
"Sulfargin": instructions for use. Reviews of doctors about the drug, the testimony

Several decades ago, parents used to protect themselves from infection with injured children's knees, using green or iodine. Today, pharmacologists have developed new drugs that have antibacterial effects. Among them, the Sulfargin remedy is particularly popular. Instructions for use indicate that wound treatment is not the only way to use this product. So, we will consider when it is expedient to resort to the help of the drug "Sulfargin".

Description of the medicament

The preparation "Sulfargin" instructions for use characterizes as a bactericidal antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action. The medication is available as an ointment and is intended solely for external use.

The medicine has a white color and a distinctive odor. The active substance is silver sulfadiazine.

The remedy is active against:

  • Gram-positive bacteria;
  • Fungi candida;
  • Gram-negative microorganisms;
  • Dermatophytes.

When the drug is applied to the damaged areas, silver ions and sulfanilamide are released. Such components provide suppression of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The ointment is able to penetrate into necrotic tissues. From the wound surface in a certain amount evaporates. Perfectly washed with water.

Do not store "Sulfargin" (ointment) in the freezer. Under the influence of low temperatures there is a destruction of medicinal components. It is recommended to store the drug at room temperature, not exceeding 25 degrees. After use, the medicine should be tightly closed.

Indications for use

The medicine is used as an antimicrobial agent. The drug "Sulfargin" is recommended for adults and children over 1 year of age.

This drug is assigned to patients with the following pathologies:

  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Pressure sores;
  • Wound surfaces that do not heal for a long time;
  • Burns with a slight exudation.

Ointment is used for both treatment and prevention of damage. It prevents the development of infectious diseases.

Use of the tool

As noted above, the drug is intended for external use. It is best to consult with a specialist before using this ointment. Especially when it comes to serious damage.

Ointment "Sulfargin" instruction for use is recommended to use as follows:

  1. Initially, the wound surface should be properly treated. The entire necrotic layer must be removed.
  2. Then a thin layer of ointment is applied to the damaged area.
  3. It is allowed to apply the drug open-ended or to apply the product under a gauze bandage.
  4. The maximum single dose should not be more than 300 g of the drug.
  5. In case of applying the medicine under the bandage, the latter should be changed up to 2 times a day. The amount of daily dressings depends on the severity of the pathology and is determined by the doctor.
  6. With repeated application of the ointment, the previous layer of the drug should be removed. For such an event, an antiseptic agent can be used or the remnants of the medicament can be washed off with water.
  7. Duration of treatment with ointment can last up to 3 weeks. But such therapy must necessarily be agreed with the doctor.

It should be said about another favorable property that "Sulfargin" (ointment) possesses. During dressings, patients do not experience pain.

If the drug is used for extensive wound surfaces, it is extremely important to monitor the functional state of the liver and kidneys. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the content of blood cells. Patients, as a rule, are prescribed alkaline drink in abundant quantities.

Side effects

A drug can provoke the development of unwanted reactions. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the patient's condition. As a rule, systemic adverse reactions develop against the background of prolonged use of the ointment on large areas of the skin.

The "Sulfargin" medication instructions for use indicate the possible development of the following symptoms:

  • indigestion;
  • Leukopenia;
  • Dyspeptic manifestations;
  • Allergic skin reactions.

In addition to the above described symptoms, it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of local reactions. The patient may experience irritation provoked by this ointment. It is manifested by the soreness of the skin of the skin, by the intense burning of the epidermis. This symptomatology in most cases passes independently after 10 minutes after application to the wound of the ointment.


It should be borne in mind that Sulfargin has limitations to use. This drug is not suitable for all patients. Therefore, do not forget to consult your doctor before use. In addition, it does not hurt to look at the instructions and make sure that the ointment is right for you.

So, in what cases is the Sulfargin ointment contraindicated?

The instruction recommends to refrain from this tool:

  • Patients with individual sensitivity;
  • Pregnant;
  • Infants under 1 year;
  • Nursing mothers;
  • People who are deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase expressed.

In addition, doctors warn that this ointment is not used for deep wounds containing pus. Do not use a product to treat burns with excessive exudation.

Sulfargin: price

Of course, this ointment is effective enough if used as directed by a doctor. However, the patients are interested not only in the Sulfargin preparation instruction. The price of a medicine is no less an intriguing question.

So, how much does it cost so much to patients? It should be said that the cost of the drug depends primarily on the manufacturer. So, the ointment, issued by the Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant, costs about 317 rubles.

Analogs means

What drugs can replace the original ointment? It is advisable to resolve this issue with your doctor.

Analogues of the drug "Sulfagrin" include medicines:

  • "Argedin".
  • "Sulfazin."
  • "Dermazin".
  • Sulfadiazine.

Opinion of doctors and patients

Of course, special interest is caused by the ointments "Sulfargin" reviews of people who have experienced the drug on themselves. What do the patients testify? No less interesting is the opinion of doctors about this drug.

It should be said that this doctor's ointment is often prescribed for various injuries. After all, it refers to quite effective antibacterial agents. Doctors even advise parents of small fidgets to always keep the "Sulfargin" ointment in their medicine cabinet. As with any scratches, cuts, wounds, this product can softly, but at the same time it is quite effective to help.

Adult patients are mostly very satisfied with the drug "Sulfargin". Reviews about the drug can make sure its effectiveness. In the home quite often there are various burns, cuts, small wounds. In these cases, people resort to the help of the Sulfargin ointment. They testify that the drug is indeed one of the best healing medicines.

In addition, it is effective in the treatment of trophic ulcers, bedsores. As is known, it is quite difficult to cope with such serious pathologies. Many argue that the remedy in this case is a very effective medicine.

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