
The revitalization complex is what?

Often young, inexperienced mothers ask the pediatrician if their child is developing normally. Assess the physiological parameters of the specialist will not be difficult, because for this there are certain norms and indicators.

First consultation

At the reception, the pediatrician checks the physical development of the newborn with a table showing parameters such as height, weight, the number of teeth, the circumference of the head and mobility.

When the physical performance of the baby is normal, some moms are worried about whether their mental development is normal. To determine this indicator, there is a complex of revival of the baby.

The term was first mentioned in the early thirties of the last century. Child neurologists claim that the complex consists of several components.

Reactions of the child

  • The child in the first seconds of communication with an adult shows stiffness, fading.
  • Focused view of the newborn on the eyes of another person after several minutes of communication.
  • A response to the adult's dialogue, expressed in a smile.
  • After getting to know an adult, the baby shows activity of movement, that is, he arches his back, kicks, knocks.
  • Attracting the attention of an adult, or vocalization, is manifested in walking and cheering.

The revitalization complex is one of the most important indicators of the successfully developing development of the newborn. For the baby, the components of this complex serve as a way of communicating with the surrounding world. All of the above reactions should take place in aggregate, corresponding to the age period. If everything is normal, then we can talk about the normal, healthy development of the child.

Complex of animation: the age in which it manifests itself

Scientists have established that at the time of birth the child experiences tremendous stress, since the new environment is different from the one in which he comfortably stayed all nine months. Now everything seems new to him and very dangerous.

About two weeks after birth, the baby begins to get used to and get used to, to be interested in objects and focus on them, to recognize the voice of the mother or other people close to him, to feel safe in the presence of familiar adults.

After about two and a half months, the child begins to appear the first components of the revitalization complex.

If the infant previously gave unreasonable reaction to various kinds of stimuli, now all these components or reactions will manifest themselves together, that is, in a complex manner. For example, a smile at the appearance of an adult, recognition of the mother's voice among other voices, joy at the sight of the mother, etc. That is, loud walking, tapping with legs and fists - all are manifestations of animation at the sight of my mother.

From two and a half to three months is the period of the child's absolute happiness, he is active, constantly smiling, and with all his appearance shows that he really wants to learn a lot of new things.

Period of maximum activity

The revitalization complex is the period when communication with the child should be maximum, it is important not only to take it in your arms, but also to accompany all your actions with speech. Scientists believe that it is the speech activity of the mother that affects whether the child will be the center of the company, able to make contact with the people around him, or he will always be closed and alone.

What happens if you do not talk to the baby, avoid talking to him? In addition to sadness and whims, the child may be further delayed development, speech defects, nightmares.

It is very important not to overdo it, you need to give the child a break when it is required.

The first disparate components of the complex in some cases accompany the crumb from three weeks and up to two and a half months, that is, the entire newborn. The revitalization complex, no matter how much it starts, normally ends up to four months.

After this, the child's reaction changes, behavior becomes more meaningful, conscious emotions and bright mood changes begin to appear.

Important information for parents

If the baby does not appear in time for a revival complex, this should be cause for concern. Perhaps in the future, the baby will experience a delay in mental development or an autism spectrum disorder .

If a child at the age of ten to eleven weeks looks at her mother, welcomes her with a walk, wags her hands and pulls her legs, trying to attract her attention, there should be no cause for concern.

Do not impose your communication with the child, give him the opportunity to take the initiative, do not need to be on duty at the baby's cot for days and run to the baby on his first squeak.

If the child understands that the adult is always there, and in order to ask for something, he does not need to be called, this can be bad for his further development. Everything should be in moderation, but it is also not worthwhile to cast or postpone the upbringing of a child. It is important to talk with the baby, emotionally respond to his walk, try to evoke in him an emotional reaction to any important event, feeding or changing clothes.

Complex revival is an important period in the life of the baby, because it is thanks to him that the child has the opportunity to communicate and interact with the people around him, and therefore - to develop.

Basic skills of the baby after four months

In addition to physical development, during this period it is important that the baby has the following skills:

  1. Ability to turn over independently, without the help of an adult.
  2. Keep your head in a supine position.
  3. Sit down with the help of an adult (when he is lifted by the hands upwards), keep his head in a sitting position.
  4. The ability to push off with the tips of your toes from a hard surface when you hold it by your armpits.
  5. Unlike the two months when the revitalization complex is manifested, the period after four months is characterized by a deliberate seizure of objects, with open palms, with which the child can independently pat on the subjects.
  6. The ability to deliberately put your fingers in your mouth instead of your nipples or help yourself with your hands while breastfeeding.

The older the child becomes, the less noticeable are the main manifestations of the revitalization complex, although some of the reactions, on the contrary, become conscious and meaningful.

What a child should be able to do

  • Pronounce sounds that are remotely similar to "b", "m", "p", "a", "o".
  • Smile at the advent of a new toy, a new adult.
  • Emotionally or by responding to your own name. Identify among other people who called him by name and look in his direction.
  • To play with objects, to feel your face, hands, hair, to marvel at your mirror image.
  • Play with an adult in simple emotional games, recognize the displayed object, follow his gaze, be surprised when an adult hides a toy, and then again gets it.

To young parents raising their first child, it is important to know that the revitalization complex is an obligatory phenomenon that should manifest itself in the child. In the event that the above reactions are not observed, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

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