HealthDiseases and Conditions

Diarrhea of ringworm in a child: symptoms, treatment and methods of prevention

According to experts, the so-called ringworm is one of the few diseases that affect both animals and people. The causative agents of this disease are pathogenic fungi. In this article, we will talk about what constitutes ringworm in a child, and what are its primary symptoms.

general information

Infect this disease can be from animals, not only from pets, but also from sheep, cows and horses. That is why the ringworm of a child is very often diagnosed . The thing is that children often play with street cats and puppies, and when visiting relatives in the village, they also communicate with the above-mentioned representatives of the animal world with pleasure.

Symptoms of the disease

First of all, it should be noted that the incubation period of this disease lasts up to one and a half months, starting from the moment of direct contact with infected animals (or people). Ringworm in the child manifests itself in the form of spots on the face and neck. They have a rounded shape and are slightly elevated above the surface of the skin. After a relatively short period of time, the specks start systematically Covered with gray crusts, which, in turn, gives the patient a lot of anxiety: foci constantly itch and itch. After a while, spots may appear on the scalp. Moreover, the hair on the affected area will never grow again. In some cases, ringworm in a child is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, headache, minor swelling of the lymph nodes and loss of appetite. It is noteworthy that a patient for a long time and at all can not notice the pronounced signs of the aforementioned illness. However, when detecting them, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

Ringworm. How much is this disease treated?

Why is it so important to visit a doctor? The disease of ringworm is quite serious, therefore it is strongly recommended not to engage in self-medication. You are unlikely to get a positive result at the end of therapy, and the ailment will continue to progress. In addition, taking certain medications later can significantly complicate the existing clinical picture. The specialist (dermatologist) after the examination and on the basis of the results of the tests will put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. As a rule, qualified therapy does not exceed two months. If the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, it may take two weeks for a complete cure.

Preventive measures

With regard to the issue of prevention, in this case, doctors strongly recommend that parents do not allow the child to contact the unknown or infected animals. As already noted above, it is due to harmless, at first glance, the animal and you can get infected. In addition, and their pets should not be released into the street unattended, since later they may be carriers of the disease. Note that after each walk the child should thoroughly wash his hands with special disinfectants. Be healthy!

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