HealthDiseases and Conditions

Subserous uterine myoma and its treatment

Sub-serous, or the so-called subperitoneal myoma, is one of the varieties of such a pathology as a benign hormone-dependent tumor of the muscular layer of the uterus.

Most often, subserous uterine fibroids develop in women who are in reproductive age. The reason for this is

- increase in the level of estrogen (female sex hormones),

- disruption of the work of higher subcortical centers, carrying out neuro-humoral regulation (thalamus, hypothalamus),

- pathology of the immune system,

- a violation of metabolic processes in uterine tissues that arise due to inadequate intake of nutrients and oxygen,


The subserous myoma of the uterus is accompanied by the growth of the node in the direction of the abdominal cavity. A benign tumor can develop on a broad base adjacent to the muscular wall, or be connected with a thin stem. It is also possible to unbutton it, because of what it remains loosely located in the abdominal cavity or lies a short distance from the uterus directly in its ligaments.

Sub-serous myomatous nodes can be single or multiple. If such a node is single, it is clearly separated from the surrounding tissue by a capsule, which is an altered muscle fiber. Dimensions of nodes can be different - from millimeters to 10 centimeters. Larger nodes are very rare. Depending on the activity of metabolic processes, the subserous uterine myoma can be simple and proliferating, which causes the rate of their growth. Proliferating much faster increase their size.

For this disease, the common symptoms are characterized by a violation of the menstrual cycle, miscarriage, infertility, abdominal pain. Although it should be noted that subserous myomas can not cause disturbances of menstrual and reproductive function. Painful sensations most often occur periodically, and their increase is caused by the growth of the tumor. Also, the location of the node, trophic tissue and the phase of the menstrual cycle affect the appearance of pain. Subserous myoma of the uterus of large size leads to squeezing of neighboring organs, disrupting their normal functioning. This situation is most typical when the myoma is located in the cervix uteri - there are problems with bowel movement and urination.

The appearance of severe pains and a sharp increase in body temperature are typical when the tissue supply is disturbed because of the knot or necrosis that has developed a twist, which is most characteristic precisely for the subserous myoma. When making sudden movements, a torsion may appear. In addition, there is not only severe pain, but also dizziness, fainting, sweating, increased heart rate. Infringement of a trophic of the given pathological formation is possible or probable because of development of atrophic processes. In this case, there are no complaints from the patient.

Since this tumor develops most often because of the increase in the level of estrogens, it is not uncommon for patients to have endometrial hyperplasia and anovulation.

Perhaps asymptomatic progression of subserious fibroid. It is then found in the case of preventive examinations, on the basis of clinical signs, gynecological examination data, ultrasound and hysteroscopy. Special methods allow not only to diagnose, but also accurately establish the localization and size of the tumor and trace the dynamics of its development.

If subserous uterine fibroids are identified , treatment is first performed conservatively, which includes correction of nutrition and hormone therapy. The necessary volume of surgical intervention is determined by the size and localization of the tumor, the propensity to malignancy and the age of the patient.

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