
Tank of sweets. Ideas of sweet gifts from sweets by own hands

Candy as a gift - it's very good, but if you still unusually decorate them, then you will cause admiration from the person who will give them to you. Let's try to consider interesting ideas for decorating a gift with sweets.

If you want to give something interesting to your lover or husband on February 23, then the tank of chocolates is best. Such a gift is not only a symbol of masculinity, it will also become a real surprise for sweeties.

Master class, tank base

To make such a gift, you will need to take two cardboard boxes, an adhesive tape, a special paper for packing, a stationery knife, twelve pieces of chocolate medals, glue, corrugated paper of green and brown colors.

A large cardboard box will be for your tank base, and a small box - a tower. If you make a tank of sweets, wrap the boxes with scotch tape, and then wrap them in wrapping paper.

Your tank will need caterpillars. To do this, you need to cut out of the foam two long strips, which are the same size as the edges of the box. These strips are wrapped in corrugated paper, and chocolate medals are glued on top. And you can stick and small chocolates, then your artwork - a tank of sweets - will look even better. Now the caterpillars are glued to the box. For strength, you can attach them with a line or sewing thread, or you can use yarn for knitting.

A candy tank made with your own hands is a good idea for a candy gift. It is not difficult to master yourself.

Ready Tank

We make the muzzle of your tank. To do this, we take a piece of cardboard, turn it into a tube, wrap it with beautiful paper, you can color it. The barrel can be cut slightly so that it is even.

Now we begin to stuff our tank of chocolates with our own hands. For this, you can take small sweets such as "Bird Milk" or "Cow".

Sweets neatly put in a large and small boxes, connect them with each other, then paste to the tank muzzle. We will glue the sweets and the tank outside. So your tank of sweets is ready, you can now present it to your beloved person.


Gifts from sweets are the best souvenir, and also suitable in the event that you want to do something pleasant to your loved one. Such a gift will cause your family a complete delight.

A tank of sweets, the master class of which has already been given, can become a model for creating other works in the same style. For example, guitars.

If you know how to make a tank of sweets, then it will not be difficult for you to create a guitar. To do this, we take a large piece of cardboard, apply an ordinary guitar to it, draw a contour with a pencil. Cut out a piece of cardboard. Then you can paste colored paper to the cardboard blank.

We take three or four kilograms of sweets in wrappers, glue them to the cardboard base of the guitar. The strings for it can be made from a rubber band or from an ordinary strong thread.

Bouquet of chocolates

If a tank of sweets and the same guitar is more suitable as a gift to a man, then a woman and a girl will like the "bouquet" with sweets. In the event that you want to impress a lady with a stunning gift, it makes sense to make such a bouquet.

First, take a piece of foam and cut out a strip of it, which is then inserted into the glass or into the jar. Gifts from sweets are formed with skewers, which are attached to sweets. Then the candy on top turns into a beautiful layered pink paper. This paper should take the form of a rose.

Note that you should have sharp and strong skewers that will withstand weight and candy, and flower. They need to be inserted into the basket, at which the bottom is made of foam. And inside the bouquet you can plant a teddy bear or a bunny, or you can even have a bottle of champagne. Gifts from sweets, made in this way, look very original.

A pineapple

If you have already prepared a tank of chocolates, and you want something else, then it's time to prepare pineapple from sweets. It is not so difficult to make it, and at the same time it will be a very beautiful and original gift for birthday, New Year, Eighth March and other holidays.

The starting materials for the work are an ordinary bottle of champagne (or you can take plastic from under the "Phantom"), about eighty pieces of candy, adhesive tape and glue gun. So, the tails of the sweets are stuck together, then they are also applied with glue. With the help of PVA glue all the candies are glued to the bottle, you can add Scotch tape for strength.

