HealthDiseases and Conditions

The baby is vomiting. What to do? We'll tell!

Diseases in childhood are almost always sudden. And it's unclear what happened, since the kids do not speak and can not point to the focus of pain. The most important thing in such situations is to act quickly and correctly. For example, a child has vomiting. What to do in this situation? We will describe this below.

It is worth knowing that vomiting is just a sign of a disease, so you do not need to treat yourself with vomiting, but the illness that caused it. Independently to try to stop vomiting by special means categorically it is impossible! First you need to see a doctor.

The child vomits - what to do? Determining the cause

The child is sick. What to do in this case? First you need to determine the type of vomiting. As a rule, vomiting is divided into:

  • Vomiting in intestinal infections. If the child is pale, in addition to vomiting it makes him vomiting, high fever and diarrhea - it's all talking about an intestinal infection. In such a situation, you need to rinse the stomach and call a doctor (for babies the first year of life is better than an ambulance);
  • "Cerebral vomiting" (occurs less frequently, because it is associated with inflammation of the meninges and other abnormal processes in the brain.) Its feature is a sudden onset, without nausea, and signs are drowsiness, severe headache and weakness);
  • Febrile vomiting (occurs most often in young children.It appears at the peak of high body temperature - about 39 degrees and higher.) It occurs against the background of viral infections, pneumonia, sore throats, etc.);
  • Vomiting in surgical pathologies (some diseases requiring surgical intervention are also accompanied by vomiting, for example, appendicitis.) Such vomiting does not bring relief to the condition and, as a rule, is prolonged).

The child vomits - what to do? First Aid Measures

After finding out the reason, you should calm down and calm the child. So, the baby vomited. What to do? First, bring and put next to the baby basin or a small bucket. This is necessary so that the child does not run to the toilet for every vomiting. Secondly, the baby should be placed strictly on its side, since this position can save the return of vomit to the throat, and therefore, will avoid complications and aspiration. Third, wet the handkerchief with cold water and put it on the forehead, and also wipe the entire face with a cool towel, give a slow sip a glass of warm water (not immediately!). Fourth, it is necessary to take measures against dehydration (with frequent vomiting).

Fifth, if vomiting is caused by poisoning, then the gag reflex should be induced artificially, pressing on the root of the child's tongue, and then call an ambulance. It is very important in such emergency situations not to panic, because such a state is transmitted to the child, and instead of stopping vomiting, you can provoke new urges.

The baby is vomiting. What to do? The above are the main causes of vomiting. It is extremely difficult to accurately determine them. Therefore, after rendering the first help to the baby, it is necessary to call a pediatrician or an ambulance and trust the specialists.

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