Spiritual developmentNew Age

Spiritual Beginning Must Defeat Evil

Once upon a time there lived Adam and Eve in the Kingdom of God. Lived - did not grieve, bathed in Divine Love. Yes, behold, a snake of temptation appeared to them, and they forgot that everything must be asked for God's Blessing. And they succumbed to the willful temptation, having tried the forbidden fruit. Disobedience to the children upset God the Father. But He, loving them, gave them a chance to correct them by settling on the Earth. The Lord hoped that the spiritual principle would conquer in them all the traps of evil and materiality, and that His children would resemble their Father not only externally but also internally: they would become holy, humble and meek. This is how humanity appeared on the Earth.

Years went by, and people went farther in their actions and thoughts from morality and purity, which violated the Cosmic laws, leading to the degradation of consciousness, to misfortunes, illnesses, wars, economic crises of states and their disappearance (for example, Lemuria, Antlantis). To direct people to the right path of development, they were given the Ten Commandments - the Cosmic Laws of Being. And the Divine Incarnations came to Earth to correct their deviations in the behavior and way of life of their people by their example of life.

However, the evil was not dormant: dreaming about the destruction of people and the whole universe, it tried not to let people become saints, entered the Kingdom of God the Father again, and that the Earth became this Kingdom. And sent the evil of his emissaries in the media, the Internet, landed on important government sites. Creating horror films, promoting violence, approving life outside marriage, same-sex marriage, showing in these films drunken feasts, smoking, taking e drugs, betrayal of spouses, as the norm of "happiness", edged the evil youth on the path of destruction and death of the soul. And the music stopped cleansing the soul with a divine sound: heavy rock (the lead of performers and listeners to suicide), pop music (directing the minds to primitive "values") filled the air. Through literature and art, evil also promoted false values. And people forgot that dishonest accumulation of money affects the fate of their children. And the statesmen forgot that their family is all humanity, that God the Father wants well-being for all his children.

And seeing that evil takes possession of the souls and minds of His children, the Lord decided to give people, both poor and rich, both "bad" and good, a last chance to become holy. For only holy people with the purity of their souls, thoughts and prayers can still save the Earth from destruction - the end of the world.

And the Lord sent to the earth the Holy Spirit in the guise of the Mother of Mothers, the Mother of the World, the Greatest Incarnation, possessing all the powers of the Creator - Shri Mataji Nirmala Srivastava. And she was born in India as a person, being a Divine Person. She watched humanity, marveling at the depth of the vices that befell him, but knowing that people have freedom of choice, she wanted to go back to heaven and allow the Father-God to decide the fate of people and the Earth. However, knowing the power of the wrath of God, capable of destroying His rebellious creation, and seeing that the false teachers lead people to hell, in their great maternal compassion for people, as for their children, She opened the seventh energy center - the Chakra Sahasrara. The Light of Divine Love was spilled into the Universe - the Kundalini (the energy of the Holy Spirit) of God was raised.

From this moment (since May 5, 1970) Shri Mataji began work on the transformation of mankind. She explained to people that each person has the opportunity to receive, at will, Self-realization - an alliance with God - through the raising of the Kundalini energy put into him by the Lord and the subsequent purification of his subtle body (energy centers - chakras - and three channels).

"I made you angels," said Shri Mataji. "Become a saint yourself."

She gave the world a system of Kundalini energy inclusion - Sahaja Yoga - and methods for cleaning the subtle body to become holy and radiate light and divine love.

See www.sahajayoga.ru for more details.

Shri Mataji is very surprised why people do not want to accept the gift of God - Sahaja Yoga - and become holy to live without disease, problems and save themselves, the family, the country, the Earth and the whole universe from the wrath of God the Father. Again, wanting to save as many of His children as possible, Shri Mataji tells us: "Get your Self-realization." For this it is necessary to ask with all your heart: "Lord, give me, please, the birth of the Holy Spirit, promised in the Bible."

Let our spiritual principle win!

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