Food and drinkWines and spirits

The famous "Northern Lights" cocktail

The culture of drinking is very important, especially for our people. After all, any friend who accidentally visits a guest immediately becomes the reason for a traditional feast. And to meet him it is necessary "as it should", so that tomorrow there is something to tell friends. The guest should definitely surprise something, and in addition you want the time to be fun. For such purposes, it is better to use cocktails as beverages. The most famous and most simple in preparation is the cocktail "Northern Lights".

History of the drink

Many countries of the world claim the title of "ancestor of a cocktail". The British claim that this phrase was used for the first time by regulars of hippodromes. The word itself can be translated as "tail of a cock". They squeamishly called mixed-breed horses. In these non-thoroughbred animals, according to the experts, the tail was sticking out like a cock. Hence the association of mixed blood with a cock tail.

Americans associate this romantic story with this phrase. Legend has it that in the distant 18th century, the owner of the bar lost his cock. The owner was very fond of the bird and was even willing to give his daughter to his wife to someone who can return the loss home. After a while an unknown soldier brought the bird. True, she has already lost her tail, but you can not bring it back. The owner of the institution was forced to announce the upcoming wedding. The confused bride began to prepare drinks for all present and mixed with excitement in the glasses everything that came to hand. The guests happily drank, discussing the cause of the unexpected coming triumph, and everyone had the same "cock tail" phrase on their lips.

Unlike everyone else, the French think that they used wine and other alcohol mixes in the 15th century, so the palm tree should rightfully belong to them. Maybe so, but the cocktail "Northern Lights" was invented exactly not by them.

Habits of the twentieth century

Strangely enough, but in the last century in our country, too, loved cocktails. True, these drinks had their own specific goals. In order to understand them, one must understand how a new mixture affects the human body. A drink of this type, like the cocktail "Polar Lights", includes sparkling wine and spirits. As a result of their fusion, the gas bubbles allow the alcohol-containing component to be absorbed faster by the surface of the mucous membrane of the body. Therefore, the effect of intoxication occurs much faster. This method was used by students when they were preparing a cocktail "Northern Lights" for their classmates. The unsuspecting girls instantly became cheerful and liberated. It was enough 1-2 glasses - and the result became visible to the naked eye. That was very happy and inspiring for young people.

Interestingly, the same number of drinks, drunk separately from each other, did not give such an amazing effect. The popularity of cocktails grew, and over time they became the favorite drinks of young people.

Preparation of a drink

It is not at all difficult to prepare a cocktail "Northern Lights". Its recipe is quite simple. It is customary to make such a drink from the following components:

  • 100 milliliters of dry champagne (you can use any sparkling wine) ;
  • 40 milliliters of tangerine vodka;
  • 15 grams of liquid honey;
  • 1 gram of rosemary;
  • 150-200 grams of ice cubed.

The cooking process begins with the selection of dishes:

  1. Put the glass for the drink to cool.
  2. At this time, in a special cup for mixing, crush the sprig of rosemary lightly.
  3. There also add honey, vodka, ice and mix the products with a spoon for cocktails.
  4. Strain, then gently pour the mixture into a glass.
  5. Using a chilled spoon, slowly add the champagne.
  6. A ready-made drink can be decorated with a zest of mandarin or lemon.

For cooking, you can use ready-made tangerine vodka or prepare it yourself in advance. To do this, cut two large mandarins and pour them a bottle of vodka (500 milliliters). After three days, alcohol will acquire a permanent and unique flavor.

Unlike mixtures

It should be noted that the drink "Northern Lights" does not necessarily have to be alcoholic. There is no less delicious alternative. It will require:

  • 50 milliliters of black strong coffee with sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of cream.

You should prepare it like this:

  1. To weld strong sweet coffee.
  2. Chilled beverage mixed with cream and pour everything into a prepared glass.
  3. Sweet creatures can sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

This cocktail is perfect for a friendly chat. The tenderness of the cream will help to relax easily, and the astringency of coffee will truly delight the lovers of long conversations "heart to heart."

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