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Translation bureau at Semenovskaya

Cooperation with foreign colleagues takes place in almost all spheres of our reality - from tourism to foreign economic activity (foreign economic activity), from the organization of parallel education abroad to the conclusion of international marriages. But in each case an extremely important problem arises before our citizens - to translate a package of certain documents necessary for work or study abroad, import or export of goods, and so on.

Translations of such documentation are handled by special translation agencies, which are very numerous in Moscow. In particular, there is a serious translation bureau at Semenovskaya, which has been operating for 15 years. The staff of this translation agency employs specialists specializing in working with legal and technical documents. In the process of translating legal documentation, the translator must accurately convey the contents of the document, not allowing any "lyrical digressions" from its essence. At the end of the document, the translator signs. But this is only the first step.

Notarized translation of documents

The legislation clearly indicates that in certain cases it is necessary to make a notarized translation of documents, which is performed only by a notary. It should be noted that a lawyer can not be responsible for the adequacy and correctness of a translation - his task is to assure the signature of an interpreter entered in the notarial register. The content of the document is the responsibility of the person who signed the translation. He must have an appropriate diploma or be the bearer of the corresponding language by virtue of his birth (the latter rule applies only to the national languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation).

Certification of translation of documents can be done by notary public bodies, as well as private notaries. Of course, the translation agency at Semenovskaya closely interacts with one or another lawyer, so clients do not need to lose their time and look for a person who assures the relevant papers. In order for a notary to certify the authenticity of the translation, the client will need to present the original and a copy of the document.

Then a notarized translation is attached to the original (passport, birth certificate, etc.) or a copy thereof. On a translation certified by a notary, if necessary, an apostille stamp (this action is called apostille) can be delivered.

What is Apostille?

Apostille is a method of simplified legalization of a document in the international arena. After all, the Russian language is not understood abroad, and, accordingly, the assurance of the signature of the Russian translator by a Russian notary public, with notary stamps in Russian, has no legal force. The countries that signed the Hague Convention agreed on a special simplified procedure for mutual recognition of documents with the help of this very stamp, called "apostille". What does he look like? The apostille is a square stamp in which the country of origin of the document, the authorized person and the competent authority within the country that certified this document and stamped the apostille, the date and number of the document, etc., are specified strictly according to the template, etc. In Moscow, the apostille is made through the Ministry of Justice . The formal requirements for the preparation of the translation of the document for apostille are rather strict. But the client does not need to delve into these requirements and travel to the Ministry of Justice. The Translation Bureau will do everything for it. The period for putting an Apostille stamp in the Translation Agency Norma-TM (Semenovskaya metro station) is 3-5 working days.

Technical translations

A separate line of business of this company are technical translations. An important requirement for the successful implementation of a scientific and technical translation is the understanding by the translator of the technical nature of the translated documentation. It is difficult for a philologist with a humanitarian education to adequately convey technical terminology. That is why the engineers translate technical translation into the bureau of scientific and technical translations Norma-TM in Moscow.

To receive more complete information about all the services rendered in Moscow by the translation bureau Norma-TM, you can visit

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