush and prescribe a suitable drug for you, including at a price.

Traditional medicine also offers many ways to get rid of thrush. First of all, it should be said that phytopreparations of garlic and onions are now widely used, since the action of the substances contained in them is fatal to thirteen strains of fungi that are pathogenic to humans.

There is also a preparation of sanguirithrin, which is isolated from the herb maculae. It has good activity against yeast-like fungi and Staphylococcus aureus. Sangviritrin is used externally in the form of a solution. Helps in the fight in thrush also an extract of aloe, bised, eleutherococcus, tincture of ginseng. The mucous membrane can be lubricated with tincture of calendula, chlorophylliptum, tincture of poplar and birch buds. For syringing apply St. John's wort, various fees and broths. Carrots are used to treat thrush due to the content of beta-carotene, which helps strengthen the walls of the vagina. If you suspect a candidiasis, be sure to consult a specialist for diagnosis and consultation.

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