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Thinning phlegm and expectorant at home

For a long time people treated cough with folk remedies, prepared from the collections of various herbs. Some recipes have survived to this day and provide irreplaceable help in the treatment. Therefore, in this article, we will figure out how to prepare an effective expectorant at home.

During cold or infectious diseases, there is a problem with expectoration and dilution of sputum. That's where the effective liquefies phlegm and expectorants come to the rescue. After all, if it is not removed in time, then serious complications caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the sputum are possible.

How to ease the condition and contribute to the spitting and dilution of phlegm at home?

It is very important during illness not to exhaust yourself and rest more, because wrong and untimely treatment can lead to even more complex consequences and to a significant decrease in immunity. And this, in turn, will cause frequent occurrence of catarrhal and any other infectious diseases.

Bed rest

At the beginning of the disease, it is necessary, at least for a while, after that you can walk a little in the park or forest. With catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to observe a lactic, herbal-cereal diet, since at the moment the body needs vitamins more than ever.


The next thing to do is to give up smoking. This, perhaps, is the most important thing about what to think about when you catch a cold. Smoking provokes a dry cough and significantly increases the duration of the disease.


First of all, remember that it will not work if you do not consume enough fluid. It can be all kinds of compotes, decoctions, teas, juices, etc. Lime tea, as well as chamomile, mint, raspberry decoctions proved very good. It is more advisable to use liquid in a warmer way, or even better, that it corresponds to body temperature, so it will be absorbed into the blood more quickly. This is the best therapy for cough.

Humidification of air

This also plays an important role in catarrhal diseases, which contributes to the natural moistening of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This is one of the most important conditions in the fight against colds and coughs. To date, there are various ways to humidify the air in the room. You can, for example, put a bowl of water next to you, hang wet towels on the batteries or buy a household humidifier.

These are three components that are simply indispensable in the fight against any cough.


The following procedures, which help to relieve cough, are steam inhalations. Each doctor for liquefying phlegm will recommend using this method. For this, you can buy an inhaler in a pharmacy or build it yourself. In this case, any deep container, in which hot water or a decoction of herbs is poured, will suit. The patient should bend over it, cover themselves with a towel and breathe. It should be remembered that the procedure must be done carefully, do not bend too close to the tank with boiling water, so as not to burn yourself with steam.

Expectorants at home for inhalation

  1. Take the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, rosemary, plantain in the amount of 10 gr. Each type. Fill with freshly boiled water (250-300 ml) and insist no more than 1.5 hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons infusion into the solution for each subsequent inhalation.
  2. Another effective expectorant at home - a mixture of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, mullein scepeter-shaped, elderberry flowers. Take each herb for 15 gr., Place the dry mixture in a thermos, pour boiling water and insist no more than 1.5 hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons infusion into the solution for each subsequent inhalation.
  3. St. John's wort, eucalyptus, calendula in the amount of 10 gr. Each filled with freshly boiled water in the amount of 250-300 ml and infused for not more than an hour. Apply 2 teaspoons of infusion for each inhalation.
  4. Cook potatoes and breathe for 15 minutes over its steam. After that, go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Very good, if someone makes a lime tea with honey. This is a fairly effective expectorant in the home, which was treated by our ancestors.

Essential oils in solution for inhalations

Essential oils can also be used as effective expectorants. They can be added to the inhalation solution. A few drops of any oil are enough. Mint, pine, eucalyptus, rose, sage, fir, lemon, lavender, juniper proved to be very good in this case.

What kind of diluting phlegm and expectorants can be prepared at home?

