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There are many recipes devoted to how to treat boils, but all of them are highly recommended with doctor's advice.

The boil or boil is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, and even dangerous. This sore does not endure a careless relationship, on the contrary, chiri is a problem that requires special attention. And even more unpleasant is the problem, like a boil on the face. Having such a mark, the need to leave the house becomes a real test.

What is the boil? And how to treat the boil? This is caused by pyogenic bacteria inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and the so-called "hair sac". The lack of hygiene provokes the development of chirry, also promoted by the increased activity of sweat glands, scratching, irritation and abrasions.

If we talk about a single case of furuncle appearance, it can occur on any part of the body, but if the appearance of furuncles becomes plural and permanent, this can happen on the neck, face, near the nose, and also on the waist. The initial stage of development of chirps begins with a reddish, painful compaction that rises a cone above the skin. After a few days, a purulent head appears in the center of the chirp, then the boil breaks out, and the stem leaks along with the blood and the remnants of pus. If the process is sluggish, there is a danger that pus can collect too much.

If a furuncle is located on the face, then this is an additional danger, for the reason that through the circulatory system, the pus may well get into the brain, and such trouble is fraught, at least, with inflammation. Only under the supervision of a doctor, the furuncle should be treated, but still if the boil, in the initial stage of maturation, then some recipes are designed specifically to accelerate the softening and ripening of the chir.

If a person is weakened, then after a single appearance of chiria, he should beware of hypothermia, otherwise the probability of furunculosis, which can even go into chronic form, is very high.

If a person suffers from acute furunculosis, then chiri appear simultaneously, it can cause a state of malaise, this condition can last up to 2 months.

Chiropic treatment can be performed with the help of deaf nettle. Brew her flowers you need in the amount of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. All this insist about 40 minutes, after you can take half the glass up to four times a day.

There is one proven means how to treat a boil - these are dry brewer's yeast, which are drunk three times a day in amounts of 1 tablespoon until completely recovered.

The steamed figs can also be used as an option for how to treat chicken. He is put to the place where the boil is located.

As well as treat the boil, as an external application, is carried out using steamed aspen leaves and for other types of inflamed abscesses.

The simple Russian medical manual also noted the treatment of chirya: "If we cook, crush and apply garlic to chiriam on the body or to other sores, which are without top, then pus displays."

Onions bake or boil in milk, and this is applied to the chirjas.

One of the really working recipes, how to cure a boil, is an ointment made from marigold:

To prepare this ointment you need to take a 50 gram jar of petroleum jelly (you can buy it in pharmacies, you can also take vaseline oil, but in this case the ointment will be liquid), 10 grams of calendula flowers, dry the flowers , then rub into powder. All mixed and insisted in a cool place for about a week (the more, the better), it is necessary for the Vaseline to absorb all the useful properties of marigold. Thus, the ointment can be used not only in cases of treatment of chirie, but also other inflammations on the skin.

There are many recipes devoted to how to treat boils, but all of them are highly recommended with doctor's advice.

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