
Syringe althea for children and adults

Syringe althea is a unique preparation that can help in the treatment of numerous diseases. For its preparation, the lateral roots, previously cleaned from the top layer, are used. Vegetable raw materials are harvested in the spring or autumn period. Roots have a peculiar and slightly sweet smell and taste. For the preparation of medicinal products, flowers and plant leaves are also used.

Althaeus is well known and has long been used to treat patients. Decoction, infusion or syrup of althea can reduce the inflammatory process and facilitate spontaneous regeneration of damaged tissues. Drugs from this amazing plant soften the plaque in the throat with angina and give an excellent expectorant effect. A water extract of the althea root will help with increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis, enterocolitis and ulcers. Getting inside, the drug envelops and protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The more acid is released, the greater the viscosity of the drug.

The infusion, prepared from the leaves and flowers of the althea, is used in the form of enemas with diarrhea. It is able to cure conjunctivitis and will have a positive effect on pleurisy, pneumonia, whooping cough and diseases of the genitourinary system. The althaea syrup is a part of many cough medicines. It not only enhances their effect on the human body, but also soothes the gastrointestinal mucosa.

How to take syrup of althea?

The course of treatment is from 10 to 15 days. After that, take a break. Syrup of althea must be diluted with boiled water. For each teaspoon of the drug will take fifty grams of water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient. Children after 12 years and adults need to drink one tablespoon per reception, 4-5 times during the day.

Children of primary school age (6-12 years), with the same frequency should take one teaspoon. Babies under 6 years can drink syrup althea no more than half a teaspoon at a time. This drug can be taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding. To contraindications of admission is only individual intolerance to the althaea.

People who stick to a diet with a low carbohydrate content and a diabetic patient should take the althae syrup with great care. Children up to a year, when coughing, you can give the drug, previously diluted it with plenty of water. Before using the drug, especially when treating children, pediatrician consultation is mandatory.

Preparations from the althaea can be bought at the pharmacy kiosk. But, if you are fond of gardening and have your own plot of land, then you must plant this plant on it. Althey is a member of the Malvian family and looks great both in single and mixed plantings. Reaching a height of 1.5 meters and blooming with delicate pink flowers, the plant will attract a large number of bees to the garden and fill the air with a sweetish smell.

Special care and much attention, marshmallows do not require. It is enough to prepare for planting a sunny place with fertile soil. Seed sowing should be done in mid-September. Before planting, it is necessary to soak seeds for a day in warm water. Making furrows depth of 1-2 centimeters, they plant the prepared seeds and sprinkle with peat. The first shoots you can observe on the 8-10 day. With the beginning of the next garden season, loosen the althaea landing. And with the appearance of sprouts, strain with thickened sowing. The plant is very fond of freedom and loose soil. Growing this beautiful flower in the garden, you will always have fresh medicinal raw materials. Tea from the leaves will become one of your favorite drinks.

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