EducationThe science

Technology of modular training in modern education

Basic Modular Learning


The technology of modular training began to develop in the sixties of the last century and initially found its application in Western countries.  

The essence of such training is as follows: the learner alone or guided by the teacher's instructions works with the module and achieves the goals set for learning, in the process of cognitive and educational activity.

The module consists of an action plan aimed at achieving the goal, an information bank and a methodological guide that helps achieve didactic goals. In this regard, the module acts as a means of modular training. It should be noted that the technology of modular education in the school sets itself such tasks:

- for the student the pace of work should be comfortable, therefore, its capabilities and abilities should be taken into account;

- the content of the training should be flexible;

- types and forms of work should be integrated;

- the paramount task is to develop the ability of trainees to engage in self-education, which will ultimately achieve high results.

Analyzing the theory and practice of this type of training, scientists came to the conclusion that the technology of modular training should be based on such methodological principles: personal, systemic and activity-based approaches.

Modular training and its principles

Module - a kind of training program, individualized in its essence, the pace of educational and cognitive activities, methods of teaching, the level of independent activity of students. Therefore, the technology of modular training makes it possible for a student with a certain degree of independence to study the individualized program offered to him.

Modular training from other educational systems is distinguished by such parameters as content and goals, methods and forms, ways of mutual cooperation between the teacher and his pupils. These parameters allow you to define the principles of modular training .

The basis for modular training is the general democratic principles, which are closely related to the principles inherent only in this type of education. The guiding idea, the basic rule governing the activities of participants in the education process, should be the principles of modular training . Let's consider their content and the main essence.

Methods, content and forms of modular training consider the principle of modularity. According to him, the training is built on the principle of uniting the material into knots-modules, the work on which allows to achieve the didactic goals set by the teacher. The educational material inside the module blocks is divided into separate learning elements.

In addition, the technology of modular training provides the principle of dynamism, according to which it is possible to supplement, modify and develop educational material.

The principle, in which separate elements are distinguished from the content of learning, allows us to consider the material under study as a single integrated system within each module.

Thanks to the principle of flexibility, the construction of the program and modules, the content of the training and the ways of its assimilation adapt to the individual needs of the students.

In close connection with other didactic principles , modular training technology provides a principle that implies the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge and knowledge systems. Studying, students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of independent work on solving problems, while applying knowledge in practice, showing resourcefulness and initiative.

According to the principle of a conscious perspective, the management of the educational process is necessary so that the pupils can understand and realize the goals set for the training.

The principle of versatility of methodical counseling provides for the professionalism of the teacher and the high degree of the student's readiness for cognitive activity.

Equally, the modular training technology in the school includes the principle of parity. It requires the provision of close cooperation and fruitful cooperation between the teacher and his students during the educational process.

The principles of modular training are in constant interaction and, at the same time, they are connected with the general democratic principles.

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