EducationThe science

Subject of pedagogy

The term "subject" of this or that science is understood to mean a certain part of the spiritual, ideal reality, which is a logically connected, mind-based complex of the scientist's reflections on this or that object belonging to reality. At the same time, reflections are not able to fully cover the entire complexity of the studied area, they are always object-subjective, reflecting not only the essence of the object itself, but the personal position of the scientist himself, and therefore correspond to the object always in one or another degree.

The subject of social pedagogy is a social and pedagogical phenomenon. It determines the principles, methods, forms of studying practical activities, the necessary conditions for its implementation.

Social pedagogy is a theory and practice of social formation and the subsequent improvement of the individual and social groups throughout the process of socialization. From the theoretical side, the industry is a system of concepts, laws, statements and patterns that reveal the process of social formation of the individual, the procedure for managing the group in accordance with the impact of external factors on it. The subject of pedagogy makes it possible to understand the nature of the formation of the personality and the procedures for managing the group, the existing problems of social deviations. At the same time, within the framework of the discipline, methods are developed for preventing and overcoming these deviations.

In the process of increasing the complexity of educational activities, increasing the diversity of forms, it became necessary to conduct a special analysis of pedagogical relations. Thus, already in ancient times a special branch of knowledge was formed. At first it was a part of other scientific disciplines (philosophy, history, for example). Subsequently, it began to represent an independent science.

In psychology, it is customary to view activity as a multi-level system, the components of which are motives, purpose, result, actions. The structure of pedagogy is viewed as a complex of elements that are relatively independent functional types of the teacher's activity. So, the following components were singled out in educational activity: communicative, organizational and constructive.

The subject of pedagogy today is defined in the form of a set of reflections on the educational reality and the ways of its improvement.

Thus, the discipline as a whole is aimed at revealing the essence and regularities of the learning processes in the development of the personality. The subject of pedagogy includes practical methods of increasing the effectiveness of these phenomena.

Educational science is in close connection with practice. This is largely due to the nature with which the subject of pedagogy is endowed . The task of science is not only to describe and explain, but also to fulfill the normative and constructive function. In other words, discipline raises the question of improving existing pedagogical practice.

Today, reflections of educational discipline have a direction, mainly, on the solution of some difficult, "eternal" problems.

First of all, this is the task of shaping the goals of pedagogical activity. It should be noted that goal-setting is considered to be the most important issue in any activity. Pedagogy can not be effective without a clear understanding of the goals of upbringing and education of people.

Another important problem is the study of human nature, its capabilities. The difficulty of solving this problem consists mainly in the fact that human nature is not only stable, but also has dynamics and is capable of changing in the process of changing the surrounding world, social and natural environment.

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