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Promotion for work: types and concept of promotion

Encouraging employees to work and effectively performing functions is an excellent tool that helps to educate a conscious attitude towards work, increase the effectiveness of production processes and ensure discipline in the team.

Meaning of incentive measures

For each employee the most important reward for his work is a decent and timely paid salary. However, no less significant are the material and moral measures of encouragement for success in work. Their correct use makes it possible to ensure labor discipline and maintain it at the proper level. These techniques produce a powerful stimulating effect, pushing the organization's employees to further production successes, and also become a positive example for the rest of the team.

Promotion for work is often used in cases of manifestation of exemplary behavior (labor merit). The subject can be both individual workers and collectives.

Measures of encouragement: the definition and essence of

A form of positive evaluation of the behavior or results of a worker's work by an employer, labor collective or state is called an incentive. Encouraging measures are classified based on who and for what merit they receive.

In fact, rewards, benefits, benefits or public expressions of gratitude and honor can be a reward for labor achievements. As a result of the application of such measures, the prestige of the employee or collective rises. This is the realization of the need for recognition, which is inherent in every person. The awarded employee feels gratitude to the management, and also realizes its value for the collective and the enterprise.

The encouragement for work encourages people to conscientiously fulfill their duties, charging them with a desire to reach new heights in the profession, to be more useful to the company.

Motivated employees are extremely important for the enterprise. Due to the presence of strong, bright motives, they work more efficiently and efficiently, actively and with full force overcome the difficulties and problems that arise, achieve their goals faster.

Types of incentives for work: material remuneration

Among the most effective incentive measures distinguish between material and non-material.

The financial incentives include a system of measures aimed at ensuring the financial interest of employees in certain labor outcomes.

It can be:

  • Payment of the premium.
  • Presentation of a valuable gift.

The premium is paid to employees, in addition to wages, for the fact that they have achieved a specific result in labor.

Bonus as a reward for work is applied according to the system adopted at the enterprise. The conditions of receipt and the amount of payments are indicated in the collective or employment contract, agreement, local regulatory acts of the organization.

The bonus system allows the employee to receive a larger sum of money than the one provided for in salary. However, he will have to work harder, because the premium is paid for achieving indicators that are higher than the average values.

Features of application of the bonus system

Award - the most common material incentive for success in work. It is a powerful incentive for the company's employees and often positively affects the productivity and efficiency of work.

For the employer, the development of a bonus system primarily means the possibility of attracting and retaining highly qualified specialists.

Each company has its own system of accrual and payment of bonuses, which corresponds to the individual features of economic activity. Its development and installation is performed by the relevant department of the organization.

The bonus is implemented in accordance with the following principles:

  • The award should be assigned to a specific employee for a certain personal contribution to the company's activities.
  • Promotion for work (bonus) should not be part of the salary. It is important that the employee of the organization be able to distinguish these payments.
  • The determination of the amount of incentive payments should have an economic justification.
  • Bonuses should be paid for the fulfillment of certain conditions or the achievement of specific indicators.

Conditions and types of bonuses

There are premiums that can be attributed to the payment system, and those that are not included in it.

The first ones are defined in the provision on bonus, collective or labor contract or other local normative act of the company. This type of incentive is paid to employees who have achieved the result, pre-determined by the bonus indicators. The very fact of achieving these indicators gives the employee the right to receive a reward, otherwise (the result is not obtained), there is no right to a bonus.

Types of bonus indicators:

  1. Quantitative (the production plan has been fulfilled and the output plan has been exceeded, a technically sound production rate has been achieved , the progressive production rate has been mastered, and others).
  2. Qualitative (reduced labor costs, saved materials, raw materials or fuel, increased the proportion of products of the highest quality, reached a high level in customer service).

In addition to the indicators, the company's management can put several conditions (additional requirements), the execution of which is necessary for payment of the premium. In the event of their violation, the employee's promotion may not be accrued or its size reduced.

The second type of premiums, not related to the wage system, is paid out one-time. At the same time, the procedure for rewarding for work consists in the overall evaluation of the work of a specific employee of the enterprise, and not in the analysis of the results achieved. That is, the basis for calculating such a premium is a unilateral decision of the employer.

