
Summary Estimate of Construction Costs

The money needed to build construction products is the cost of construction. To calculate this cost, special documents are developed - construction estimates, in which the estimated cost is calculated . The detailed documentation details all construction costs. On its basis is a contractor's contract.

Drawing up of construction estimates passes, we can say, in 3 stages:

  1. Drawing up local estimates.
  2. Drawing up of object estimates.
  3. Consolidated estimate of the cost of construction.

Local estimate is the initial estimate document, which provides the calculation of the costs for performing a particular type of work. Based on this type of documents, as a result, a consolidated estimate is formed. To compile this business paper, the so-called TERs (territorial unit prices) are used, as well as estimated norms (enlarged), which allow the most accurate calculation of all in a particular construction region.

Local estimates can be compiled using two different methods: resource and basis-index. Using the resource method, construction costs are calculated in current prices. In the base-index approach, the calculation of value occurs at the expense of specially developed indices, created in order to recalculate the estimated cost from the basic to the current prices. Each year the indices change, so the cost is calculated as accurately as possible.

The object estimate consists of local estimates, grouped according to the following works and costs:

• construction works;

• installation;

• equipment, furniture, inventory;

• other work.

The calculation of the object estimate is made by summation of local in current or base prices and is compiled on the whole object. For its calculation, the aggregated standards and indicators of analog objects are used in value terms. Contractual prices for the object are formed on the basis of this type of documentation.

Consolidated estimate is a document that establishes the estimated cost of construction for all objects included in the project. On its basis, a decision is made on the financing of construction.

The consolidated budget estimate determines the effectiveness of the design solution in question. When calculating the cost of housing, civil or industrial construction, it is divided into chapters, at the end of which, starting with the eighth, the final settlement amounts are given. In it out of all the object estimates contribute data, grouped by the same work.

You should also know that the summary estimate calculation should be made as a whole for construction, regardless of the number of participating contractors. Attached is an explanatory note with all the information about the construction: where it will pass, the standards adopted to compile the documentation, the expected profit.

All these documents can be compiled both on paper (handwritten) and electronically (in Excel or special software products). For example, the GrandSmet or the Wizard Estimate is a worthy decision.

The estimated documentation must be drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, regardless of how the construction is carried out - under a contract of contract or in an economic manner.

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