BusinessHuman Resource Management

The staff schedule at the enterprise

The staffing table is compiled by the personnel service of the enterprise under a single standard, adopted more than two years ago. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates the compulsory compilation of this document by all enterprises operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

To understand what a staffing table is, you need to define the concept of "staff". So, the state is a set of employees of the enterprise. The staff list is a document containing a list of all the company's posts, its structural organization, number of posts and salary.

The peculiarity of any document, which is fundamental for the enterprise, is its competent design. In the head of the staff list, you must specify the name of the organization - full or short. But the way it is fixed in this enterprise by a decree or order of the director. The list of positions with the director of the enterprise begins, followed by the posts of managers, specialists and workers. If the enterprise has several services, a complex structure of subordination of engineering and working staff, it is advisable to document the structure of each service separately in the document. The names of structural units are also fixed in the documents regulating the work of the whole enterprise. When it comes to commercial organizations, the names of structural units are not limited to any framework. The only thing that is desirable: to avoid names in a foreign language, cacophonous or obscure. A special place in the staff list is the list of specialties that enjoy any benefits: early retirement, bonuses, compensation, etc. Such a document is necessarily approved by the head of the enterprise.

It happens that it is necessary to make changes in the staffing table. Moreover, some organizations, by virtue of the nature of their activities, regularly change the structure and composition of the staff - for example, organizations engaged in seasonal work. If changes are made to the staffing table quite often, it is recommended to issue a separate numbering for this type of documents and mark it with letters - for example, "shr". Services or other units of the organization are necessarily informed of the changes made and receive copies of the document. Of course, every change occurs with the knowledge of the leader and is approved by him.

A lot of questions arise in connection with the payment of labor fixed in the staffing table. Thus, workers holding the same positions do not always receive equal wages. This is due to the qualifications of this particular specialist, the experience of his work at the enterprise, benefits and other kind of allowances. This issue is proposed to be solved in the following way: the salary is set according to the tariff scale, the following graph is drawn up a personal coefficient that takes into account all the above points related to the payment of labor. This ratio can both increase real wages and reduce it for a certain period of time (in the case of applying penalties provided for by the charter or the collective agreement of the enterprise). Under normal operation of the enterprise, the staffing table is compiled for one year, after which necessary additions and changes are made-usually as a result of a change in the same collective agreement or accounting documents that determine the amount of salary.

There is a practice of checking the regulatory documents of the enterprise, in the list of which includes information about the states. If an enterprise or firm does not have such a document, it can be penalized. According to lawyers, the non-availability of the staffing table as a document that does not belong to the accounting reporting, allows to challenge the claims of the inspectors arising in court. But, again, according to experts, it is much simpler and more reliable to simply have a staffing table - in this case the employer insures himself against both the claims of the inspectors and the possible claims of the dismissed employee.

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