
Thuja Western: variety of varieties and care for them

Thuya Western is an example of what allows selection to do with plants. In natural conditions, in the taiga of Canada, the tree is represented exclusively by medium-sized, monotonous and single-stem species up to 20 meters high, having a pyramidal crown and dark green scaly needles. Sorts are very diverse and differ in appearance and size.

Tuyu West is a planting valuable material that is used practically in all regions of Russia. Exception is arid regions and regions, which are characterized by low temperatures (less than 30 degrees). The plant does not like long thaws with frequent changes in the temperature regime, it is exacting to moisture. Trees perfectly take root within the city, they are often built up alive zagorodi. Needles develop well both in shaded and in sunny places.

Thuja western: planting, care

The plant still likes places that are protected from the wind. Flowering begins in the spring, after which small (up to 1.5 cm) brown egg-shaped buds appear, ripening towards autumn.

When planting trees, you can form large alleys. To do this, it is necessary to plant trees, observing an interval of 6-7 meters wide, along the length between the trees should be at least 4 meters. Landing is made to a depth of 0.7 meters. Tuyu West looks great as a living fence and is used both in single and in multiple group compositions. To build a fence from a plant, the distance between trees should not exceed 0.7 meters.

For planting, a soil is needed, which consists of sod (leaf) soil, sand and peat in proportions of 2: 1: 1. In addition, for every second adult plant you can throw half a kilogram of nitroammophoski. It is best that the western part feels on well drained, moist soils.

When caring for the plant, it is necessary to irrigate after planting. Weekly pour 10 liters of water for each plant for a month, at the same time produce spraying. In dry weather, the amount of water and the frequency of irrigation are doubled.

Thuya is good at cutting. To form a green, dense wall, you must cut off twice a season. With systematic removal of shoots, you can get a beautiful hedge two meters high and 40 cm wide.

Planting must be loosened to a depth of no more than 10 centimeters. Mulching with the addition of wood chips or peat should be carried out. In the spring, you need to get rid of dry shoots. Young plants are covered for winter using kraft paper or lapnik.

Thuja Western: varieties

Breeders brought out more than a hundred different varieties of western tui. The most widespread were such varieties as Globoza, Smaragd, Rein Gold, Teddy, Belokonchikovaya, Trabant.

Some species have a spherical ideal crown or become like pyramids. The height of plants can reach 10 meters. The shades of the needles are also quite diverse: from golden-orange to rich dark green and gold.

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