  1. It is necessary to take leaves of mother-and-stepmother in the amount of 8 tsp, pour 0.6 liters of boiling water and insist for about 5 hours. Strain. To consume 150-170 ml for one intake (2-3 times a day).
  2. Suffice it to work well enough as the best expectorant for coughing honey. Take 1.5-2 tsp. Honey and one small onion. Rub it and mix it with honey. Let's mix the patient in half a tablespoon in one session (2-3 times a day).
  3. For children, it is very good to dilute honey in hot milk. This will not only help ease the cough, but will also calm the nervous system.
  4. Cough syrup is very effective at home, it can also be given to babies. Take 300 gr. Rubbed onions, 40 gr. Honey and 200 g. Sahara. Pour 700 ml of water into a saucepan and put on a plate. When the water boils, add onions and sugar, cook over low heat for about 2-2.5 hours. Then place honey there and stir well. Cool and give the patient 8-9 tsp. three times a day.
  5. A few days, follow this course. The root of licorice, elecampane, marshmallow, cyanosis (you can use the herbs in turn) are taken in half a teaspoon and filled with freshly boiled water (250 ml). Insist no more than 20 minutes. Drink 60-70 ml 3-4 times a day. This remedy will allow the phlegm to return in a few days.
  6. The best expectorant for cough, which helped a lot of people - juice from a black radish. Take a small radish, wash it and peel it. Then chop the root and squeeze the juice through the gauze, mix it in equal quantities with honey. Adults take 4 teaspoons a couple of minutes before meals, children - one dessert spoon. It should be remembered that with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, use this medication after eating.
  7. This plant will help both with dry, and with a damp cough. For dry - chew the aloe leaf, for wet - eat it. Children can grind the leaf and mix it with sugar or honey in equal quantities.
  8. In the category "expectorant strong remedies," the fruit of anise proved to be very successful. Infusions are made from it. To do this 1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water (200-250 ml), then insist half an hour, filter. Take 0.25 cup 3-4 times a day for a couple of minutes before eating. In medicine, often used anise oil, which is prescribed for bronchitis in combination with expectorants.
  9. The breast elixir is prepared from licorice root (30 parts), anise oil (0.5 parts), water (90), alcohol (25), ammonia solution (5). All mixed and applied as a strong expectorant for 20-45 drops. Children should be given an elixir with caution and in extreme cases (1 drop - for one year of life of the child).
  10. Another effective herbal expectorant is a decoction of pine, birch buds, mint, licorice, mother-and-stepmother leaves. Take everything in equal proportions and mix. One tablespoon of the resulting dry mixture pour freshly boiled water in an amount of 200 ml. Strain, take 120-140 ml 3 times a day.
  11. Very good expectorant at home based on bananas. To do this, take a few bananas, 2-3 tablespoons. Sugar and one cup of water (150 ml). Water should be put in a saucepan on a plate and dissolve sugar in it. Then add the banana, previously drained in a slurry. Take 4 teaspoons before meals.
  12. Take horseradish and honey in the same proportions. Stir and take one dessert spoon before eating.
  13. Take a few walnuts. Wash them under running water. Split and all the contents together with the shell send to the jar. Then add 1 tbsp. Honey and the same number of elderberry flowers, pour two glasses of freshly boiled water. Cover and let it rest until it cools down. Drink half a cup 3 times a day.

That's all effective expectorants.

Dilapidated sputum compresses at home

The most famous and quite effective means for compress is a leaf of cabbage and honey. To do this, dip a cabbage leaf into boiling water for a few minutes until it becomes soft. On the chest, without touching the heart area, apply honey, then cover the plastered area with a cabbage leaf. Wrap the food film and on top put on a warm bathrobe or lie under a warm blanket. Hold the compress for about 4 hours (you can overnight). Repeat the procedure for 5-6 days. This is a very effective method that will help to quickly dilute sputum.

For children the compress-cake helps. To do this, mix vodka, vegetable oil, mustard, honey, corn flour. Knead the dough. Divide it into two equal parts. Place one - on the chest, the second - on the back through a rag. This compress can be put on all night.

A compress made from vegetable oil is also very effective in severe sputum expectoration. All you need is to warm it up a bit, rub it in the chest area, wrap it around with a cloth, better woolen, and put a heating pad on top. A few days of using this tool will already feel a significant relief.

All of the above mentioned funds have been used for a long time by our ancestors who did not know about the existence of medications, so folk remedies can be trusted, but not fully. Before applying, be sure to get a doctor's advice, especially if it concerns children.

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