
The best ways to stay healthy after 40 years

When people grow older, they fear with fear awakening to their own body. Especially exciting is the meeting with maturity for women. And it's not in more wrinkles. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are afraid of the appearance of extra pounds, pain in the joints and gray hair. All these fears are understandable and understandable. After 40 years, metabolic processes in the body are rapidly slowing down. But this does not mean that women will not be able to adapt to the new conditions. If you want to maintain your health for many years, we advise you to pay attention to the methods described below.

Track the amount of food

Reduce portions in your plate and keep track of everything you consume at lunch and dinner. It is necessary for you not to exceed the recommended daily calorie limit. With minimal physical exertion, the energy value of food in the aggregate should not exceed 1500 calories per day.

Forget about sugar

Give up sugar if you drink tea or coffee. Only a minimal amount of sweets, a little butter and red wine is allowed. If you can not live without the sweet taste of drinks, replace the sugar with stevia. This will help you get rid of puffiness.

Eat more often

To control the feeling of hunger will help fractional nutrition. By reducing the amount of food in the dish, you can eat 4-5 times a day every 2 hours.

Eat consciously

When you start eating consciously, only when you really feel hunger, you will easily lose a few extra pounds in a couple of months. The biggest of your enemies is boredom and stress. Take yourself to something worthwhile and every time you want a snack, drink a glass of water. This will stop you from overeating.

Stay away from processed foods

Processed foods give your body empty calories. But you need minerals, vitamins and fiber. Cut the amount of chemistry in your body, leaning on organic fruits and vegetables.

Cook food yourself

When the budget allows, it is tempting to go to restaurants every day. However, you will never know what the chef added to his specialty. Try to maintain control over the food you eat, but for this you will have to cook on your own. But you will be sure that there is not a gram of sugar in your sauce.

Be Realistic

If you want to lose weight, but you do not succeed, then the problem lies in your mentality. Adjust your mind to the right frequencies and try realistically to look at things. Lose weight in 40 years is much more difficult than in 20. Develop a program that really helps you.

Stop being nervous

When you say "farewell" to anxiety, you will see that life is beautiful. There's no point in worrying about the past, it will never come back. It is also pointless to worry about the future, because it has not yet come. Rid your shoulders of a heavy moral load.

Vegetable food will replace tablets

Even if you are diagnosed with a serious illness, such as diabetes or hypertension, there is no need to use tablets handfuls. Monitor the indicators of sugar and blood pressure. You will be surprised, but to bring these figures to the norm will help food products. Include in your diet more vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Change your lifestyle

The way of life is not determined by one diet. It should be a healthy set of habits that you will maintain on a regular basis.

Say "no" to refined carbohydrates

In connection with the slowing of metabolic processes after 40 years, it is necessary to say goodbye not only to refined sugar, but also to quickly assimilated carbohydrates.

Drink more water

Gradually increase the consumption of clean water to one liter a day. In addition, add fresh cucumbers to the diet. These tricks prevent overeating from stress.

Do not exhaust yourself

Leave the habit of getting up on the scales daily. You already know that losing weight in adulthood is much more difficult, so refrain from unnecessary emotions. Instead, take measurements only once a month.

Get rid of food addiction

Diets are aimed at strict restrictions, but in your case you need to get rid of food dependence. Recognize that your trouble is not overweight, but craving for sweets and flour.

Count calories

We admit that living in a strict restriction is painful. It's not scary, if you decide to treat yourself with something delicious. Carefully read the composition of the product and its calorie content. You can easily eat a portion of pasta, if you refuse the sauce and replace it with fresh tomatoes.

Reduce the intensity of the high intensity workout

As our bodies grow old, they can not sustain the same intensity of training as they did 20 years ago. As much as you do not want to demonstrate your strength on the treadmill, take a look at the truth and slow the pace.

Do not try to replace the diet with workouts

One of the main mistakes of everyone who wants to lose weight is the desire to work extra calories in the gym. Remember slow metabolism. Your strategy is a little outdated.

Learn about your hormones

If the changes in your body are visible to the naked eye, then their causes are not so obvious. Ask the doctor about the level of hormones in your body. This will help you calculate the balance of food intake and physical activity.

Reduce caffeine consumption

You have repeatedly heard that after 40 years you need to reduce the amount of caffeine consumed, but still did not heed these tips. Try to adhere to the norm (35-80 mg per day). Exactly so much is contained in one cup of espresso.

Do not take supplements without getting a doctor's advice

Today, under the pressure of advertising, you can easily addicted to "magic pill that prolongs youth and beauty." However, do not prescribe vitamins and food supplements yourself. Even if you think that you do not have enough vitamin D or calcium, you may forget to take into account the amount of minerals consumed with food. Trust professionals, because excess nutrients are as harmful as their deficiency.

Sleep Schedule

Young people can sleep 4-5 hours daily and not feel fatigued. Unfortunately, these times are long past, and now you need at least 7-8 hours to recover.

20-30 grams of protein per meal

Unfortunately, as we age, our muscles begin to weaken. To keep them toned, you need protein. Make sure that with each meal you consume 20-30 grams of protein. Remember that muscle tissue can displace fat.

More antioxidants

As the body ages, more antioxidants are needed. They help to combat age-related skin problems, enhance the immune functions of the body and even prevent certain types of cancer.

Include in the diet of Omega-3 fatty acids

Despite the fact that in the last decade it has become fashionable to anathematize fatty foods, some of them are very useful. It's about Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, olive oil, nuts, avocados.

Make your diet useful for the heart

When you were younger, hardly you were worried about the problems of the cardiovascular system. It's time to take care of your "motor" with the help of useful products. Give preference to fibrous food, rich in fiber, watch for blood cholesterol levels. Prepare your favorite dishes in a double boiler and give up processed meat.

Keep track of the calcium level

Another important problem that lies in wait for mature people is the thinning of bone tissue. To prevent unwanted fractures, watch for calcium intake. It can be obtained from dairy products and food additives.

Unite in groups

It is much easier to follow the observance of healthy habits, teaming up with people who have similar goals.

Do not forget about your hobbies

Take a look at your diary. Is there a few extra hours for your favorite activities? It's time to fix this problem. It's time to enjoy life.

Call your friends

Do not forget to maintain long-standing social connections. Call your friends and invite them for a walk. So your routine activities will become more enjoyable.

Continue to move

And let excessive physical exertion remained in the past, this is no reason to give up movement. If you are able to walk, swim or ride a bicycle, do not stop doing it. Physical activity will help normalize metabolism and prevent loss of muscle mass.

Beware of reinforced caries

If you are trying to bring the weight back to normal with the help of serious cardio training, know that they stimulate the appetite.


Going to the gym strengthens the body, and meditation is the training of the mind. By meditating, people reduce the impact of stress, depression and anxiety. Also, yoga will help to bring thoughts and body to harmony.

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