
To strengthen blood vessels drugs and products. How to strengthen the vessels

The circulatory system in the human body is so improbable that each new blood rotation takes place in only 20 seconds. In this case, the tissues of various organs have time to be saturated with oxygen and the nutrients that come with the food and give the blood products to the blood. That is why it is necessary to closely monitor the health of the blood vessels, which act as the "breadwinners" of the whole body.

How to maintain your health, what preparations for vascular strengthening exist? The answers to these questions can be found in this article. At once it is necessary to note, that all medical products mentioned below, can be appointed by the doctor only to adults, in pediatrics they are not used at all.

Causes of Vessel Failure

Regrettably, according to statistics, the diseases of the cardiovascular system are now firmly fixed in the leading positions in the rating of the most dangerous and common pathologies. What caused this "popularity" and whether it is necessary in this case to take drugs to strengthen the walls of blood vessels? Or you can still do with proper nutrition?

A sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, stress and poor quality water slow down the blood flow every day, as a result of which the vessels are filled with cholesterol, and their walls are depleted.

To protect yourself from such a terrible disease, you need to figure out how to prevent it and what preparations to strengthen the walls of blood vessels should be taken if the pathology has already overtaken.

Products for blood vessels

Today, many diseases can be cured by abandoning "harmful" products. In this case, it is not necessary to take any medications to strengthen the blood vessels, you can simply adjust your diet and thereby support the circulatory system.

First of all, you need to give up fried and fat lamb or pork in favor of boiled or stewed poultry and fish. But this does not mean that you should not eat meat, you just need to choose low-fat varieties.

It should be excluded from the diet of smoked meat, fatty cheeses and butter. Of course, fats need to be used for the proper functioning of the body, but it is better to give preference to olive oil. In general, animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats or limited to their consumption to a minimum.

Patients in old age need less to eat flour, because it has a lot of fat and sugar.

To not have to take drugs to strengthen blood vessels, you need as much as possible to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. These are the products that can be consumed indefinitely.

Useful for the vessels will be porridge from various cereals, beans, soybeans and lentils. Strangely enough, but it is in soybeans contain all the necessary substances and mineral compounds, from which the walls of the vessels are built.

Broth of dogrose and green tea are also excellent tools for strengthening blood vessels. Drugs for the treatment of vomiting fragility usually contain the same substances that are naturally present in these plants, and therefore they can help both in treatment and in prevention.

Of particular value for vessels are foods such as onion, eggplant, garlic, cucumber, grapefruit, currant and chokeberry.

These fruits and vegetables contribute to rejuvenate the walls of blood vessels, strengthen them, and normalize lipid metabolism. If you eat these foods daily, you will not need drugs to strengthen the vessels .

Vitamins for blood vessels

An invaluable role in the elasticity and strengthening of blood vessels is played by vitamin complexes. Often we simply forget that even with the most carefully planned nutrition, the body does not have enough of these or other vitamins and ignore the recommendations of specialists to take the simplest vitamin complexes in the spring-autumn period. And very even in vain, because vitamin P in combination with ascorbic acid is an excellent tool for strengthening blood vessels. Preparations with their content are mandatory both for the prevention of the disease, and for the treatment of even the most neglected forms of the disease.

Folk recipes for vascular strengthening

Folk wisdom, which for centuries accumulated the secrets of health, did not disregard the vessels.

  • So, for their strengthening in equal parts, the bark of the hazel grouse and the mountain arnica are mixed . Taking three tablespoons of the mixture, steam it with half a liter of boiling water. It is better to do this in a thermos so that the medicine can well stand for the night. Drink 3 cups a day three times a day to strengthen the blood vessels. Preparations with vitamins taken in parallel will help achieve a better result.
  • Another popular means is the juice of beets with honey, which are mixed in equal parts and taken on a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Beetroot is included in this recipe: take a glass of beet juice, horseradish juice, lemon juice and honey, mix and use a mixture of 1 tablespoon three times a day and at least two months before going to bed.

