
The preparation "Tantum Rose": instruction for use

The drug "Tantum Rose" is a drug belonging to the group of indazoles, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This medication has a well-marked analgesic, anti-edematous and, of course, anti-inflammatory effect.

In its composition, the drug "Tantum Rose" contains the active substance - benzidamine. Its mechanism of pharmacological action is due to the stabilization of the cells of the body and the inhibition of the formation of prostaglandins. In addition, this substance has antibacterial activity, which is manifested by damage to the cellular structures of microorganisms, disruption of the metabolism and lysis of their cells, very quickly penetrating through their outer membranes.

The drug "Tantum Rose" provides restoration of the integrity of the epithelial cover of the vagina, increases resistance to pathogenic effects, which causes its effectiveness in various types of erosion. Combined drug therapy with chemotherapeutic drugs with inclusion in benzidamine schemes significantly shortens treatment time and increases effectiveness.

What is this drug? It is a powder (white homogeneous granules without foreign particles and lumps) for solution preparation. The composition of one packet includes the basic substance of benzidamine hydrochloride 500 mg, as well as such auxiliary substances as sodium chloride - 8,8 g, polyvinylpyrrolidone - 0,044 g, p-toluene sulfonate trimethylacetylammonium - 100 mg.

Indications for the use of the drug "Tantum Rose" are as follows:

  • As part of combined treatment for infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • Intravaginal application for the prevention of complications of infectious genesis in parturient women, to accelerate the repair in the postpartum period; For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, specific vulvovaginitis (as a complex therapy), nonspecific vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis of any genesis, including those that developed secondary against radiation therapy and chemotherapy; For prophylaxis of pre- and postoperative complications in gynecological operations; As a means of personal hygiene in women.

This drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to it, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The solution is contraindicated for children under 12 years old, and tablets if there is a history of a patient with phenylketonuria.

The drug "Tantum Rose": instructions for dosing and use

It is necessary to carry out vaginal washing with this remedy 1-2 times a day. One packet of powder must be dissolved in 500 ml of warm water, take 150 ml for a single syringing. The procedure should be done prone, it is necessary to leave the liquid for several minutes in the vagina.

When using resorption tablets, the appearance of burning sensation or numbness of the tissues in the mouth may occur as side reactions, allergic reactions (most often skin rash), drowsiness and dry mouth may also occur .

The drug "Tantum Rose" reviews are positive, but to get a good effect, you need to follow simple precautions and some instructions:

  • Avoid contact with eyes;
  • It is necessary to use in infectious-inflammatory processes only as part of combined treatment;
  • If there is a burning sensation when using it, you must first dilute it with water 2 times (you need to bring the water level on the graduated cup to the risks);
  • Use gently during pregnancy and lactation.

Long-term treatment (for a week or more) must be done only under the supervision of a specialist!

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