LawCriminal law

The search protocol. How is the search conducted?

A search is a procedural action carried out by officers of the internal affairs bodies, investigative bodies, on the territory of organizations and apartments of persons suspected of committing a crime. A search can not be spontaneous or unsystematic, so in the process of committing an action a search protocol is always kept.

The first part of the protocol

The protocol, if carefully analyzed, can be divided into several parts. The first of these can, by analogy with the structure of business letters, be called a "hat". The name of the settlement in which the procedure is made is indicated in the upper left corner. The search protocol must necessarily contain such a column as the date. After the city and the date, the time of the beginning and completion of the search must be marked. Such detailing is mandatory. Why? The person or employees of the organization where the search was conducted can theoretically state that they were not at home that day. The presence of such a clear concretization of the time interval for carrying out the procedure will limit as much as possible all possible variations for disputes.

Also, the names and positions of employees who conduct the search, as well as information about witnesses who were present and observed the process, must be indicated.

The search protocol: a statement of facts

After specifying the input information, employees display in this document the process of searching for necessary evidence in the premises. In the text it is desirable to clearly write on time that the search in a particular room was conducted, say, from 15:10 to 15:17, in the next room - from 15:20 to 15:30. That is, the whole process of conducting investigative actions should be clearly recorded in the protocol . After a detailed description of the time, a table with a detailed list of seized material evidence is provided. The structure of the table is as follows:

- serial number;

- the name of the thing;

- the number of copies found;

- location of things at the time when they were found by operatives (for example, in the far bottom corner of the room near the wall).

After these data, information on seizure of physical evidence should be included in the search record, the form of which is given in this article .

In the final part of the protocol, employees must sign their names. Also sign the search protocol understood and the owner of the room, in which this unpleasant procedure was conducted.

What is the protocol of a personal search?

From time to time, there is a need to conduct a personal search of a person in order to investigate crimes. He is a little different from looking for things in the apartment. The structure of the protocol is the same, but there are some differences. The fact is that only individual employees with special knowledge have the right to search a person. The document must include information about the person who carried out the search (name, position). In addition, all information about special technical means that will be involved in each specific case (for example, a metal detector) is fully displayed.

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