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The secrets of bird love, or Why wood grouse called wood grouse?

Have you ever thought about how well-labeled nicknames sometimes are? The animal world is no exception. If the names of many of its representatives are considered in terms of their bright features, then we will see how observant were the people who invented them. That's why wood grouses were called wood grouses? Let's figure it out. To do this, we will study a little bird and its habits.

What is the name associated with?

Let's come to a general, rather obvious point of view. It means that the name of this forest inhabitant is associated with the lack of opportunity for him hear. That is, the name of the bird tells us directly: it is deaf. However, the hunters unanimously assert that this is not so. This forest inhabitant has a very delicate hearing. It is difficult to get close to him, because with any (even apparent) danger, he turns to flight. This is very interesting. A person does not yet see the bird, and she has already heard it from afar and starts its heavy take-off, producing an incredible noise, because it has elephant sizes by the standards of the feathered kingdom (male up to 6.5 kg). It turns out that under normal conditions the hunter does not see, but only hears this desired prey. Described clearly can not explain why wood grouses were called wood grouses. Even contradicts the given name of the bird.

Blame the habits

There is a period in the life of this forest inhabitant, which should be considered in more detail. Having dealt with physiology, you will be able to understand why wood grouses were called wood grouses. This unique period - marriage games, or current. What's going on? In early spring, males begin to present themselves to chickens. For this they perform their own unique song, which consists of two parts. The first "aria" is called a click. Imagine this huge cock striding along the branch or the ground, straining the wings, drawing them "namets", producing sounds similar to the nail blows through a half-empty box of matches. After seeing the female, they pass to the violin. This is a different sound, about the same as that of the Magpies. In order to publish it, the bird fills with blood a special fold located in the auditory canal. She is Makes it completely deaf for a few seconds. At this point the bird is defenseless before the attack. Now it is clear why wood grouses were called wood grouses. He is so carried away by love that he loses vigilance (this is how nature created him).

Does the bird have other names?

The area where this valuable for hunters live is quite wide. Until man became dominant over wildlife, large "roosters" lived in all deciduous and coniferous forests. Now their "house" is much smaller, nevertheless they occupy significant territories. Therefore, it is clear that they were faced and hunted by different nations. Some noticed the deafness of the bird during the takings, others - the habits of the female. It during the masonry "buried" under the trees or fallen asleep. It creates its nest in a place where it will be protected from precipitation And immodest eyes. That's why wood grouses are called kapalukha. This is the name of the female. It "digs" further away to ensure the completion of the masonry before the appearance of the chicks.

Interesting Facts

It turns out that not all types of wood grouses are deprived of hearing during takings. Everything described concerns the largest of these birds. Dikusha possesses completely different habits, although it also refers to wood-grouse. This bird is smaller, more agile. She does not make noise when taking off, runs less. But, most importantly, her song does not lead to a malfunction in the hearing aid. But the savage has a different "flaw" that does not contribute to the preservation of the species. The bird is amazingly gullible. The local people even came up with the name "humble hazel grouse". It is a miracle in the Ussuri region, found on Sakhalin.

Now let's sum up, considering all the "how" and "why". The bird was called a wood grouse because of the peculiarities of its physiology, which are clearly manifested during the mating games. Unfortunately, this dangerous quality is enjoyed by hunters of all kinds, both human and animal, without contributing to the growth of populations of these birds.

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