Health, Preparations
Tivortin: instructions for use. "Tivortin": reviews, price, description
How to use "Tivortin" medication? Instructions for using the drug are discussed below. In addition, the article contains information on how much a drug costs, in what form it is made, what helps, what analogues, contraindications and side effects it has.
Composition, form of release, packaging
What form of release does the Tivortin medication have? Instructions for use indicate that this drug is manufactured in the form of:
- Solution for infusion. Its active substance is arginine hydrochloride. As an additional component, the preparation contains physiological saline solution. The medicine is produced in 100 ml vials, placed in packs of cardboard.
- The drug "Tivortin" - syrup for oral administration. The active element of this form is L-arginine aspartate. As auxiliary substances, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, flavorant, sorbitol, water and propyl parahydroxybenzoate are used. The drug is packaged in 200 and 100 ml vials, which are placed in cardboard packages.
Pharmacological action of the drug
What is a medicine like Tivortin? Instructions for use say that the active element of this product is an amino acid. It belongs to the group of conditionally indispensable. In the body, arginine is synthesized in part. However, its quantity is not enough to satisfy the daily requirement of a person in this substance. In this regard, it is required that it constantly comes from outside, that is, along with food.
The properties of the amino acid
What properties does the Tivortin medication have? The instruction for use says that its active substance is a protector that takes an active part in the regulation of cell metabolism, and also affects the functioning of organs and tissues, provides them with protection if it is necessary to overcome the critical situation.
This drug acts as an anti-asthenic, membrane-stabilizing, antioxidant, detoxifying, antihypoxic and cytoprotective agent. It participates in the formation of the energy substrate and promotes the maintenance of the hormonal balance in the blood.
It should be noted and the fact that the influence of arginine increases the amount of somatotropin, insulin, prolactin and glucagon in the blood.
It should also be said that arginine is involved in the following processes:
- Production of amino acid proline and polyamines;
- Depolarization of cell membranes;
- Fibrinolysis and spermatogenesis.
Principle of action of a medicament
How does the Tivortin medication (syrup, infusion solution) work? He takes part in the processes of neutralizing ammonia, and also stimulates its excretion. In addition, the drug activates the detoxification function of the liver.
After taking this medication, its hepatoprotective effect is noted. The drug reduces the activation and adhesion of leukocytes and platelets to the vascular endothelium.
Use of the drug "Tivortin", the price of which is indicated below, causes a mild anabolic effect, stimulates the activity of the thymus gland, corrects the acid-base balance and regulates the level of glucose in the blood.
How long is the drug "Tivortin" absorbed? The responses of specialists say that if intravenous infusion is administered at a rate of 30 drops per minute, then the maximum arginine concentration in the body is observed after about 20 minutes.
If the drug is consumed inside, then its active element is absorbed after a quarter of an hour.
It should be specially noted that arginine quite easily penetrates through the histohematological barrier. Its uniform distribution occurs in all organs and tissues. The drug is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys.
Indications for use
At what deviation is the "Tivortin" medication prescribed? The experts say that this drug has the following indications for use:
- Ischemic heart disease;
- Condition of asthenia and hypoxia;
- Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain;
- Hypertension arterial;
- Hepatitis of a chronic and acute form (of different origin);
- Atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels;
- Liver disease;
- Angiopathy is diabetic;
- Myocardiopathy;
- Heart failure, taking place in chronic form;
- Pulmonary hypertension;
- State after myocardial infarction and acute disturbance of blood flow in the brain;
- Hypercholesterolemia;
- Interstitial pneumonia;
- Obstructive lung diseases that have a chronic course.
Contraindications for use
This tool can not be used under the following conditions:
- Intolerance to components;
- Renal and hepatic insufficiency;
- Hyperchloremic acidosis.
The drug is not used to treat children under the age of 3 years.
Methods of administration and dosage
Solution for infusions "Tivortin" must be administered intravenously drip. The initial speed should be 10 drops per minute. After 20 minutes after the start of the procedure, the speed can be increased to 30 drops.
In the instructions for use, it is indicated that per day the drug in question can be administered in a volume of 100 ml.
How should I use the oral form of the medicine "Tivortin" (syrup)? The instruction says that such a medicine must be taken while eating. Patients with atherosclerosis, IHD and diabetic angiopathy should be given 5 ml of medication 3-8 times a day. As for patients after myocardial infarction, as well as with acute impairment of blood circulation in the brain, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension and lung diseases, such a drug is shown to them in a dosage of 5 ml 3-6 times a day.
In the same dose, the medication is prescribed for people with hepatitis and other liver diseases.
Patients who have hypoxic and asthenic conditions, as well as patients with low immunity prescribe the drug in a volume of 5 ml 4-8 times a day.
The duration of treatment should be 8-15 days. Single dose of oral form - not more than 25 ml.
Adverse Reactions
Does side-acting drug "Tivortin" (analogues of it will be presented below)? With intravenous administration, the drug can cause headaches, burning sensation and heat in the body, as well as inflammatory processes in the jabs. In addition, allergic reactions may occur (for example, in the form of urticaria).
With regard to oral administration of the drug, in rare cases, there may be a feeling of minor discomfort in the stomach and intestines, as well as a feeling of nausea that manifests itself immediately after drinking the solution. As a rule, such phenomena disappear on their own.
special instructions
Before applying this means, it is necessary to know that:
- The drug "Tivortin" during pregnancy should be used only under indications and under the supervision of a doctor, since its active substance easily penetrates the placenta.
- Medication is administered with caution to patients who have kidney disease, and there are some metabolic disorders.
- During treatment, you need to eat balanced, do not drink alcohol, rest, and give up psychostimulants and smoking.
- If the symptoms of asthenia appear on the background of therapy, then immediately stop treatment.
"Tivortin" medication: price and analogues
There are many analogues of the drug "Tivortin". The most effective and effective include the following drugs: Aminosol, Tivortin Aspartate, Neo, Aminol, Aminoven, Vazonat, Aminoplasmal, Nucleinate Cardio, Neocardil and Nucleix ".
Any of these medications can be used in place of the above remedy. However, do this only after the approval of a specialist.
How much is the drug in the form of a solution for infusions? The price per 100 ml bottle is approximately 250 Russian rubles. As for the syrup "Tivortin", it can be purchased for 400 rubles.
Reviews about the drug
Reviews about the drug, intended for oral administration, are rare. However, in those comments that are available, the patients claim that the syrup effectively eliminates all the undesirable symptoms that are directed against. The most pronounced effect is observed when using a medicament in complex therapy.
As for the solution for infusions, the reviews about it testify that this drug effectively lowers blood pressure, and also allows to overcome other unpleasant signs of diseases.
It should also be noted that often there are negative reviews, which contain information about the development of adverse reactions, in particular, arrhythmias and headaches.
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