Health, Diseases and Conditions
The tongue in the throat is swollen
There are benign tumors that can be detected most often, and malignant.
If the tongue in the throat is swollen, then it is likely to form in the form of a tumor. Among them recognize singing nodules, cysts of the larynx and many others. These tumors can arise from injuries that have ever been acquired, from contaminated environments and from any other harmful factors.
In this article, only the swelling in the throat is most often seen and considered. The possibility of swelling of the tongue in the throat is mainly found in people who work with frequent voice loads and experience any stress at work or in the family, more often in adults and less often - in children - it may be nodules of screamers. In the throat, the tumor forms after injury, due to voice fatigue during prolonged speaking or possible pathologies.
Usually patients complain about a weakened voice, hoarseness, fast voice fatigue, discomfort during speaking. In case of a complete examination, there is often a lack of closure of the glottis, as narrow lobes remain in the front and back of the adjacent nodules adjacent to each other, which resemble an hourglass image . The treatment itself is prescribed on the basis of a clinical picture and studies of laryngoscopy.
Early and not very dangerous nodules can disappear at one very important condition: the patient will have to talk less, which will lead to a gradual recovery. Removal of the formed large late nodules will not do without the intervention of doctors with subsequent postoperative rehabilitation and recovery of the patient's voice.
The tongue in the throat is swollen, perhaps, it is the polyps of the vocal folds. Mostly observed in adults. The most frequent factor of disease occurrence is one of the most harmful habits - smoking.
People with polyps of vocal cords can detect the following symptom: a sharp voice, cracked. When examining, it is seen that the polyps are two-sided, located on the unoccupied edge of the vocal folds. The polyps do not form on the vocal cords.
This disease requires immediate surgical intervention followed by restorative measures that will give patients a good result with constant, regular procedures for restoring the voice.
The tongue in the throat is swollen - it can be cysts in the larynx. They can occupy a place on the surface of the epiglottis just next to the location of the vocal cords. On the surface of the epiglottis near the tongue and vocal cords, the cyst can reach large scales and capture the entire region of the epiglottis. Usually in medical practice there are cysts that have a hemispherical shape.
Basically cysts of the epiglottis of small sizes do not cause the patient any discomfort for a while. They are detected with a full and accurate examination of the patient. As the size of the cyst grows, complaints are raised about a sense of embarrassment, a foreign body in the throat, especially when swallowing. The earliest sign of the cyst of the vestibular or vocal fold is the violation of the voice.
Doctors establish treatment on the basis of patient complaints and data of laryngoscopy.
For this disease, doctors recommend only surgical intervention.
The tongue in the throat is swollen - this phenomenon can provoke a laryngocel, it is also a cyst of the larynx, but airy.
Symptoms depend on the location and magnitude of the tumor. Distinguish:
- Internal laryngocel - with large tumor sizes, changes in the voice are detected and often difficulty in breathing.
- External laryngocel - signs of internal laryngoceles disappear and are replaced by other symptoms, such as swelling on the side of the neck, which then occurs, then disappears.
The diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and the results of the examination.
It is treated surgically.
You can also meet another of the types of swelling in the throat - it's a granuloma, it leads to a swelling of the tongue in the throat. They meet with her very rarely.
The following symptoms of this disease can be noted:
- The feeling of an alien body in the larynx, the patient is constantly interfering with something in the throat and in the tongue;
- Hoarseness, which causes its discomfort to the speaker;
- Fast voice fatigue.
In form, this tumor looks rather thin, sometimes increases to large sizes, closes the vocal chink and prevents free speech of a person, often descends into the lower larynx.
For this disease, doctors recommend surgical intervention with a subsequent recovery period.
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