Career, Summary
Summary by points
Resume (from the French resume) - this is a document containing a professional autobiography of a specialist or simply a business card of the applicant. If you turn to authoritative dictionaries, you can find there their definitions, the essence of which, however, remains the same. For example, in the dictionary of Ozhegov, a summary is a brief conclusion from what has been said or written. According to Efremova - this is a short conclusion from what was said, written, read. In the encyclopedic dictionary - a brief statement of speech.
As you can see from the definitions, the key words are: brevity, conclusion. From this it can be concluded that when writing it is necessary to present information about yourself, briefly and in essence. This is the basic rule, which in general terms explains how to write your own resume. Having considered the style features, you can go to the analysis of the summary of the items.
Style Features
In any text editor you can print your profile. Suitable for both Notepad and MS Word. More functional editors, offer additional functions. But it is worth remembering that the candidate's questionnaire is a document, therefore, the attitude should be corresponding to its creation. It is not necessary to use bright colors for decoration. For a font, the standard black color will work well. The style of the font is printed, the size must be chosen readable. Any resume consists of separate blocks. This is done for convenience. Information divided into parts is more easily perceived by the reader. The names of the blocks will not be bad in bold. Block structure is not necessary to invent, because there are ready-made options on the Internet. It is desirable that the size of the summary does not exceed one or two pages.
All templates have the same common blocks. It happens that new blocks are added, for example such as: useful skills or additional information. It is desirable to fill them in the same way: briefly and in essence. If you decompose the summary of the items, then you get this kind of construction.
general information
Here it is indicated: name, date of birth, sex, age, marital status. All these fields are desirable to fill out, since this is important information for the employer, both for communication and for making a decision on employment.
Places of work
There is no need to list all the companies in which you had to work. Such a mass of information will distract from other important information. It will be enough to have 5 - 8 last jobs. At the interview, there will be an opportunity to mention all the companies in which you had to work. Usually indicated: the name of the organization, period of work, position. It is not superfluous to briefly talk about the achievements of the previous work.
Educational establishments
It is appropriate to mention all educational institutions where they studied, as well as all kinds of courses and trainings. Usually the fields are filled: name, specialty, period of study.
Contact Information
It happens that applicants forget to specify contact information. Such a resume is doomed to failure. Usually there are fields: mobile phone, work phone, home phone number, e-mail address. Mailing address is not necessary to write. Now basically communication is carried out through electronic devices.
Now is the age of modern technology. And you can see how more and more people are seizing new technologies. In our time, the search for work through the Internet has become commonplace. On the Internet there are many web-resources for job search. Having entered such a site, you can compile an electronic resume in two counts, and then print it out.
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