We take the tape-aspidistra and out of it we cut out the tail for pineapple. You can make ten to fifteen ribbons, they are all inserted into the neck of the bottle. The more such stripes will be inserted into the bottle, the more your composition will be similar to pineapple. And that the similarity was great, you can tie the neck of the bottle with jute ropes.

Machine of chocolates

Your imagination will help you to come up with the best option for decorating a holiday gift. If you want to give a gift to a child, then a car of candy is quite an appropriate option. But an adult will also be delighted with such a gift.

To create such a machine you will need not only candy. You will need to find or purchase a cardboard box, toothpicks, scotch tape, wire, natural cloth. You will need a glue gun and eight packets of sweets, you can take Dolci sweets.

First, we draw a pattern on paper, then cut it out with scissors and transfer it to the cardboard. We join the cardboard parts with the help of an adhesive tape, then we paste the driver's seat. You can do this with corrugated paper. We fix the edges of the machine with a wire, and stretch a piece of wire from edge to edge. Then we attach a cloth to it, which will decorate the car and close it.

Approximately the same principle as the tank of sweets, a master class for the manufacture of which we have already studied, is also a machine. Instead of wheels, chocolate medals are pasted in wrappers.

It is also necessary to make side lining, they are made of corrugated paper. The lights will be two round candies, instead of the helm attach cookies. If you know how to make a tank of chocolates, then the machine will be made easy.

We pack the prepared machine into cellophane, and you can give a gift.

Doll of sweets

Gifts from sweets are different. Any girl will like a doll of sweets. Try to make yourself such a gift.

It is not necessary to buy a new doll in the store. You can find one of the Chinese toys, which is similar to the Barbie doll, and make a hand-made from her. The complexity of this toy is the same as a tank of chocolates. You can show all your skills of needlework when creating such a toy.

In addition to the doll, you will need a small piece of polystyrene, a different fabric, you can take some pieces of knitwear. If you want a skirt to be lush, and with flounces, then take pieces of silk or satin. You will also need the glue "Moment" and thread.

We have already learned what can be made from sweets. We will try to diversify our knowledge. From a foam plastic we make a cone, in it we cut out a hole for a doll. We put the doll in polystyrene foam.

"Skirt" made of foam plastic is wrapped in fabric, or corrugated paper, which you like best. You can attach it with glue or staples. You can decorate with beads and beads.

Also from the fabric or paper you need to make a bodice of the dress, you can make it look like a sarafan. Try to ensure that the seat of the bodice and skirt is invisible. We make roses from paper, we put in them candy. We attach it to the dress.

For the doll, you can make roses and a small umbrella. The more colors, the more elegant it will look.

A tree of sweets

This option is the most versatile. You can give it to anyone, regardless of gender and age.

Decorative trees like your guests no less than a tank of chocolates. A tree with sweets or a money tree is suitable for any interior.

To create such a masterpiece you will need a small flower pot, a metal stick, foam plastic, glue, various fabrics, for example chiffon and chintz, small scissors, toothpicks, sucking candies on a string. If you want money to come to your house, it makes sense to make a money tree, which will become a talisman in your interior.

The money tree should be hanging chocolate medals in gold wrappers. You can decorate it with ordinary coins, but they should shine.

Creating a Tree

The trunk of the tree is made of thick wire, which folds into several layers. From above it turns into threads, you can take ordinary woolen.

From corrugated paper we make flowers, in which candies or chocolate medals are put. Cut out the petals from this paper, wrap them on a pencil so that they get a curved shape. Three petals are pinned to a toothpick, it turns out a rose. Several such roses are attached to the tree trunk.

To your money tree was the most spectacular, it is recommended to encircle it with golden ribbons and cut out the leaves from the foil to decorate it. To improve the energy of the tree, it is recommended to tie a red ribbon to it.

Gifts from sweets can be very different, it is important to show imagination when creating them. If you create your gift with candy candy, then it will last longer, and you'll be able to admire them longer. Presents from chocolate sweets should be used almost immediately after their delivery, so that they do not deteriorate.

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