
The technique of conscious sleep. How to enter into conscious sleep

Somewhere below, in the midst of the endless green fields, the river wriggled blue with ribbon. She seemed to be playing with him. Who will be the first to reach the hill on which the city stands? He sailed noiselessly under the clouds, enjoying every moment. It's hard to describe. Just in the heart there is a desire, and every cell of the body responds to this wonderful call. And now it called for advance. In his own city. With a magnificent palace in the center and a beautiful garden behind it. There was a stunning arbor among the trees, where he liked to sit alone, enjoying the singing of birds.

There was a quiet rustle. Looking around, he saw a pair of young dragons. His heart fluttered. But not from fear, but from joy. As if he met old friends. They floated majestically in the sky like two huge ships. Gold scales poured into the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. At the sight of such a spectacle, he wanted to scream with all his might, but the dragons beat him. They issued a long, joyful cry, soared up and disappeared into the clouds.

And he flew and thought how the doors of his city would open before him, as friends would meet. Birds will sit on their hands and sing their songs for him. After all, this is his city. This is his world ...

Do you think this is a fairy tale? Fiction? Not guessed right. The world described above is quite real. It is a world of lucid dreaming, and everyone is able to create the same or better. Of course, you can say that this is all fiction, unreal and so on. The fact is that with reality, too, everything is not so simple. It does not matter to our brain whether to take a picture in dusty memory archives (perhaps even from an old movie) or get it from an external source. You will not even notice the substitution. The simple question: "Are you sure that you are not sleeping now?" - most people will not even be able to answer. How to see conscious dreams? This is what we will learn today.

What is lucid dreaming?

How to enter into a conscious sleep? Before you get an answer to this question, you need to find out what this is all about? In fact, the answer comes from the name. A person sees a dream, realizing that he is sleeping. This is the very first, main and most difficult step on the road to building your own world in your dreams. The problem is that most people on the planet are not only unable to control their dreams, but they are not even able to understand that they are in a dream. And while we are still trying to talk about what in this world is real, and what is not!

There are different types of people. One has beautiful bright (or terrible) unforgettable dreams. Others completely do not remember what they saw in dreams after awakening. There are also people who are given the gift of knowing themselves in dreams from birth, without any training and exercises.

It is not necessary to think that this is some kind of modern invention. The first mention refers to the distant VIII century AD. Even then people thought about traveling in a dream. Serious scientific research began to be carried out much later, in the 20th century by S. Laberge, and later by other scientists.

Why is this necessary?

Before you start talking about how to enter into a conscious dream, you need to find out why it is generally necessary? Let us briefly forget about such things as hidden reserves of our body, inexhaustible sources of new knowledge, additional sources of energy and so on. Let us turn to dry and banal mathematics. For hundreds of thousands of years, a person is looking for a way to prolong his relatively short life even for a couple of days. That only for this purpose it is done: new medicines are invented, diet, exercises are thought out. On what only people go, in order to at least briefly stay in this world. But very few people think that every day we cross out of our lives for as much as 8 hours spent on sleep (someone less or more). It seems not so much, one third of a day. Well, from the month we lose 10 days. Already more interesting, right? For 30 years of life the lost time is gained for 10 years! But we can not help but sleep, you will say. All right, we can not. But in our power to fill this emptiness with meaning! Imagine, you have the opportunity to increase your life for years, this is not a joke! Time in a conscious dream is full of surprises. It seems that he slept for several hours, and the arrow moved only fifteen minutes. Moreover, there are cases when in a dream a person lived for several days, weeks and even months. And in the real world, as if nothing had happened, woke up in the morning in 8 hours. Should we neglect the opportunity to increase the life expectancy by an order of magnitude?

There are many "supernatural" opportunities that are revealed to us in such dreams. This is unexpected knowledge and talents, which the man did not notice before. There are more interesting "revelations", but it is better to leave them behind the screen, since every traveler in the world of dreams should open them for himself.

Psychologically, this is a great way to relax and give vent to your emotions. It's your world! Here everything lives according to your own laws, although it will not be possible to realize this completely right away. Want to fly - fly, swim under water - please. Want to relax on the beach in the Crimea every day - to your health! Your brain can create amazing landscapes and panoramas if you make it work for you. On how to do this, we'll talk further.

Is it possible?

How to get into a conscious dream? Is it possible? Many people after several unsuccessful attempts are disappointed and come to the conclusion that either they were deceived and all this is a fairy tale, or they do not have this ability. Both are fundamentally wrong. First, everything that is written here is true! Secondly, there are no people incapable of realizing themselves in a dream. Someone gets it right away, others take weeks or even months, but in the end they are still waiting for success. Maybe it's not easy to build beautiful castles and grow gold dragons, it's quite difficult. Everything will come with time, if not stop and go to the end! First, you need to step over the main barrier - awareness. Than we now also will be engaged. Do you agree to go down the rabbit hole? Ready? Then go ahead! We master the entrance to conscious sleep (OS).


How to get into a conscious dream? Do not try to call the OS after being tired. If you have hard work, go to bed early, set the alarm, and after you wake up, try to enter the OS.

Do not drink before going to bed, the urge to go to the toilet will ruin any conscious dream.

Prepare a notebook and pen to keep a diary.

A diary

Always keep the pen and notebook near the bed. After awakening, dreams are erased very quickly, you need to have time to write everything down. Record everything that you can memorize: the terrain, people, animals, tastes, sensations. Try to draw a map of your movements. In time, you will notice some patterns. Will be drawn something like locations, as in computer games. Transition points will appear. Probably, remember, as in a dream from one place you suddenly transfer to another. When you start to keep a diary, you will understand that such places are also natural. Memorize them. Continually reread your diary, analyze and plan for the next dream. Even if you do not manage to control yourself, make a plan over and over again: go there, investigate a place, try to take off ... One day everything will turn out.

