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Who is Sire Tyrell Lores from the Game of Thrones?

Probably everyone who watched the "Game of Thrones" remember the so-called Knight of Flowers, fancied in the first season of Sanssa Stark. His real name is Lores Tyrell (actor: Fin Jones). Knight of Flowers is the youngest son of Mace Tyrell, brother of Willas and Garlan Tyrell, and also the brother of young queen Margery Tyrell. He has a personal coat of arms, on which are depicted golden roses in the number of three pieces on a field of green color.

Appearance and character of the hero

As noted by Sansa, Tyrell Lores was an incredibly handsome and gallant young man. He looked like his sister. The eyes were brown and "cast in gold" (in the book description), and the hair was distinguished by a beautiful chestnut color with a reddish tint. Tirion himself once remarked that Lores in his young years has already become a legend, and half of the girls of the kingdom dream to sleep with him, and the boys want to be like him.

Sir Lores Tyrell in "The Game of Thrones" (season 1)

In the first season of "Games of Thrones" Sir Tyrell Lores took part in the tournament of his right hand. It was he who gave Sansa Stark a red rose. In one of the fights, Sir Lores defeated Grigor Kligan, knocking him out of the saddle. After this, Grigor disarmed the Knight of Flowers and killed him if it were not for the interference of Sandor Kligan. As a token of gratitude, Lores gave his reward to his savior.

When Grigor Cligana was found guilty of attacking Tally's property, Sire Lores volunteered to administer justice, but his right hand refused. After the death of King Lores, along with Renly left the capital.

"The Battle of Kings" (season 2)

As is known, this season Renley Baratheon, despite the presence of his older brother, proclaimed himself King of Västerås. But his plans were not destined to come true: the shadow that Melisander had created killed Renly in his tent before Lady Stark and Brienne. Loras, seeing the dead king, accused the murder of Brienne, who was forced to flee with Lady Stark.

Further development of the plot

Then the plot line of the book begins to differ from the action of the film. Lores Tyrell is accepted into the royal guard. At court, the Knight of Flowers tries to be closer to Margery and King Tommen, because of which Cersei Lannister starts to plot and intrigue against the young queen.

According to Cersei's book, Lannister sends Tyrell Lores to the siege of the Dragon Stone, which at that time was commanded by Stannis Baratheon. The capture of the castle must be bloodless: Redwin decided to dig a tunnel under the walls of the castle and take it. But Tyrell Lores decided the matter a duel, during which more than a thousand people died. Moreover, Lores himself is seriously injured. During the battle for Draconius the Stone, his sister is taken to prison, where she awaits a court decision for treason.

In the film, not only Margery is arrested, but also Lores himself. He is accused of having an affair with Renley Baratean and Oliver, which is contrary to the laws of men and gods. His Sparrow interviews Lores in the presence of the king and queen, Lady Olena and Cersei. Lores refuses all charges brought against him, and Margery confirms his words. After this, Oliver leads into the room, who talks about the intimate connection with Laurus Tyrell. As evidence, Oliver leads the fact that on his hip, Lores has a birthmark of wine color. As a result, the knight of flowers and the queen Margery are arrested for perjury.

The death of Sir Lores

After numerous requests, Margery is allowed to visit Loures. And the viewer no longer sees the cheerful young man who participated in the tournament hands. Tyrell Lores is broken and ready for almost anything to stop his suffering.

In the end, Lores confesses all his sins and enters the Holy Host. When Cersei and Tommen do not appear on the main court, Margery understands that they have fallen into some trap, and tries to get their brother out into the street. However, they are not allowed to watch. During the explosion in the Great Sept, Margery, and Tyrell Lores himself, perishes.

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