
The preparation 'Bacteriophage polyvalent': the destruction of viruses in a matter of hours

Which drug to choose if the pathogen is the cause of the disease? There are many antibiotics, and even bacteriologists rarely know about bacteriophages. The drugs were undeservedly forgotten in the 70's, and only recently they were interested.

Like the antibiotic, the drug "Bacteriophage polyvalent" acts directly on microbes, however, unlike its fellow, it does not destroy the normal microflora, it does not violate the natural balance, but destroys only pathogenic microorganisms. Such a selective point effect is due to the nature of the appearance of bacteriophages. At its core are viruses of bacteria.

Having met on its way a microbial cell, the drug "Bacteriophage polyvalent" penetrates into it and acts in such a way that the reproduction of new phages begins, which tear the cell membrane and with even greater numbers attack microbes. Disposal of harmful microorganisms occurs in a matter of hours.

Phages are called the names of those microbes that they attack. Today, produce salmonella, dententiary, typhoid, staphylococcal, pseudomonas, klebsielleznye, protein, streptococcal, coli and other bacteriophages.

They also produce drugs that in the complex have a set of several phages to different pathogens at the same time, for example, the preparation "Sextafag piobacteriophage polyvalent", which includes the phages of six bacteria. Pyobacteriophages are used to treat purulent, septic diseases, intestibacteriophages are used to control intestinal infections.
Clinical practice shows the effectiveness of treatment when the "Bacteriophage polyvalent" agent is used to eliminate infectious diseases of the gastric and intestinal system, inflammations of the sinuses of the nose, oral cavity, upper respiratory tract, genitourinary system and other ailments caused by bacteria.

In addition to fighting diseases, bacteriophages are used for preventive purposes, to prevent infections. Preparations do not contain toxins and have no contraindications for use. They can be combined with various medicines. The medicine "Bacteriophage polyvalent" will help pregnant and lactating women, as well as children at any age, including premature. The main condition for successful use is the study of the isolated culture (microorganism) on the sensitivity to a certain type of phage.

One can note an amazing regularity: the sensitivity of strains of bacteria to phages has a stable state and even some upward trends. This is due to the enrichment of medications with new phage species.
So, the staphylococcal bacteriophage during the day can lyse more than 90 percent of the same microbes, which are secreted in purulent inflammatory diseases.

In addition to human use, bacteriophages are actively used to treat animals. So, very effectively rid cows of mastitis, prescribing drugs topically or inward.

The remedy starts to work two hours after its application, it is very important, especially for resuscitation of the patient. Those who used the drug "Bacteriophage polyvalent", reviews about the drug leave only positive. The medicine penetrates into the lymph, blood and is excreted by the kidneys, simultaneously, affecting the urinary tract.

Bacteriophages have some qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Thus, the activity of the drug is determined by the degree of its dilution, as a result of which the sensory test culture is completely lysed. Marking 10 in the 6th shows that phage can increase by 1 million times. Keep the drugs in a dark place at a temperature of about 5 degrees. Liquid forms of bacteriophages with proper storage remain active for a decade.

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