We change consciousness

Everyone calls this exercise "critical thinking" or "reality check" differently, but the essence remains one: to force oneself to doubt the reality of the surrounding world. It sounds pretty fantastic, but there's nothing wrong with that. Always ask the question: "Do not I sleep?" - and find convincing evidence. For example, look twice at the same inscription or object. In a dream, they will change. Or try to take off. However, the most effective way is the first option. Over time, this habit will be fixed and will manifest itself even in a dream.


It will be nice if during the day you yourself will constantly adjust to a positive result. Repeat to yourself: "Today I will succeed" or "Today I'll take off in a dream." This should not sound like a cry of despair. You must unreservedly believe in your success. If you did not succeed and you just fell asleep, wake up and say to yourself: "It's okay, I'll try again." Sooner or later this fortress will collapse, and the victory will be yours. Only do not give up!


One of the main criteria for success in our event. Increased excitement is a catastrophe, both when you try to enter a dream, and when you are already there (instantaneous flight). A good help in this case can serve as meditation. If you learn to control your thoughts and feelings, this will be a big step towards success.

Fixing Attention

Quite complex, but effective technique of conscious sleep from a waking state. As mentioned above, do not try to enter into a conscious dream by being tired, otherwise you just turn off. Either enter a conscious sleep during the day, or put an alarm, wake up and do it at night.

So. We lay down on the back (we better choose a pillow harder), close our eyes. Relax and soothe your breathing. Mentally walk on the body, all muscles must be relaxed. Now it is important to get rid of thoughts. It's quite difficult (that's when meditation practice will help), but it's necessary. You will feel like you fall into some kind of viscous substance (like pitch). Do not worry, this moment is very important. It lasts only a few seconds. The main thing is not to give consciousness at this moment to disconnect. A few seconds - and you are on the other side! You are in a lucid dream! This method is extremely complex and simple at the same time. Complicated, because it is difficult to relax, concentrate and prevent consciousness from turning off during the passage of the "resin" layer. Simple, because this is the shortest path to the world of lucid dreams. This technique has several positive advantages. If something goes wrong, you can stop, calm down and continue, and not wait for the next day. Do not need any additional exercises, attitudes, devices or substances. In case of correct execution, the transition to a conscious sleep is guaranteed. Many recommend that you use daytime time for such exercises. The advantages of this choice are obvious, especially at the beginning of the journey. Less likely that you just "turn off". When everything starts to work out, you will be less dependent on fatigue, body condition and time of day.


Perhaps, further banal phrases followed, but still it is worth recalling this for the common good. The technique of conscious sleep should not be absorbed by an unhealthy organism. Therefore, if you are tormented by fever or a headache, move your studies. Also, do not do this with a full stomach, drunk or with a hangover. Believe me, our consciousness is a fragile, precious tool. Handle it carefully!

What's next?

Let's say you have succeeded, and this will certainly happen if you have the will and perseverance. What will happen next? How will your first realized dream journey begin? First of all, you want to look at your hands. Precisely, no one knows why, but it often begins with this. Later, if you feel that the dream begins to fade (wake up), specifically look at your hands. This will allow us to deepen the state somewhat. Flying in a dream. A tremendous sensation is the second most popular action performed in lucid dreams. At the beginning of the article described such a flight, it is difficult to describe the physical sensations experienced during it. After such dreams, the feeling that our laws of the universe are not so unshakable, as we were told about them from childhood, does not leave us.


Even in a conscious dream, you often have to remind yourself who is the master here. Our consciousness can be compared to a large garbage dump. What and who is not here! You can meet both beautiful and terrible creatures. Until you have learned to control and create something in your dreams, you remain just an observer. The main thing is not to be scared! It's important to remember that this is your world, and you are the master here. Whoever you meet, you can order him or make him disappear. For this, one condition is necessary - self-confidence! Before you will appear people, animals, things, buildings. You can clean or correct them, but always remind yourself that everything here is subject only to you.


It is not necessary to think that the technique of conscious sleep requires you to draw every twig or leaf. Your brain perfectly remembers what a forest, a river or a dog is, but if you want to correct something, it will be limited only by your imagination. Write down everything you do in a dream, mark it on the map. Write what you are going to do. Chances are that one day you will return to the house or castle that was built last night. Or you'll get yourself a golden dragon who will meet you and guard you in every dream you have. You can create multiple locations and navigate between them using the transitions described above.


Many people use the state of conscious sleep to get answers to their questions. Discover hidden talents and opportunities. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in a dream our consciousness does not have the usual limitations. People often create themselves in a dream a secret room, a magic ball or a magic box, which they use to get answers to their questions. And, strangely enough, it works, a person does often get information that is inaccessible to him in the real world.


Now you know what is the technique of conscious sleep. Reviews about it there are the most controversial. There are people who say that a long stay in the OS worsens the connection of a person with the real world. Someone says that a person can go into a conscious dream and not return from there. Some believe that there you can go crazy. As a rule, these are people who either never visited such dreams or made a couple of unsuccessful attempts and left this occupation.

There are others. Those to whom the practice of conscious sleep helped get rid of various complexes. Some have learned to write poetry, music, made discoveries, learned a foreign language. And someone just found a place for rest and seclusion. The practice of lucid dreaming is a vast unexplored area, hiding in itself so many miracles and opportunities that we can not imagine. And after all, you just need a little bit of desire, patience and faith in yourself!

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