Self improvementPsychology

The law of attraction and fulfillment of desires. How to materialize your desires

How do you think, how realistic is the fulfillment of desires with the power of thought? Is it possible to attract positive events to yourself only after thinking about them? Or is it just childish illusions that have nothing to do with real life? Well, many esotericists and psychologists are sure that the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires really works. But how does it work? And why then are not all dreams fulfilled that a person carries throughout his life?

The trouble is that only a few know about the dogmas on which the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires holds. Accordingly, if there is no understanding of how the "tool" works, then no matter how hard you try, you can not plow the land with them. So let's discuss the basic principles of attraction of desires and talk about how to use them.

The universal law of attraction and fulfillment of desires

Scientists have long ago determined that everything in this world has a special energy field. Thus, all the bodies can interact with each other by transmitting a special impulse. The trouble is that these fields are still poorly understood, and therefore conceal a lot of secrets in themselves. In particular, today it is difficult to determine the ultimate limits of the signal, as well as how it affects material objects.

But the very fact of the existence of such energy allows us to believe that the force of attraction and thought of a person are interrelated. After all, our consciousness is a product of electrical impulses in the cerebral cortex. Consequently, using them wisely, a person can establish subconscious contact with the universe.

Such opportunities can be used in different ways. But now we are interested in exactly the power of fulfilling desires and how to use it. So let's leave aside the philosophical subtext of this question and move on to the main part. And first we need to consider three basic postulates that affect the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires.

The first postulate: the laws of the universe are indestructible

Our world exists only because it is based on the fundamental laws of physics. At the same time they are interrelated so that any shift can lead to perfect harmony in the initial chaos. Therefore, nothing can affect the basis of the universe, except for the universe itself. Simply put, everything comes down to the inviolability of the current reality and time.

In practical terms, this postulate should be regarded as a kind of restrictor. That is, you can not change the power of thought those things and events that are protected by the laws of physics and logic. For example, you can imagine a new ice age as much as you like, but the climate will not become more severe.

In a more mundane understanding, this postulate can be considered in the following example. Suppose a certain person has worked as a janitor all his life, and now, at one point he starts dreaming about the chair of the department head of the housing and utilities sector. Naturally, the universe will not fulfill this desire, because it contradicts common sense. In particular, the janitor mentioned by us has no education, no work experience, no skills necessary for this position.

The second postulate: the true power is sincerity

The law of attraction and fulfillment of desires works only in cases when a person sincerely believes in the power of his subconscious. As a metaphorical image it is necessary to imagine an archer aiming at a target. It is worth his hand to tremble, and the arrow will fly another trajectory, depriving him of the slightest hope of victory. So, thoughts are like arrows: they need to be controlled and directed to the target.

To reach such a concentration is rather difficult, therefore dedicated people use special techniques that strengthen the mind. Thanks to them, they reach a higher harmony with cosmic energy, and she responds to their requests. We'll look at them in more detail, but a little later, because there is one more, extremely important dogma.

The third postulate: the truth in the heart

Our brain, like a hive, is filled with millions of different thoughts and desires. Some of them affect everyday life, others are aimed at the search for love, and the third, and at all, are aimed at comprehending the great. The trouble is that in this endless stream of all kinds of "I want" it is difficult to find our sincere dreams and hopes.

But the Universe is not a dispenser that fulfills all desires. No, she is very selective, and he hears only those requests that go from the heart. Therefore, one needs to learn how to filter out false ideals that cloud his gaze. And only then will he be able to understand how to materialize his desires in the real world.

Visualization as the basis for achieving the goal

At the beginning of the journey, it is very difficult to keep your thoughts clean and calm. This leads to the fact that consciousness quickly loses that thread that leads to the fulfillment of desire. For example, a busy person is unlikely to remember his dream at the height of a day's work, not to mention concentrating on it.

Therefore esoteric people are advised to bring visualization into their lives. That is, you need to surround yourself with reminders of a dream that can indicate the right path. It can be a few photos on the desktop, which depicts a car or a house. Looking at them, a person immediately recalls what he needs, thereby sending the next message to the universe.

The beauty of this method is that it is quite simple. Therefore, anyone can use it, regardless of his work or marital status. The main thing is to make as many reference points as possible so that they constantly remind us of such a cherished dream.

The pure mind is the universal lighthouse

But visualization is only the first step, then more complex tests are going on. In particular, one must learn to purify one's mind in order to send a clear and intelligible impulse to space. In this case, it will be correct to compare consciousness with a beacon that regularly feeds signals to the sky.

The best way to achieve purity of mind is meditation. No wonder that most successful people of our time practice this Eastern discipline. The bottom line is that meditation teaches you to control the flow of thoughts: filtering out unnecessary and amplifying the true ones. Therefore, anyone who wants to master the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires, must learn this spiritual mastery.

The benefit of meditation techniques is quite simple. You can study them even at home, reading books a little or watching a few cognitive films about oriental teachers. The only problem is that to achieve the highest level of skill requires greater commitment, and this quality, unfortunately, is not available to all people.

Boomerang effect

If a person seriously thinks about using the law of attraction of dreams in his life, he should learn about one more important moment. The fact is that everything in the world is in harmony, and for its violation have to pay. This is the so-called boomerang effect. Its essence lies in the fact that all evil deeds are returned in the same coin, and the good, on the contrary, are encouraged.

That is, wishing failure to a competitor, an entrepreneur runs the risk of incurring even greater trouble on his head. This is due to the fact that our thoughts are material. In proof, remember how many times you thought about some trouble, and it immediately happened. Therefore, cleanse your mind of the bad and focus only on positive things or events.

The universe does not like lazy people

Another common mistake is that people do not want to meet their dreams. And yet it does not matter how strong the will of man is: without actions she is dead. The universe does not like lazy people and never presents them with gifts, as they really do not want it.

After all, any real desire leads to the fact that a person seeks to implement it. Let him do it slowly or move in the wrong direction, but still he does not sit still. Therefore, if you want the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires to work as it should, raise your "fifth point" and go forward to meet your dream.

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