
Teething teeth in children: timing, consistency, possible problems

Teething teeth in babies often begins at the age of about six months. However, even if this process is a bit late, you should not worry: the difference in terms is quite possible. A fairly large number of children's teeth "crawl out" later, and some - earlier, in three to four months. Sometimes babies are even born with one or two teeth! If the child normally grows and develops, there is no reason for panic - here it is, most likely, the individual characteristics of the body. Otherwise, later, the appearance of teeth may be one of the symptoms of rickets - accordingly, the child needs some treatment. In normal to two years he already has to grow 20 teeth. There is a certain order of their appearance: in the beginning - the front lower incisors, then the upper, lateral - the upper, then the lower, the first molars (molars, "fours"), fangs, and only after that - the second molars ("five"). However, this sequence may be violated: for example, in some babies teeth in the upper jaw first erupt. In the overwhelming majority of cases, changing the order of dentition in children is not a sign of any developmental disorders. However, it is worth paying attention to this pediatrician.

In most cases, the symptoms of teething can not go unnoticed. The child becomes restless. He often whines, pulls toys and fingers into his mouth. The baby has a strong salivation, possibly a violation of appetite - swollen, inflamed gums prevent him from sucking his breast or nipple normally. In some children, teething is also accompanied by a rise in temperature, sometimes to significant digits. In this case, it is worthwhile to call a doctor: the body of the baby during this period is quite vulnerable, and it can easily "catch", for example, ARVI, the symptoms of which can be accepted by parents for signs of teething. It should be understood: normally this process should not be accompanied by a runny nose, reddened throat and other symptoms of colds, as well as vomiting or diarrhea.

To facilitate teething in the child can be with the help of special toys, which are called - teethers, made of harmless silicone or plastic. Hollow inside, they fill with water and are frozen in the freezer. Cold reduces pain and eliminates the distressing baby discomfort - the child will willingly gnaw such toys. It is better to have several teethers, they should be boiled in turn.

The baby can also be given slices of apples or carrots, biscuits and hard bread - you just need to watch that he does not eat off too large a piece and does not choke. The child will rub hard food with gums to cope with unpleasant sensations - this will facilitate teething. Help and special drugstore - dental gels (here are their names: "Calgel", "Dentinox", "Baby gel" and others). However, their choice should be approached with caution: judging by the reviews, in children with allergies they, or rather, contained in them, flavors and dyes, can cause a rash. In addition, most of these drugs include lidocaine. Therefore, they should be used, perhaps, only in cases when erupting teeth strongly torment the baby, preventing him from sleeping normally. You can also try to alleviate his condition with the help of homeopathic rectal suppositories "Viburkol": they contain components that have a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Elevated temperature is knocked down with paracetamol, a syrup or candles that are placed overnight.

However, in many cases, teething occurs calmly and there is no need for medicines. This process may not give the child a serious discomfort, and often the parents discover the first tooth only during feeding, accidentally touching it with a spoon.

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