
Tomato "Katya".

The time and place of origin of tomatoes, scientists still argue. Some consider the homeland of tomatoes South-East Asia, others - Mexico. It is from the Incas that the name "tomato" comes (they called it "tomato"). But in Europe, the word "tomato" is often used, which is attributed to Italian ("pomo dorogo" - ital. "Golden apple") and (or) French ("pom d'amur" - the French "apple of love") roots.

Tomatoes were also known in ancient Asia. In one of the burials of China, dated 100 BCE, perfectly preserved seeds of tomatoes were found . And this story has an unusual continuation. The seeds found, given to modern botanists, strangely enough, sprouted and gave excellent shoots. As a result of the survey it became known that the ancient variety of tomatoes differed more compressed dates of flowering and fruiting. In addition, they differ somewhat in the composition of vitamins and mineral salts from modern tomatoes.

Tomatoes appeared on the territory of modern Russia in the 18th century. Unlike Western Europe and the United States, they were not considered poisonous here. Nevertheless, the Russian nobles considered these "strange fruits wonderful and sophisticated and taste not suitable." Only thanks to the propaganda of the great Russian agronomist A.T. Bolotov, the tomatoes began to pierce the road to the table of the Russian man.

In recent decades, tomatoes have become so popular on the planet that they were able to overtake all the known fruits and vegetables. The exception is only grapes. A huge number of different types of tomatoes are distinguished, differing from each other in appearance, size, color and taste.

One of the relatively recent varieties are the tomatoes "Katya". They are distinguished by their unique early maturity, high yield, and resistance to adverse weather conditions. Tomato "Katya" is considered to be an ultra-ripening determinant tomato hybrid. From the appearance of his first shoots to the beginning of the process of fruiting, only 75-80 days pass.

Tomatoes "sort of Katya" are a medium-sized plant. The first brush of tomatoes, with 7-8 fruits, is laid already on the 5th or 6th leaf. The grown fruits are round or flat, dense, bright red. They are not distinguished by the presence of a green spot near the stalk. The average mass of grown tomatoes is 120 g. Taste qualities are considered good.

Tomato Katya favorably differs from its counterparts in high resistance to cracking. Fruits are not afraid of the appearance of vertex rot, phytophthora and alternaria. Tomato Katya is immune to the appearance of the tomato mosaic virus. The yield of tomatoes of this variety grown in the open ground is about 10 kg / m2. In the protected ground, it is slightly higher - up to 15 kg / m2.

Tomato Katya is not only tasty, but also very useful for the human body. It consists of vitamins A, B, ascorbic acid, carotene. It is very rich in potassium, phosphorus, a variety of organic acids and fiber. Along with other varieties of tomatoes, it has a fairly high ability to alkalize the body, which helps maintain the acid-base balance in it at the proper level.

Modern nutritionists are advised to consume fresh tomatoes to everyone without exception. Particular benefit can be brought by their addition in the diet of cores. Low caloric content of tomatoes combined with high fiber content is very helpful for people suffering from overweight. In addition, their use favorably affects the vital activity of the intestinal microflora.

Tomato Katya, along with other types of tomatoes, is one of the "medicines" that help the body get rid of excess cholesterol. It is able to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and improve metabolic processes occurring in the body.

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