In addition to the above classification, there is also a division of premiums into several groups:

  • Periodic (monthly, quarterly, annual).
  • One-time charges for achievements relating to the production process (for high labor productivity, for the successful performance of urgent or important tasks, for conscientious performance of labor duties for many years).
  • Confined to any events not related to the production process (holidays, jubilee dates of employees or companies, employee retirement).

Intangible incentives for employees

Along with material kinds of rewarding, many enterprises actively use moral encouragement of work. This type of stimulation includes various measures of public approval or censure aimed at increasing or decreasing the prestige of a particular employee.

For such measures to be effective, the manager must observe the following conditions:

  • To bring to the knowledge of workers information about the provisions and status of moral incentives.
  • Take care of the wide application of various forms of such incentives, as this promotes the development of creative initiative in the team.
  • Combine the methods of moral encouragement with material incentives, provide for their interaction and continuous improvement, taking into account new tasks, changing the content, organization or working conditions.
  • Take care of the wide dissemination of information in the team for every case of moral encouragement.
  • Organize a solemn atmosphere in which the awarding ceremony and thank you will take place.

  • Ensure timeliness of moral encouragement. It should be made immediately after the achievement.
  • To develop improved types of incentives, as well as to provide for the strict moral responsibility of each employee for the work he is doing.
  • Perform an analysis of the effectiveness of the application of incentives.
  • Ensure that the moral incentive measures for work are applied systematically and that the rules for keeping the relevant records in the work books of employees are observed.

The procedure for applying incentives and rewards

It should be noted that the use of material incentives is justified when the employees of the enterprise need to satisfy basic needs (they are forced to eat junk food, live indoors with a minimum level of comfort, are not sure of the "tomorrow").

If these needs are met, they seek other incentives other than material incentives. Such workers are interested in moral incentives for work, as they are able to activate powerful internal incentives for further activity.

The employer's interest in the conscious and motivated employees is obvious: the results of their work are so increased that it more than justifies the means spent for their stimulation.

An extremely effective way to increase the interest of the company's employees in the labor process and ensure their fidelity to this organization is a combined system in which combined premium pay and encouragement of an intangible nature. This is possible when replacing part of the salary with a social package or providing additional benefits (corporate gym, swimming pool, language courses).

What determines the effectiveness of non-material incentives

There are types of non-material incentives that can at times increase the "fighting spirit" of workers and provide them with the most powerful motivational charge:

  • System of corporate training. This is relevant for ambitious newcomers, since the new more complex tasks that the leader puts before him are presented in terms of gaining new experience and completing the list of personal achievements.
  • Making merit in the public: praise, reading and writing, honors, articles about employees in the media, installing a table flag.

Award as an extension of personal space (the allocation of the cabinet, a large table).

  • A new degree of trust, manifested in invitations to meetings, seminars, conferences and negotiations.
  • Additional comfort (providing a more expensive computer, office supplies, installing an air conditioner in the department).
  • Expansion of the list of benefits. Many employers enter into agreements with partners that provide for the exchange of services and goods. In this case, they are quite cheap for all participants.

This is only a small list of possible ways of motivation. He can be supplemented by a leader who has studied the needs and desires of his subordinates.

How to apply the incentive system

Any award, bonus or non-material incentive must be applied after each labor achievement of the employee to be awarded.

The leader should not allow the cancellation or delay of promotion. Also, its size or scale should not be reduced. Often employees, being aware of the company's motivation system, take care of maintaining high discipline of work. Incentives delayed in time, cut back or canceled, can lead to a loss of willingness to work, disappointment and, as a result, a decrease in the quality and quantity of results.

The same effect has too complex a system of incentives, providing for the achievement of inflated rates. The size of the incentive for work and the procedure for their application should be calculated not only for strong and medium-sized employees. Under such conditions, workers with weaker abilities lose the desire to work, feeling themselves to be representatives of the lower social stratum. The output can be the development of a differentiated reward system, which provides for different types and types of incentives.


The criterion of really effective encouragement is its importance and universality. Thus, each employee clearly represents the benefits and benefits of good work.

Hardly the main condition for an effective material incentive is its size. The minimum premium, which does not become a means of increasing the prestige of an employee, is not regarded by him as a worthy reward for additional efforts. The accrual and payment of a premium allows you to motivate employees for future accomplishments only if its receipt substantially raises the level of their income. With this approach, all team members understand that if it is good to work, you can earn a decent salary, and if you fulfill the required minimum, then the income will be appropriate.

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