Preparations with horse chestnut for strengthening of vessels

Preparations based on horse chestnut, which reduce blood clotting, strengthen capillaries and veins and prevent the formation of blood clots, will become a good tool for strengthening vessels. Extract of this plant is very often included as a major component in drugs that dissolve thrombi.

However, it is not necessary to buy preparations based on horse chestnut in the pharmacy for strengthening the vessels. You can most insist 50 grams of chestnut fruit in 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol for about two weeks, periodically shaking the container. You need to drink the drug 30-40 drops four times a day for about one and a half months.

Creams for strengthening the vessels of the legs

Horse chestnut is always the first in the list of medicines, if you need strengthening of the vessels of the legs. Preparations for external use in the form of creams and gels based on horse chestnut are also very popular and, most importantly, effective. For example, these are such tools as "Venoton" gel, "Normoven" cream and "Venozol" cream. These drugs strengthen the walls of blood vessels and are excellent in dealing with varicose veins and thrombi.

Preparations, strengthening vessels

Not many people will be able to abandon the habitual way of life, excluding the food products listed above, which are harmful to blood vessels, abandoning bad habits and protecting themselves from stressful situations. And if the first two items can somehow still be minimized, then the daily stresses, which are one of the first enemies of our vessels, are unlikely to be avoided. And here, of course, will have to take drugs aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

And then, of course, you need to remember that the medicine should be prescribed by a specialist, because self-medication can be dangerous.

All medicines, whose action is aimed at strengthening the veins and blood vessels, can be divided into several groups:

  1. Vitamin complexes (the drug "Vitrum-Cardio", dietary supplements "Antiox").
  2. Antagonists of calcium (the drug "Isoptil").
  3. Spasmolytics (preparations "Cavinton" and "Tanakan").
  4. Medicines that increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels (the drug "Ascorutin").
  5. Blockers of calcium channels (the drug "Cinnarizine").

This diversity is due to the fact that in the human body there is a mass of veins, vessels and capillaries of different diameters, which depends on which system they serve. Therefore, the impact on them must be different.

About what exactly from preparations of an unpainted complex the patient can approach, only the doctor can tell. Otherwise, you can get very serious complications. Next, drugs aimed at strengthening veins and blood vessels, vitamin-type preparations will be considered.

Ginkgo Biloba FORTE

The composition of "Ginkgo Biloba Forte" includes active substances of plant origin, reducing the permeability of the walls of the capillaries, strengthening the vascular wall and normalizing its tone.
Taking 1 capsule twice a day will help to provide comprehensive prevention of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Supplements "Antioxidants"

Biologically active additive with the name "Antioxidant" is a multifunctional and powerful antioxidant with enough vitamins, including beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, extract of ginkgo biloba.

If it is necessary to strengthen the vessels of the eyes, preparations with beta-carotene and ginkgo biloba are the most correct option, and therefore, if there is a fragility of the eye capillaries, the "Antiox" supplements will become irreplaceable.

In general, this additive is multifunctional and has a fairly large list of indications. The action is mainly aimed at restoring metabolic processes and strengthening the body as a whole. Take it 1 capsule twice a day. However, one should be careful, since skin allergic reactions to individual components may appear.

The drug "Emoxipin"

If the eyes constantly appear red dots or pronounced capillaries, you should think about buying a medicine whose effect will be directed to strengthening the vessels of the eyes. Drugs in this case can be local action. One such is the "Emoxipine" remedy. These drops dissolve fine hemorrhages on the skin of the eye and strengthen the walls of small vessels.

For treatment in the diseased eye, 1-2 drops are dripped several times a day. Term therapy can be a whole month.

The preparation Vitrum Cardio

This drug is a multivitamin preparation aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system. One tablet contains about 20 mineral and vitamin substances, completely replenishing the daily norm for the body.

This is an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis, as well as vitamin deficiency. Depending on the health status of the drug, one or two tablets are drunk 1 to 3 times a day. The course of therapy should be at least a month.

However, with self-administration should be very cautious, since there may be allergic reactions. When taking Vitrum Cardio, you should not take other complex vitamin preparations, in particular with vitamins A and D in the formula.

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