Self improvement, Psychology
Can independence be a negative quality, in which cases and why?
Self-reliance is the ability of a person to act and make decisions regardless of external factors, outside help or someone's influence. This quality is irreplaceable in almost every area of life. Everyone is accustomed to consider him a positive feature of man. But can independence be a negative quality and become a hindrance to personal happiness and build a brilliant career?
Independence in children
It is certainly necessary to instill independence for a person from childhood. Many parents, overly caring for their child, do not allow him to fully develop and explore the world. It's easier for them to do everything themselves, rather than wait for the baby to eat, while messing up all the clothes, or for a very long time to put down their toys. Meanwhile, such actions on the part of adults can suppress all activity and manifestation of initiative in the child, make him permanently psychologically dependent on his parents.
In adult life, this will result in a person's inability to make decisions independently. No action will be carried out without the advice of the parents, spouse or superior at work. Infantility brings to the person and his family a large number of problems and troubles.
Many parents are wondering whether independence can be a negative quality, if it is developed excessively in the child, will it go into uncontrollability and total disobedience? To prevent this from happening, the children's freedom of action must be limited to a strict framework, be under control, and be manifested only in certain cases entrusted to the child. Over time, children are aware of when and how to exercise self-reliance.
Cons of women's independence
In the modern world, women are striving for greater independence and freedom. Many representatives of the fair half of humanity take on the leading role in the family, alone take all the responsible decisions, try to earn more than a husband. Can independence be a negative quality in this case?
Excessive female independence can lead to serious problems in the family. The wife will constantly disrupt the negative on her husband, complain and reproach him for doing nothing. The spouse at the same time begins to feel completely unnecessary and useless. A man starts on the side to look for a girl with whom he can feel his importance. As a rule, the matter ends in divorce. For such families, the answer to the question is whether independence can be a negative quality and why, is obvious.
Interference with a successful career
When getting a job, many people mark their independence in the questionnaire as their positive feature. This is certainly so. As a rule, no one even thinks about whether independence can be a negative quality. However, very much depends on the position for which the candidate claims. For leadership positions, independence is simply an indispensable quality, without which successful work is absolutely impossible. Ordinary employees, whose decisions do not directly depend on the successful operation of the company, should also have the independence to perform the small tasks assigned to them.
Nevertheless, there are situations when excessive self-harm hurts a person's career. So, for example, if an employee, without consulting a manager, makes a responsible decision that is wrong, he is unlikely to deserve the approval of his superiors and staff. If such a situation repeats repeatedly, a person's career may be threatened. In this case, it is important to know whether independence can be a negative quality, why and when it is not necessary to solve issues alone.
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